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  56. <a name="VAX_002dbranch"></a>
  57. <div class="header">
  58. <p>
  59. Next: <a href="VAX_002doperands.html#VAX_002doperands" accesskey="n" rel="next">VAX-operands</a>, Previous: <a href="VAX_002dopcodes.html#VAX_002dopcodes" accesskey="p" rel="prev">VAX-opcodes</a>, Up: <a href="Vax_002dDependent.html#Vax_002dDependent" accesskey="u" rel="up">Vax-Dependent</a> &nbsp; [<a href="index.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents" rel="contents">Contents</a>][<a href="AS-Index.html#AS-Index" title="Index" rel="index">Index</a>]</p>
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  61. <hr>
  62. <a name="VAX-Branch-Improvement"></a>
  63. <h4 class="subsection">9.50.5 VAX Branch Improvement</h4>
  64. <a name="index-VAX-branch-improvement"></a>
  65. <a name="index-branch-improvement_002c-VAX"></a>
  66. <a name="index-pseudo_002dops-for-branch_002c-VAX"></a>
  67. <p>Certain pseudo opcodes are permitted. They are for branch
  68. instructions. They expand to the shortest branch instruction that
  69. reaches the target. Generally these mnemonics are made by
  70. substituting &lsquo;<samp>j</samp>&rsquo; for &lsquo;<samp>b</samp>&rsquo; at the start of a DEC mnemonic.
  71. This feature is included both for compatibility and to help
  72. compilers. If you do not need this feature, avoid these
  73. opcodes. Here are the mnemonics, and the code they can expand into.
  74. </p>
  75. <dl compact="compact">
  76. <dt><code>jbsb</code></dt>
  77. <dd><p>&lsquo;<samp>Jsb</samp>&rsquo; is already an instruction mnemonic, so we chose &lsquo;<samp>jbsb</samp>&rsquo;.
  78. </p><dl compact="compact">
  79. <dt>(byte displacement)</dt>
  80. <dd><p><kbd>bsbb &hellip;</kbd>
  81. </p></dd>
  82. <dt>(word displacement)</dt>
  83. <dd><p><kbd>bsbw &hellip;</kbd>
  84. </p></dd>
  85. <dt>(long displacement)</dt>
  86. <dd><p><kbd>jsb &hellip;</kbd>
  87. </p></dd>
  88. </dl>
  89. </dd>
  90. <dt><code>jbr</code></dt>
  91. <dt><code>jr</code></dt>
  92. <dd><p>Unconditional branch.
  93. </p><dl compact="compact">
  94. <dt>(byte displacement)</dt>
  95. <dd><p><kbd>brb &hellip;</kbd>
  96. </p></dd>
  97. <dt>(word displacement)</dt>
  98. <dd><p><kbd>brw &hellip;</kbd>
  99. </p></dd>
  100. <dt>(long displacement)</dt>
  101. <dd><p><kbd>jmp &hellip;</kbd>
  102. </p></dd>
  103. </dl>
  104. </dd>
  105. <dt><code>j<var>COND</var></code></dt>
  106. <dd><p><var>COND</var> may be any one of the conditional branches
  107. <code>neq</code>, <code>nequ</code>, <code>eql</code>, <code>eqlu</code>, <code>gtr</code>,
  108. <code>geq</code>, <code>lss</code>, <code>gtru</code>, <code>lequ</code>, <code>vc</code>, <code>vs</code>,
  109. <code>gequ</code>, <code>cc</code>, <code>lssu</code>, <code>cs</code>.
  110. <var>COND</var> may also be one of the bit tests
  111. <code>bs</code>, <code>bc</code>, <code>bss</code>, <code>bcs</code>, <code>bsc</code>, <code>bcc</code>,
  112. <code>bssi</code>, <code>bcci</code>, <code>lbs</code>, <code>lbc</code>.
  113. <var>NOTCOND</var> is the opposite condition to <var>COND</var>.
  114. </p><dl compact="compact">
  115. <dt>(byte displacement)</dt>
  116. <dd><p><kbd>b<var>COND</var> &hellip;</kbd>
  117. </p></dd>
  118. <dt>(word displacement)</dt>
  119. <dd><p><kbd>b<var>NOTCOND</var> foo ; brw &hellip; ; foo:</kbd>
  120. </p></dd>
  121. <dt>(long displacement)</dt>
  122. <dd><p><kbd>b<var>NOTCOND</var> foo ; jmp &hellip; ; foo:</kbd>
  123. </p></dd>
  124. </dl>
  125. </dd>
  126. <dt><code>jacb<var>X</var></code></dt>
  127. <dd><p><var>X</var> may be one of <code>b d f g h l w</code>.
  128. </p><dl compact="compact">
  129. <dt>(word displacement)</dt>
  130. <dd><p><kbd><var>OPCODE</var> &hellip;</kbd>
  131. </p></dd>
  132. <dt>(long displacement)</dt>
  133. <dd><div class="example">
  134. <pre class="example"><var>OPCODE</var> &hellip;, foo ;
  135. brb bar ;
  136. foo: jmp &hellip; ;
  137. bar:
  138. </pre></div>
  139. </dd>
  140. </dl>
  141. </dd>
  142. <dt><code>jaob<var>YYY</var></code></dt>
  143. <dd><p><var>YYY</var> may be one of <code>lss leq</code>.
  144. </p></dd>
  145. <dt><code>jsob<var>ZZZ</var></code></dt>
  146. <dd><p><var>ZZZ</var> may be one of <code>geq gtr</code>.
  147. </p><dl compact="compact">
  148. <dt>(byte displacement)</dt>
  149. <dd><p><kbd><var>OPCODE</var> &hellip;</kbd>
  150. </p></dd>
  151. <dt>(word displacement)</dt>
  152. <dd><div class="example">
  153. <pre class="example"><var>OPCODE</var> &hellip;, foo ;
  154. brb bar ;
  155. foo: brw <var>destination</var> ;
  156. bar:
  157. </pre></div>
  158. </dd>
  159. <dt>(long displacement)</dt>
  160. <dd><div class="example">
  161. <pre class="example"><var>OPCODE</var> &hellip;, foo ;
  162. brb bar ;
  163. foo: jmp <var>destination</var> ;
  164. bar:
  165. </pre></div>
  166. </dd>
  167. </dl>
  168. </dd>
  169. <dt><code>aobleq</code></dt>
  170. <dt><code>aoblss</code></dt>
  171. <dt><code>sobgeq</code></dt>
  172. <dt><code>sobgtr</code></dt>
  173. <dd><dl compact="compact">
  174. <dt>(byte displacement)</dt>
  175. <dd><p><kbd><var>OPCODE</var> &hellip;</kbd>
  176. </p></dd>
  177. <dt>(word displacement)</dt>
  178. <dd><div class="example">
  179. <pre class="example"><var>OPCODE</var> &hellip;, foo ;
  180. brb bar ;
  181. foo: brw <var>destination</var> ;
  182. bar:
  183. </pre></div>
  184. </dd>
  185. <dt>(long displacement)</dt>
  186. <dd><div class="example">
  187. <pre class="example"><var>OPCODE</var> &hellip;, foo ;
  188. brb bar ;
  189. foo: jmp <var>destination</var> ;
  190. bar:
  191. </pre></div>
  192. </dd>
  193. </dl>
  194. </dd>
  195. </dl>
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