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- <a name="Idioms-Used-in-Testsuite-Code"></a>
- <h3 class="section">7.1 Idioms Used in Testsuite Code</h3>
- <p>In general, C testcases have a trailing <samp>-<var>n</var>.c</samp>, starting
- with <samp>-1.c</samp>, in case other testcases with similar names are added
- later. If the test is a test of some well-defined feature, it should
- have a name referring to that feature such as
- <samp><var>feature</var>-1.c</samp>. If it does not test a well-defined feature
- but just happens to exercise a bug somewhere in the compiler, and a
- bug report has been filed for this bug in the GCC bug database,
- <samp>pr<var>bug-number</var>-1.c</samp> is the appropriate form of name.
- Otherwise (for miscellaneous bugs not filed in the GCC bug database),
- and previously more generally, test cases are named after the date on
- which they were added. This allows people to tell at a glance whether
- a test failure is because of a recently found bug that has not yet
- been fixed, or whether it may be a regression, but does not give any
- other information about the bug or where discussion of it may be
- found. Some other language testsuites follow similar conventions.
- </p>
- <p>In the <samp>gcc.dg</samp> testsuite, it is often necessary to test that an
- error is indeed a hard error and not just a warning—for example,
- where it is a constraint violation in the C standard, which must
- become an error with <samp>-pedantic-errors</samp>. The following idiom,
- where the first line shown is line <var>line</var> of the file and the line
- that generates the error, is used for this:
- </p>
- <div class="smallexample">
- <pre class="smallexample">/* { dg-bogus "warning" "warning in place of error" } */
- /* { dg-error "<var>regexp</var>" "<var>message</var>" { target *-*-* } <var>line</var> } */
- </pre></div>
- <p>It may be necessary to check that an expression is an integer constant
- expression and has a certain value. To check that <code><var>E</var></code> has
- value <code><var>V</var></code>, an idiom similar to the following is used:
- </p>
- <div class="smallexample">
- <pre class="smallexample">char x[((E) == (V) ? 1 : -1)];
- </pre></div>
- <p>In <samp>gcc.dg</samp> tests, <code>__typeof__</code> is sometimes used to make
- assertions about the types of expressions. See, for example,
- <samp>gcc.dg/c99-condexpr-1.c</samp>. The more subtle uses depend on the
- exact rules for the types of conditional expressions in the C
- standard; see, for example, <samp>gcc.dg/c99-intconst-1.c</samp>.
- </p>
- <p>It is useful to be able to test that optimizations are being made
- properly. This cannot be done in all cases, but it can be done where
- the optimization will lead to code being optimized away (for example,
- where flow analysis or alias analysis should show that certain code
- cannot be called) or to functions not being called because they have
- been expanded as built-in functions. Such tests go in
- <samp>gcc.c-torture/execute</samp>. Where code should be optimized away, a
- call to a nonexistent function such as <code>link_failure ()</code> may be
- inserted; a definition
- </p>
- <div class="smallexample">
- <pre class="smallexample">#ifndef __OPTIMIZE__
- void
- link_failure (void)
- {
- abort ();
- }
- #endif
- </pre></div>
- <p>will also be needed so that linking still succeeds when the test is
- run without optimization. When all calls to a built-in function
- should have been optimized and no calls to the non-built-in version of
- the function should remain, that function may be defined as
- <code>static</code> to call <code>abort ()</code> (although redeclaring a function
- as static may not work on all targets).
- </p>
- <p>All testcases must be portable. Target-specific testcases must have
- appropriate code to avoid causing failures on unsupported systems;
- unfortunately, the mechanisms for this differ by directory.
- </p>
- <p>FIXME: discuss non-C testsuites here.
- </p>
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