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  58. <p>
  59. Next: <a href="Type-Descriptors.html#Type-Descriptors" accesskey="n" rel="next">Type Descriptors</a>, Previous: <a href="Stab-Types.html#Stab-Types" accesskey="p" rel="prev">Stab Types</a>, Up: <a href="index.html#Top" accesskey="u" rel="up">Top</a> &nbsp; [<a href="index.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents" rel="contents">Contents</a>][<a href="Symbol-Types-Index.html#Symbol-Types-Index" title="Index" rel="index">Index</a>]</p>
  60. </div>
  61. <hr>
  62. <a name="Table-of-Symbol-Descriptors"></a>
  63. <h2 class="appendix">Appendix B Table of Symbol Descriptors</h2>
  64. <p>The symbol descriptor is the character which follows the colon in many
  65. stabs, and which tells what kind of stab it is. See <a href="String-Field.html#String-Field">String Field</a>,
  66. for more information about their use.
  67. </p>
  68. <dl compact="compact">
  69. <dt><code><var>digit</var></code></dt>
  70. <dt><code>(</code></dt>
  71. <dt><code>-</code></dt>
  72. <dd><p>Variable on the stack; see <a href="Stack-Variables.html#Stack-Variables">Stack Variables</a>.
  73. </p>
  74. </dd>
  75. <dt><code>:</code></dt>
  76. <dd><p>C<tt>++</tt> nested symbol; see See <a href="Nested-Symbols.html#Nested-Symbols">Nested Symbols</a>.
  77. </p>
  78. </dd>
  79. <dt><code>a</code></dt>
  80. <dd><p>Parameter passed by reference in register; see <a href="Reference-Parameters.html#Reference-Parameters">Reference Parameters</a>.
  81. </p>
  82. </dd>
  83. <dt><code>b</code></dt>
  84. <dd><p>Based variable; see <a href="Based-Variables.html#Based-Variables">Based Variables</a>.
  85. </p>
  86. </dd>
  87. <dt><code>c</code></dt>
  88. <dd><p>Constant; see <a href="Constants.html#Constants">Constants</a>.
  89. </p>
  90. </dd>
  91. <dt><code>C</code></dt>
  92. <dd><p>Conformant array bound (Pascal, maybe other languages); <a href="Conformant-Arrays.html#Conformant-Arrays">Conformant Arrays</a>. Name of a caught exception (GNU C<tt>++</tt>). These can be
  93. distinguished because the latter uses <code>N_CATCH</code> and the former uses
  94. another symbol type.
  95. </p>
  96. </dd>
  97. <dt><code>d</code></dt>
  98. <dd><p>Floating point register variable; see <a href="Register-Variables.html#Register-Variables">Register Variables</a>.
  99. </p>
  100. </dd>
  101. <dt><code>D</code></dt>
  102. <dd><p>Parameter in floating point register; see <a href="Register-Parameters.html#Register-Parameters">Register Parameters</a>.
  103. </p>
  104. </dd>
  105. <dt><code>f</code></dt>
  106. <dd><p>File scope function; see <a href="Procedures.html#Procedures">Procedures</a>.
  107. </p>
  108. </dd>
  109. <dt><code>F</code></dt>
  110. <dd><p>Global function; see <a href="Procedures.html#Procedures">Procedures</a>.
  111. </p>
  112. </dd>
  113. <dt><code>G</code></dt>
  114. <dd><p>Global variable; see <a href="Global-Variables.html#Global-Variables">Global Variables</a>.
  115. </p>
  116. </dd>
  117. <dt><code>i</code></dt>
  118. <dd><p>See <a href="Register-Parameters.html#Register-Parameters">Register Parameters</a>.
  119. </p>
  120. </dd>
  121. <dt><code>I</code></dt>
  122. <dd><p>Internal (nested) procedure; see <a href="Nested-Procedures.html#Nested-Procedures">Nested Procedures</a>.
  123. </p>
  124. </dd>
  125. <dt><code>J</code></dt>
  126. <dd><p>Internal (nested) function; see <a href="Nested-Procedures.html#Nested-Procedures">Nested Procedures</a>.
  127. </p>
  128. </dd>
  129. <dt><code>L</code></dt>
  130. <dd><p>Label name (documented by AIX, no further information known).
  131. </p>
  132. </dd>
  133. <dt><code>m</code></dt>
  134. <dd><p>Module; see <a href="Procedures.html#Procedures">Procedures</a>.
  135. </p>
  136. </dd>
  137. <dt><code>p</code></dt>
  138. <dd><p>Argument list parameter; see <a href="Parameters.html#Parameters">Parameters</a>.
  139. </p>
  140. </dd>
  141. <dt><code>pP</code></dt>
  142. <dd><p>See <a href="Parameters.html#Parameters">Parameters</a>.
  143. </p>
  144. </dd>
  145. <dt><code>pF</code></dt>
  146. <dd><p>Fortran Function parameter; see <a href="Parameters.html#Parameters">Parameters</a>.
  147. </p>
  148. </dd>
  149. <dt><code>P</code></dt>
  150. <dd><p>Unfortunately, three separate meanings have been independently invented
  151. for this symbol descriptor. At least the GNU and Sun uses can be
  152. distinguished by the symbol type. Global Procedure (AIX) (symbol type
  153. used unknown); see <a href="Procedures.html#Procedures">Procedures</a>. Register parameter (GNU) (symbol
  154. type <code>N_PSYM</code>); see <a href="Parameters.html#Parameters">Parameters</a>. Prototype of function
  155. referenced by this file (Sun <code>acc</code>) (symbol type <code>N_FUN</code>).
  156. </p>
  157. </dd>
  158. <dt><code>Q</code></dt>
  159. <dd><p>Static Procedure; see <a href="Procedures.html#Procedures">Procedures</a>.
  160. </p>
  161. </dd>
  162. <dt><code>R</code></dt>
  163. <dd><p>Register parameter; see <a href="Register-Parameters.html#Register-Parameters">Register Parameters</a>.
  164. </p>
  165. </dd>
  166. <dt><code>r</code></dt>
  167. <dd><p>Register variable; see <a href="Register-Variables.html#Register-Variables">Register Variables</a>.
  168. </p>
  169. </dd>
  170. <dt><code>S</code></dt>
  171. <dd><p>File scope variable; see <a href="Statics.html#Statics">Statics</a>.
  172. </p>
  173. </dd>
  174. <dt><code>s</code></dt>
  175. <dd><p>Local variable (OS9000).
  176. </p>
  177. </dd>
  178. <dt><code>t</code></dt>
  179. <dd><p>Type name; see <a href="Typedefs.html#Typedefs">Typedefs</a>.
  180. </p>
  181. </dd>
  182. <dt><code>T</code></dt>
  183. <dd><p>Enumeration, structure, or union tag; see <a href="Typedefs.html#Typedefs">Typedefs</a>.
  184. </p>
  185. </dd>
  186. <dt><code>v</code></dt>
  187. <dd><p>Parameter passed by reference; see <a href="Reference-Parameters.html#Reference-Parameters">Reference Parameters</a>.
  188. </p>
  189. </dd>
  190. <dt><code>V</code></dt>
  191. <dd><p>Procedure scope static variable; see <a href="Statics.html#Statics">Statics</a>.
  192. </p>
  193. </dd>
  194. <dt><code>x</code></dt>
  195. <dd><p>Conformant array; see <a href="Conformant-Arrays.html#Conformant-Arrays">Conformant Arrays</a>.
  196. </p>
  197. </dd>
  198. <dt><code>X</code></dt>
  199. <dd><p>Function return variable; see <a href="Parameters.html#Parameters">Parameters</a>.
  200. </p></dd>
  201. </dl>
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  205. Next: <a href="Type-Descriptors.html#Type-Descriptors" accesskey="n" rel="next">Type Descriptors</a>, Previous: <a href="Stab-Types.html#Stab-Types" accesskey="p" rel="prev">Stab Types</a>, Up: <a href="index.html#Top" accesskey="u" rel="up">Top</a> &nbsp; [<a href="index.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents" rel="contents">Contents</a>][<a href="Symbol-Types-Index.html#Symbol-Types-Index" title="Index" rel="index">Index</a>]</p>
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