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  53. <a name="Locale-_0028locale_002eh_0029"></a>
  54. <h2 class="chapter">9 Locale (<samp>locale.h</samp>)</h2>
  55. <p>A <em>locale</em> is the name for a collection of parameters (affecting
  56. collating sequences and formatting conventions) that may be different
  57. depending on location or culture. The <code>&quot;C&quot;</code> locale is the only
  58. one defined in the ANSI C standard.
  59. </p>
  60. <p>This is a minimal implementation, supporting only the required <code>&quot;C&quot;</code>
  61. value for locale; strings representing other locales are not
  62. honored. (<code>&quot;&quot;</code> is also accepted; it represents the default locale
  63. for an implementation, here equivalent to <code>&quot;C&quot;</code>).
  64. </p>
  65. <p><samp>locale.h</samp> defines the structure <code>lconv</code> to collect the
  66. information on a locale, with the following fields:
  67. </p>
  68. <dl compact="compact">
  69. <dt><code>char *decimal_point</code></dt>
  70. <dd><p>The decimal point character used to format &ldquo;ordinary&rdquo; numbers (all
  71. numbers except those referring to amounts of money). <code>&quot;.&quot;</code> in the
  72. C locale.
  73. </p>
  74. </dd>
  75. <dt><code>char *thousands_sep</code></dt>
  76. <dd><p>The character (if any) used to separate groups of digits, when
  77. formatting ordinary numbers.
  78. <code>&quot;&quot;</code> in the C locale.
  79. </p>
  80. </dd>
  81. <dt><code>char *grouping</code></dt>
  82. <dd><p>Specifications for how many digits to group (if any grouping is done at
  83. all) when formatting ordinary numbers. The <em>numeric value</em> of each
  84. character in the string represents the number of digits for the next
  85. group, and a value of <code>0</code> (that is, the string&rsquo;s trailing
  86. <code>NULL</code>) means to continue grouping digits using the last value
  87. specified. Use <code>CHAR_MAX</code> to indicate that no further grouping is
  88. desired. <code>&quot;&quot;</code> in the C locale.
  89. </p>
  90. </dd>
  91. <dt><code>char *int_curr_symbol</code></dt>
  92. <dd><p>The international currency symbol (first three characters), if any, and
  93. the character used to separate it from numbers.
  94. <code>&quot;&quot;</code> in the C locale.
  95. </p>
  96. </dd>
  97. <dt><code>char *currency_symbol</code></dt>
  98. <dd><p>The local currency symbol, if any.
  99. <code>&quot;&quot;</code> in the C locale.
  100. </p>
  101. </dd>
  102. <dt><code>char *mon_decimal_point</code></dt>
  103. <dd><p>The symbol used to delimit fractions in amounts of money.
  104. <code>&quot;&quot;</code> in the C locale.
  105. </p>
  106. </dd>
  107. <dt><code>char *mon_thousands_sep</code></dt>
  108. <dd><p>Similar to <code>thousands_sep</code>, but used for amounts of money.
  109. <code>&quot;&quot;</code> in the C locale.
  110. </p>
  111. </dd>
  112. <dt><code>char *mon_grouping</code></dt>
  113. <dd><p>Similar to <code>grouping</code>, but used for amounts of money.
  114. <code>&quot;&quot;</code> in the C locale.
  115. </p>
  116. </dd>
  117. <dt><code>char *positive_sign</code></dt>
  118. <dd><p>A string to flag positive amounts of money when formatting.
  119. <code>&quot;&quot;</code> in the C locale.
  120. </p>
  121. </dd>
  122. <dt><code>char *negative_sign</code></dt>
  123. <dd><p>A string to flag negative amounts of money when formatting.
  124. <code>&quot;&quot;</code> in the C locale.
  125. </p>
  126. </dd>
  127. <dt><code>char int_frac_digits</code></dt>
  128. <dd><p>The number of digits to display when formatting amounts of money to
  129. international conventions.
  130. <code>CHAR_MAX</code> (the largest number representable as a <code>char</code>) in
  131. the C locale.
  132. </p>
  133. </dd>
  134. <dt><code>char frac_digits</code></dt>
  135. <dd><p>The number of digits to display when formatting amounts of money to
  136. local conventions.
  137. <code>CHAR_MAX</code> in the C locale.
  138. </p>
  139. </dd>
  140. <dt><code>char p_cs_precedes</code></dt>
  141. <dd><p><code>1</code> indicates the local currency symbol is used before a
  142. <em>positive or zero</em> formatted amount of money; <code>0</code> indicates
  143. the currency symbol is placed after the formatted number.
  144. <code>CHAR_MAX</code> in the C locale.
  145. </p>
  146. </dd>
  147. <dt><code>char p_sep_by_space</code></dt>
  148. <dd><p><code>1</code> indicates the local currency symbol must be separated from
  149. <em>positive or zero</em> numbers by a space; <code>0</code> indicates that it
  150. is immediately adjacent to numbers.
  151. <code>CHAR_MAX</code> in the C locale.
  152. </p>
  153. </dd>
  154. <dt><code>char n_cs_precedes</code></dt>
  155. <dd><p><code>1</code> indicates the local currency symbol is used before a
  156. <em>negative</em> formatted amount of money; <code>0</code> indicates
  157. the currency symbol is placed after the formatted number.
  158. <code>CHAR_MAX</code> in the C locale.
  159. </p>
  160. </dd>
  161. <dt><code>char n_sep_by_space</code></dt>
  162. <dd><p><code>1</code> indicates the local currency symbol must be separated from
  163. <em>negative</em> numbers by a space; <code>0</code> indicates that it
  164. is immediately adjacent to numbers.
  165. <code>CHAR_MAX</code> in the C locale.
  166. </p>
  167. </dd>
  168. <dt><code>char p_sign_posn</code></dt>
  169. <dd><p>Controls the position of the <em>positive</em> sign for
  170. numbers representing money. <code>0</code> means parentheses surround the
  171. number; <code>1</code> means the sign is placed before both the number and the
  172. currency symbol; <code>2</code> means the sign is placed after both the number
  173. and the currency symbol; <code>3</code> means the sign is placed just before
  174. the currency symbol; and <code>4</code> means the sign is placed just after
  175. the currency symbol.
  176. <code>CHAR_MAX</code> in the C locale.
  177. </p>
  178. </dd>
  179. <dt><code>char n_sign_posn</code></dt>
  180. <dd><p>Controls the position of the <em>negative</em> sign for numbers
  181. representing money, using the same rules as <code>p_sign_posn</code>.
  182. <code>CHAR_MAX</code> in the C locale.
  183. </p></dd>
  184. </dl>
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