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  58. <p>
  59. Next: <a href="String-Field.html#String-Field" accesskey="n" rel="next">String Field</a>, Previous: <a href="Flow.html#Flow" accesskey="p" rel="prev">Flow</a>, Up: <a href="Overview.html#Overview" accesskey="u" rel="up">Overview</a> &nbsp; [<a href="index.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents" rel="contents">Contents</a>][<a href="Symbol-Types-Index.html#Symbol-Types-Index" title="Index" rel="index">Index</a>]</p>
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  62. <a name="Overview-of-Stab-Format"></a>
  63. <h3 class="section">1.2 Overview of Stab Format</h3>
  64. <p>There are three overall formats for stab assembler directives,
  65. differentiated by the first word of the stab. The name of the directive
  66. describes which combination of four possible data fields follows. It is
  67. either <code>.stabs</code> (string), <code>.stabn</code> (number), or <code>.stabd</code>
  68. (dot). IBM&rsquo;s XCOFF assembler uses <code>.stabx</code> (and some other
  69. directives such as <code>.file</code> and <code>.bi</code>) instead of
  70. <code>.stabs</code>, <code>.stabn</code> or <code>.stabd</code>.
  71. </p>
  72. <p>The overall format of each class of stab is:
  73. </p>
  74. <div class="example">
  75. <pre class="example">.stabs &quot;<var>string</var>&quot;,<var>type</var>,<var>other</var>,<var>desc</var>,<var>value</var>
  76. .stabn <var>type</var>,<var>other</var>,<var>desc</var>,<var>value</var>
  77. .stabd <var>type</var>,<var>other</var>,<var>desc</var>
  78. .stabx &quot;<var>string</var>&quot;,<var>value</var>,<var>type</var>,<var>sdb-type</var>
  79. </pre></div>
  80. <p>For <code>.stabn</code> and <code>.stabd</code>, there is no <var>string</var> (the
  81. <code>n_strx</code> field is zero; see <a href="Symbol-Tables.html#Symbol-Tables">Symbol Tables</a>). For
  82. <code>.stabd</code>, the <var>value</var> field is implicit and has the value of
  83. the current file location. For <code>.stabx</code>, the <var>sdb-type</var> field
  84. is unused for stabs and can always be set to zero. The <var>other</var>
  85. field is almost always unused and can be set to zero.
  86. </p>
  87. <p>The number in the <var>type</var> field gives some basic information about
  88. which type of stab this is (or whether it <em>is</em> a stab, as opposed
  89. to an ordinary symbol). Each valid type number defines a different stab
  90. type; further, the stab type defines the exact interpretation of, and
  91. possible values for, any remaining <var>string</var>, <var>desc</var>, or
  92. <var>value</var> fields present in the stab. See <a href="Stab-Types.html#Stab-Types">Stab Types</a>, for a list
  93. in numeric order of the valid <var>type</var> field values for stab directives.
  94. </p>
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