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  57. <a name="Symbols-In-Python"></a>
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  59. <p>
  60. Next: <a href="Symbol-Tables-In-Python.html#Symbol-Tables-In-Python" accesskey="n" rel="next">Symbol Tables In Python</a>, Previous: <a href="Blocks-In-Python.html#Blocks-In-Python" accesskey="p" rel="prev">Blocks In Python</a>, Up: <a href="Python-API.html#Python-API" accesskey="u" rel="up">Python API</a> &nbsp; [<a href="index.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents" rel="contents">Contents</a>][<a href="Concept-Index.html#Concept-Index" title="Index" rel="index">Index</a>]</p>
  61. </div>
  62. <hr>
  63. <a name="Python-representation-of-Symbols"></a>
  64. <h4 class="subsubsection"> Python representation of Symbols</h4>
  65. <a name="index-symbols-in-python"></a>
  66. <a name="index-gdb_002eSymbol"></a>
  67. <p><small>GDB</small> represents every variable, function and type as an
  68. entry in a symbol table. See <a href="Symbols.html#Symbols">Examining the Symbol Table</a>.
  69. Similarly, Python represents these symbols in <small>GDB</small> with the
  70. <code>gdb.Symbol</code> object.
  71. </p>
  72. <p>The following symbol-related functions are available in the <code>gdb</code>
  73. module:
  74. </p>
  75. <a name="index-gdb_002elookup_005fsymbol"></a>
  76. <dl>
  77. <dt><a name="index-gdb_002elookup_005fsymbol-1"></a>Function: <strong>gdb.lookup_symbol</strong> <em>(name <span class="roman">[</span>, block <span class="roman">[</span>, domain<span class="roman">]]</span>)</em></dt>
  78. <dd><p>This function searches for a symbol by name. The search scope can be
  79. restricted to the parameters defined in the optional domain and block
  80. arguments.
  81. </p>
  82. <p><var>name</var> is the name of the symbol. It must be a string. The
  83. optional <var>block</var> argument restricts the search to symbols visible
  84. in that <var>block</var>. The <var>block</var> argument must be a
  85. <code>gdb.Block</code> object. If omitted, the block for the current frame
  86. is used. The optional <var>domain</var> argument restricts
  87. the search to the domain type. The <var>domain</var> argument must be a
  88. domain constant defined in the <code>gdb</code> module and described later
  89. in this chapter.
  90. </p>
  91. <p>The result is a tuple of two elements.
  92. The first element is a <code>gdb.Symbol</code> object or <code>None</code> if the symbol
  93. is not found.
  94. If the symbol is found, the second element is <code>True</code> if the symbol
  95. is a field of a method&rsquo;s object (e.g., <code>this</code> in C<tt>++</tt>),
  96. otherwise it is <code>False</code>.
  97. If the symbol is not found, the second element is <code>False</code>.
  98. </p></dd></dl>
  99. <a name="index-gdb_002elookup_005fglobal_005fsymbol"></a>
  100. <dl>
  101. <dt><a name="index-gdb_002elookup_005fglobal_005fsymbol-1"></a>Function: <strong>gdb.lookup_global_symbol</strong> <em>(name <span class="roman">[</span>, domain<span class="roman">]</span>)</em></dt>
  102. <dd><p>This function searches for a global symbol by name.
  103. The search scope can be restricted to by the domain argument.
  104. </p>
  105. <p><var>name</var> is the name of the symbol. It must be a string.
  106. The optional <var>domain</var> argument restricts the search to the domain type.
  107. The <var>domain</var> argument must be a domain constant defined in the <code>gdb</code>
  108. module and described later in this chapter.
  109. </p>
  110. <p>The result is a <code>gdb.Symbol</code> object or <code>None</code> if the symbol
  111. is not found.
  112. </p></dd></dl>
  113. <a name="index-gdb_002elookup_005fstatic_005fsymbol"></a>
  114. <dl>
  115. <dt><a name="index-gdb_002elookup_005fstatic_005fsymbol-1"></a>Function: <strong>gdb.lookup_static_symbol</strong> <em>(name <span class="roman">[</span>, domain<span class="roman">]</span>)</em></dt>
  116. <dd><p>This function searches for a global symbol with static linkage by name.
  117. The search scope can be restricted to by the domain argument.
  118. </p>
  119. <p><var>name</var> is the name of the symbol. It must be a string.
  120. The optional <var>domain</var> argument restricts the search to the domain type.
  121. The <var>domain</var> argument must be a domain constant defined in the <code>gdb</code>
  122. module and described later in this chapter.
  123. </p>
  124. <p>The result is a <code>gdb.Symbol</code> object or <code>None</code> if the symbol
  125. is not found.
  126. </p>
  127. <p>Note that this function will not find function-scoped static variables. To look
  128. up such variables, iterate over the variables of the function&rsquo;s
  129. <code>gdb.Block</code> and check that <code>block.addr_class</code> is
  130. <code>gdb.SYMBOL_LOC_STATIC</code>.
  131. </p>
  132. <p>There can be multiple global symbols with static linkage with the same
  133. name. This function will only return the first matching symbol that
  134. it finds. Which symbol is found depends on where <small>GDB</small> is
  135. currently stopped, as <small>GDB</small> will first search for matching
  136. symbols in the current object file, and then search all other object
  137. files. If the application is not yet running then <small>GDB</small> will
  138. search all object files in the order they appear in the debug
  139. information.
  140. </p></dd></dl>
  141. <a name="index-gdb_002elookup_005fstatic_005fsymbols"></a>
  142. <dl>
  143. <dt><a name="index-gdb_002elookup_005fstatic_005fsymbols-1"></a>Function: <strong>gdb.lookup_static_symbols</strong> <em>(name <span class="roman">[</span>, domain<span class="roman">]</span>)</em></dt>
  144. <dd><p>Similar to <code>gdb.lookup_static_symbol</code>, this function searches for
  145. global symbols with static linkage by name, and optionally restricted
  146. by the domain argument. However, this function returns a list of all
  147. matching symbols found, not just the first one.
  148. </p>
  149. <p><var>name</var> is the name of the symbol. It must be a string.
  150. The optional <var>domain</var> argument restricts the search to the domain type.
  151. The <var>domain</var> argument must be a domain constant defined in the <code>gdb</code>
  152. module and described later in this chapter.
  153. </p>
  154. <p>The result is a list of <code>gdb.Symbol</code> objects which could be empty
  155. if no matching symbols were found.
  156. </p>
  157. <p>Note that this function will not find function-scoped static variables. To look
  158. up such variables, iterate over the variables of the function&rsquo;s
  159. <code>gdb.Block</code> and check that <code>block.addr_class</code> is
  160. <code>gdb.SYMBOL_LOC_STATIC</code>.
  161. </p></dd></dl>
  162. <p>A <code>gdb.Symbol</code> object has the following attributes:
  163. </p>
  164. <dl>
  165. <dt><a name="index-Symbol_002etype"></a>Variable: <strong>Symbol.type</strong></dt>
  166. <dd><p>The type of the symbol or <code>None</code> if no type is recorded.
  167. This attribute is represented as a <code>gdb.Type</code> object.
  168. See <a href="Types-In-Python.html#Types-In-Python">Types In Python</a>. This attribute is not writable.
  169. </p></dd></dl>
  170. <dl>
  171. <dt><a name="index-Symbol_002esymtab"></a>Variable: <strong>Symbol.symtab</strong></dt>
  172. <dd><p>The symbol table in which the symbol appears. This attribute is
  173. represented as a <code>gdb.Symtab</code> object. See <a href="Symbol-Tables-In-Python.html#Symbol-Tables-In-Python">Symbol Tables In Python</a>. This attribute is not writable.
  174. </p></dd></dl>
  175. <dl>
  176. <dt><a name="index-Symbol_002eline"></a>Variable: <strong>Symbol.line</strong></dt>
  177. <dd><p>The line number in the source code at which the symbol was defined.
  178. This is an integer.
  179. </p></dd></dl>
  180. <dl>
  181. <dt><a name="index-Symbol_002ename"></a>Variable: <strong></strong></dt>
  182. <dd><p>The name of the symbol as a string. This attribute is not writable.
  183. </p></dd></dl>
  184. <dl>
  185. <dt><a name="index-Symbol_002elinkage_005fname"></a>Variable: <strong>Symbol.linkage_name</strong></dt>
  186. <dd><p>The name of the symbol, as used by the linker (i.e., may be mangled).
  187. This attribute is not writable.
  188. </p></dd></dl>
  189. <dl>
  190. <dt><a name="index-Symbol_002eprint_005fname"></a>Variable: <strong>Symbol.print_name</strong></dt>
  191. <dd><p>The name of the symbol in a form suitable for output. This is either
  192. <code>name</code> or <code>linkage_name</code>, depending on whether the user
  193. asked <small>GDB</small> to display demangled or mangled names.
  194. </p></dd></dl>
  195. <dl>
  196. <dt><a name="index-Symbol_002eaddr_005fclass"></a>Variable: <strong>Symbol.addr_class</strong></dt>
  197. <dd><p>The address class of the symbol. This classifies how to find the value
  198. of a symbol. Each address class is a constant defined in the
  199. <code>gdb</code> module and described later in this chapter.
  200. </p></dd></dl>
  201. <dl>
  202. <dt><a name="index-Symbol_002eneeds_005fframe"></a>Variable: <strong>Symbol.needs_frame</strong></dt>
  203. <dd><p>This is <code>True</code> if evaluating this symbol&rsquo;s value requires a frame
  204. (see <a href="Frames-In-Python.html#Frames-In-Python">Frames In Python</a>) and <code>False</code> otherwise. Typically,
  205. local variables will require a frame, but other symbols will not.
  206. </p></dd></dl>
  207. <dl>
  208. <dt><a name="index-Symbol_002eis_005fargument"></a>Variable: <strong>Symbol.is_argument</strong></dt>
  209. <dd><p><code>True</code> if the symbol is an argument of a function.
  210. </p></dd></dl>
  211. <dl>
  212. <dt><a name="index-Symbol_002eis_005fconstant"></a>Variable: <strong>Symbol.is_constant</strong></dt>
  213. <dd><p><code>True</code> if the symbol is a constant.
  214. </p></dd></dl>
  215. <dl>
  216. <dt><a name="index-Symbol_002eis_005ffunction"></a>Variable: <strong>Symbol.is_function</strong></dt>
  217. <dd><p><code>True</code> if the symbol is a function or a method.
  218. </p></dd></dl>
  219. <dl>
  220. <dt><a name="index-Symbol_002eis_005fvariable"></a>Variable: <strong>Symbol.is_variable</strong></dt>
  221. <dd><p><code>True</code> if the symbol is a variable.
  222. </p></dd></dl>
  223. <p>A <code>gdb.Symbol</code> object has the following methods:
  224. </p>
  225. <dl>
  226. <dt><a name="index-Symbol_002eis_005fvalid"></a>Function: <strong>Symbol.is_valid</strong> <em>()</em></dt>
  227. <dd><p>Returns <code>True</code> if the <code>gdb.Symbol</code> object is valid,
  228. <code>False</code> if not. A <code>gdb.Symbol</code> object can become invalid if
  229. the symbol it refers to does not exist in <small>GDB</small> any longer.
  230. All other <code>gdb.Symbol</code> methods will throw an exception if it is
  231. invalid at the time the method is called.
  232. </p></dd></dl>
  233. <dl>
  234. <dt><a name="index-Symbol_002evalue"></a>Function: <strong>Symbol.value</strong> <em>(<span class="roman">[</span>frame<span class="roman">]</span>)</em></dt>
  235. <dd><p>Compute the value of the symbol, as a <code>gdb.Value</code>. For
  236. functions, this computes the address of the function, cast to the
  237. appropriate type. If the symbol requires a frame in order to compute
  238. its value, then <var>frame</var> must be given. If <var>frame</var> is not
  239. given, or if <var>frame</var> is invalid, then this method will throw an
  240. exception.
  241. </p></dd></dl>
  242. <p>The available domain categories in <code>gdb.Symbol</code> are represented
  243. as constants in the <code>gdb</code> module:
  244. </p>
  245. <dl compact="compact">
  246. <dd><a name="index-SYMBOL_005fUNDEF_005fDOMAIN"></a>
  247. </dd>
  248. <dt><code>gdb.SYMBOL_UNDEF_DOMAIN</code>
  249. <a name="index-gdb_002eSYMBOL_005fUNDEF_005fDOMAIN"></a>
  250. </dt>
  251. <dd><p>This is used when a domain has not been discovered or none of the
  252. following domains apply. This usually indicates an error either
  253. in the symbol information or in <small>GDB</small>&rsquo;s handling of symbols.
  254. </p>
  255. <a name="index-SYMBOL_005fVAR_005fDOMAIN"></a>
  256. </dd>
  257. <dt><code>gdb.SYMBOL_VAR_DOMAIN</code>
  258. <a name="index-gdb_002eSYMBOL_005fVAR_005fDOMAIN"></a>
  259. </dt>
  260. <dd><p>This domain contains variables, function names, typedef names and enum
  261. type values.
  262. </p>
  263. <a name="index-SYMBOL_005fSTRUCT_005fDOMAIN"></a>
  264. </dd>
  265. <dt><code>gdb.SYMBOL_STRUCT_DOMAIN</code>
  266. <a name="index-gdb_002eSYMBOL_005fSTRUCT_005fDOMAIN"></a>
  267. </dt>
  268. <dd><p>This domain holds struct, union and enum type names.
  269. </p>
  270. <a name="index-SYMBOL_005fLABEL_005fDOMAIN"></a>
  271. </dd>
  272. <dt><code>gdb.SYMBOL_LABEL_DOMAIN</code>
  273. <a name="index-gdb_002eSYMBOL_005fLABEL_005fDOMAIN"></a>
  274. </dt>
  275. <dd><p>This domain contains names of labels (for gotos).
  276. </p>
  277. <a name="index-SYMBOL_005fMODULE_005fDOMAIN"></a>
  278. </dd>
  279. <dt><code>gdb.SYMBOL_MODULE_DOMAIN</code>
  280. <a name="index-gdb_002eSYMBOL_005fMODULE_005fDOMAIN"></a>
  281. </dt>
  282. <dd><p>This domain contains names of Fortran module types.
  283. </p>
  284. <a name="index-SYMBOL_005fCOMMON_005fBLOCK_005fDOMAIN"></a>
  285. </dd>
  286. <dt><code>gdb.SYMBOL_COMMON_BLOCK_DOMAIN</code>
  287. <a name="index-gdb_002eSYMBOL_005fCOMMON_005fBLOCK_005fDOMAIN"></a>
  288. </dt>
  289. <dd><p>This domain contains names of Fortran common blocks.
  290. </p></dd>
  291. </dl>
  292. <p>The available address class categories in <code>gdb.Symbol</code> are represented
  293. as constants in the <code>gdb</code> module:
  294. </p>
  295. <dl compact="compact">
  296. <dd><a name="index-SYMBOL_005fLOC_005fUNDEF"></a>
  297. </dd>
  298. <dt><code>gdb.SYMBOL_LOC_UNDEF</code>
  299. <a name="index-gdb_002eSYMBOL_005fLOC_005fUNDEF"></a>
  300. </dt>
  301. <dd><p>If this is returned by address class, it indicates an error either in
  302. the symbol information or in <small>GDB</small>&rsquo;s handling of symbols.
  303. </p>
  304. <a name="index-SYMBOL_005fLOC_005fCONST"></a>
  305. </dd>
  306. <dt><code>gdb.SYMBOL_LOC_CONST</code>
  307. <a name="index-gdb_002eSYMBOL_005fLOC_005fCONST"></a>
  308. </dt>
  309. <dd><p>Value is constant int.
  310. </p>
  311. <a name="index-SYMBOL_005fLOC_005fSTATIC"></a>
  312. </dd>
  313. <dt><code>gdb.SYMBOL_LOC_STATIC</code>
  314. <a name="index-gdb_002eSYMBOL_005fLOC_005fSTATIC"></a>
  315. </dt>
  316. <dd><p>Value is at a fixed address.
  317. </p>
  318. <a name="index-SYMBOL_005fLOC_005fREGISTER"></a>
  319. </dd>
  320. <dt><code>gdb.SYMBOL_LOC_REGISTER</code>
  321. <a name="index-gdb_002eSYMBOL_005fLOC_005fREGISTER"></a>
  322. </dt>
  323. <dd><p>Value is in a register.
  324. </p>
  325. <a name="index-SYMBOL_005fLOC_005fARG"></a>
  326. </dd>
  327. <dt><code>gdb.SYMBOL_LOC_ARG</code>
  328. <a name="index-gdb_002eSYMBOL_005fLOC_005fARG"></a>
  329. </dt>
  330. <dd><p>Value is an argument. This value is at the offset stored within the
  331. symbol inside the frame&rsquo;s argument list.
  332. </p>
  333. <a name="index-SYMBOL_005fLOC_005fREF_005fARG"></a>
  334. </dd>
  335. <dt><code>gdb.SYMBOL_LOC_REF_ARG</code>
  336. <a name="index-gdb_002eSYMBOL_005fLOC_005fREF_005fARG"></a>
  337. </dt>
  338. <dd><p>Value address is stored in the frame&rsquo;s argument list. Just like
  339. <code>LOC_ARG</code> except that the value&rsquo;s address is stored at the
  340. offset, not the value itself.
  341. </p>
  342. <a name="index-SYMBOL_005fLOC_005fREGPARM_005fADDR"></a>
  343. </dd>
  344. <dt><code>gdb.SYMBOL_LOC_REGPARM_ADDR</code>
  345. <a name="index-gdb_002eSYMBOL_005fLOC_005fREGPARM_005fADDR"></a>
  346. </dt>
  347. <dd><p>Value is a specified register. Just like <code>LOC_REGISTER</code> except
  348. the register holds the address of the argument instead of the argument
  349. itself.
  350. </p>
  351. <a name="index-SYMBOL_005fLOC_005fLOCAL"></a>
  352. </dd>
  353. <dt><code>gdb.SYMBOL_LOC_LOCAL</code>
  354. <a name="index-gdb_002eSYMBOL_005fLOC_005fLOCAL"></a>
  355. </dt>
  356. <dd><p>Value is a local variable.
  357. </p>
  358. <a name="index-SYMBOL_005fLOC_005fTYPEDEF"></a>
  359. </dd>
  360. <dt><code>gdb.SYMBOL_LOC_TYPEDEF</code>
  361. <a name="index-gdb_002eSYMBOL_005fLOC_005fTYPEDEF"></a>
  362. </dt>
  363. <dd><p>Value not used. Symbols in the domain <code>SYMBOL_STRUCT_DOMAIN</code> all
  364. have this class.
  365. </p>
  366. <a name="index-SYMBOL_005fLOC_005fBLOCK"></a>
  367. </dd>
  368. <dt><code>gdb.SYMBOL_LOC_BLOCK</code>
  369. <a name="index-gdb_002eSYMBOL_005fLOC_005fBLOCK"></a>
  370. </dt>
  371. <dd><p>Value is a block.
  372. </p>
  373. <a name="index-SYMBOL_005fLOC_005fCONST_005fBYTES"></a>
  374. </dd>
  375. <dt><code>gdb.SYMBOL_LOC_CONST_BYTES</code>
  376. <a name="index-gdb_002eSYMBOL_005fLOC_005fCONST_005fBYTES"></a>
  377. </dt>
  378. <dd><p>Value is a byte-sequence.
  379. </p>
  380. <a name="index-SYMBOL_005fLOC_005fUNRESOLVED"></a>
  381. </dd>
  382. <dt><code>gdb.SYMBOL_LOC_UNRESOLVED</code>
  383. <a name="index-gdb_002eSYMBOL_005fLOC_005fUNRESOLVED"></a>
  384. </dt>
  385. <dd><p>Value is at a fixed address, but the address of the variable has to be
  386. determined from the minimal symbol table whenever the variable is
  387. referenced.
  388. </p>
  389. <a name="index-SYMBOL_005fLOC_005fOPTIMIZED_005fOUT"></a>
  390. </dd>
  391. <dt><code>gdb.SYMBOL_LOC_OPTIMIZED_OUT</code>
  392. <a name="index-gdb_002eSYMBOL_005fLOC_005fOPTIMIZED_005fOUT"></a>
  393. </dt>
  394. <dd><p>The value does not actually exist in the program.
  395. </p>
  396. <a name="index-SYMBOL_005fLOC_005fCOMPUTED"></a>
  397. </dd>
  398. <dt><code>gdb.SYMBOL_LOC_COMPUTED</code>
  399. <a name="index-gdb_002eSYMBOL_005fLOC_005fCOMPUTED"></a>
  400. </dt>
  401. <dd><p>The value&rsquo;s address is a computed location.
  402. </p>
  403. <a name="index-SYMBOL_005fLOC_005fCOMPUTED-1"></a>
  404. </dd>
  405. <dt><code>gdb.SYMBOL_LOC_COMPUTED</code>
  406. <a name="index-gdb_002eSYMBOL_005fLOC_005fCOMPUTED-1"></a>
  407. </dt>
  408. <dd><p>The value&rsquo;s address is a symbol. This is only used for Fortran common
  409. blocks.
  410. </p></dd>
  411. </dl>
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