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  47. <a name="signbit"></a>
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  53. <a name="signbit_002d_002d_002dDoes-floating_002dpoint-number-have-negative-sign_003f"></a>
  54. <h3 class="section">1.52 <code>signbit</code>&mdash;Does floating-point number have negative sign?</h3>
  55. <a name="index-signbit"></a>
  56. <p><strong>Synopsis</strong>
  57. </p><div class="example">
  58. <pre class="example">#include &lt;math.h&gt;
  59. int signbit(real-floating <var>x</var>);
  60. </pre></div>
  61. <p><strong>Description</strong><br>
  62. The <code>signbit</code> macro determines whether the sign of its argument value is
  63. negative. The macro reports the sign of all values, including infinities,
  64. zeros, and NaNs. If zero is unsigned, it is treated as positive. As shown in
  65. the synopsis, the argument is &quot;real-floating,&quot; meaning that any of the real
  66. floating-point types (float, double, etc.) may be given to it.
  67. </p>
  68. <p>Note that because of the possibilities of signed 0 and NaNs, the expression
  69. &quot;<var>x</var> &lt; 0.0&quot; does not give the same result as <code>signbit</code> in all cases.
  70. </p>
  71. <br>
  72. <p><strong>Returns</strong><br>
  73. The <code>signbit</code> macro returns a nonzero value if and only if the sign of its
  74. argument value is negative.
  75. </p>
  76. <br>
  77. <p><strong>Portability</strong><br>
  78. C99, POSIX.
  79. </p>
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