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  62. <a name="Notes-1"></a>
  63. <h4 class="subsection">9.15.1 Notes</h4>
  64. <p>As a back end for <small>GNU</small> <small>CC</small> <code>as</code> has been thoroughly tested and should
  65. work extremely well. We have tested it only minimally on hand written assembly
  66. code and no one has tested it much on the assembly output from the HP
  67. compilers.
  68. </p>
  69. <p>The format of the debugging sections has changed since the original
  70. <code>as</code> port (version 1.3X) was released; therefore,
  71. you must rebuild all HPPA objects and libraries with the new
  72. assembler so that you can debug the final executable.
  73. </p>
  74. <p>The HPPA <code>as</code> port generates a small subset of the relocations
  75. available in the SOM and ELF object file formats. Additional relocation
  76. support will be added as it becomes necessary.
  77. </p>
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