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<a name="Assembler-Commands-for-Exception-Regions"></a>
<h4 class="subsection">18.20.9 Assembler Commands for Exception Regions</h4>

<p>This describes commands marking the start and the end of an exception
<dt><a name="index-EH_005fFRAME_005fSECTION_005fNAME"></a>Macro: <strong>EH_FRAME_SECTION_NAME</strong></dt>
<dd><p>If defined, a C string constant for the name of the section containing
exception handling frame unwind information.  If not defined, GCC will
provide a default definition if the target supports named sections.
<samp>crtstuff.c</samp> uses this macro to switch to the appropriate section.
<p>You should define this symbol if your target supports DWARF 2 frame
unwind information and the default definition does not work.

<dt><a name="index-EH_005fFRAME_005fTHROUGH_005fCOLLECT2"></a>Macro: <strong>EH_FRAME_THROUGH_COLLECT2</strong></dt>
<dd><p>If defined, DWARF 2 frame unwind information will identified by
specially named labels.  The collect2 process will locate these
labels and generate code to register the frames.
<p>This might be necessary, for instance, if the system linker will not
place the eh_frames in-between the sentinals from <samp>crtstuff.c</samp>,
or if the system linker does garbage collection and sections cannot
be marked as not to be collected.

<dt><a name="index-EH_005fTABLES_005fCAN_005fBE_005fREAD_005fONLY"></a>Macro: <strong>EH_TABLES_CAN_BE_READ_ONLY</strong></dt>
<dd><p>Define this macro to 1 if your target is such that no frame unwind
information encoding used with non-PIC code will ever require a
runtime relocation, but the linker may not support merging read-only
and read-write sections into a single read-write section.

<dt><a name="index-MASK_005fRETURN_005fADDR"></a>Macro: <strong>MASK_RETURN_ADDR</strong></dt>
<dd><p>An rtx used to mask the return address found via <code>RETURN_ADDR_RTX</code>, so
that it does not contain any extraneous set bits in it.

<dt><a name="index-DWARF2_005fUNWIND_005fINFO"></a>Macro: <strong>DWARF2_UNWIND_INFO</strong></dt>
<dd><p>Define this macro to 0 if your target supports DWARF 2 frame unwind
information, but it does not yet work with exception handling.
Otherwise, if your target supports this information (if it defines
<code>INCOMING_RETURN_ADDR_RTX</code> and <code>OBJECT_FORMAT_ELF</code>),
GCC will provide a default definition of 1.

<dt><a name="index-TARGET_005fEXCEPT_005fUNWIND_005fINFO"></a>Common Target Hook: <em>enum unwind_info_type</em> <strong>TARGET_EXCEPT_UNWIND_INFO</strong> <em>(struct gcc_options *<var>opts</var>)</em></dt>
<dd><p>This hook defines the mechanism that will be used for exception handling
by the target.  If the target has ABI specified unwind tables, the hook
should return <code>UI_TARGET</code>.  If the target is to use the
<code>setjmp</code>/<code>longjmp</code>-based exception handling scheme, the hook
should return <code>UI_SJLJ</code>.  If the target supports DWARF 2 frame unwind
information, the hook should return <code>UI_DWARF2</code>.
<p>A target may, if exceptions are disabled, choose to return <code>UI_NONE</code>.
This may end up simplifying other parts of target-specific code.  The
default implementation of this hook never returns <code>UI_NONE</code>.
<p>Note that the value returned by this hook should be constant.  It should
not depend on anything except the command-line switches described by
<var>opts</var>.  In particular, the
setting <code>UI_SJLJ</code> must be fixed at compiler start-up as C pre-processor
macros and builtin functions related to exception handling are set up
depending on this setting.
<p>The default implementation of the hook first honors the
<samp>--enable-sjlj-exceptions</samp> configure option, then
<code>DWARF2_UNWIND_INFO</code>, and finally defaults to <code>UI_SJLJ</code>.  If
<code>DWARF2_UNWIND_INFO</code> depends on command-line options, the target
must define this hook so that <var>opts</var> is used correctly.

<dt><a name="index-TARGET_005fUNWIND_005fTABLES_005fDEFAULT"></a>Common Target Hook: <em>bool</em> <strong>TARGET_UNWIND_TABLES_DEFAULT</strong></dt>
<dd><p>This variable should be set to <code>true</code> if the target ABI requires unwinding
tables even when exceptions are not used.  It must not be modified by
command-line option processing.

<dt><a name="index-DONT_005fUSE_005fBUILTIN_005fSETJMP"></a>Macro: <strong>DONT_USE_BUILTIN_SETJMP</strong></dt>
<dd><p>Define this macro to 1 if the <code>setjmp</code>/<code>longjmp</code>-based scheme
should use the <code>setjmp</code>/<code>longjmp</code> functions from the C library
instead of the <code>__builtin_setjmp</code>/<code>__builtin_longjmp</code> machinery.

<dt><a name="index-JMP_005fBUF_005fSIZE"></a>Macro: <strong>JMP_BUF_SIZE</strong></dt>
<dd><p>This macro has no effect unless <code>DONT_USE_BUILTIN_SETJMP</code> is also
defined.  Define this macro if the default size of <code>jmp_buf</code> buffer
for the <code>setjmp</code>/<code>longjmp</code>-based exception handling mechanism
is not large enough, or if it is much too large.
The default size is <code>FIRST_PSEUDO_REGISTER * sizeof(void *)</code>.

<dt><a name="index-DWARF_005fCIE_005fDATA_005fALIGNMENT"></a>Macro: <strong>DWARF_CIE_DATA_ALIGNMENT</strong></dt>
<dd><p>This macro need only be defined if the target might save registers in the
function prologue at an offset to the stack pointer that is not aligned to
<code>UNITS_PER_WORD</code>.  The definition should be the negative minimum
alignment if <code>STACK_GROWS_DOWNWARD</code> is true, and the positive
minimum alignment otherwise.  See <a href="DWARF.html#DWARF">DWARF</a>.  Only applicable if
the target supports DWARF 2 frame unwind information.

<dt><a name="index-TARGET_005fTERMINATE_005fDW2_005fEH_005fFRAME_005fINFO"></a>Target Hook: <em>bool</em> <strong>TARGET_TERMINATE_DW2_EH_FRAME_INFO</strong></dt>
<dd><p>Contains the value true if the target should add a zero word onto the
end of a Dwarf-2 frame info section when used for exception handling.
Default value is false if <code>EH_FRAME_SECTION_NAME</code> is defined, and
true otherwise.

<dt><a name="index-TARGET_005fDWARF_005fREGISTER_005fSPAN"></a>Target Hook: <em>rtx</em> <strong>TARGET_DWARF_REGISTER_SPAN</strong> <em>(rtx <var>reg</var>)</em></dt>
<dd><p>Given a register, this hook should return a parallel of registers to
represent where to find the register pieces.  Define this hook if the
register and its mode are represented in Dwarf in non-contiguous
locations, or if the register should be represented in more than one
register in Dwarf.  Otherwise, this hook should return <code>NULL_RTX</code>.
If not defined, the default is to return <code>NULL_RTX</code>.

<dt><a name="index-TARGET_005fDWARF_005fFRAME_005fREG_005fMODE"></a>Target Hook: <em>machine_mode</em> <strong>TARGET_DWARF_FRAME_REG_MODE</strong> <em>(int <var>regno</var>)</em></dt>
<dd><p>Given a register, this hook should return the mode which the
corresponding Dwarf frame register should have.  This is normally
used to return a smaller mode than the raw mode to prevent call
clobbered parts of a register altering the frame register size

<dt><a name="index-TARGET_005fINIT_005fDWARF_005fREG_005fSIZES_005fEXTRA"></a>Target Hook: <em>void</em> <strong>TARGET_INIT_DWARF_REG_SIZES_EXTRA</strong> <em>(tree <var>address</var>)</em></dt>
<dd><p>If some registers are represented in Dwarf-2 unwind information in
multiple pieces, define this hook to fill in information about the
sizes of those pieces in the table used by the unwinder at runtime.
It will be called by <code>expand_builtin_init_dwarf_reg_sizes</code> after
filling in a single size corresponding to each hard register;
<var>address</var> is the address of the table.

<dt><a name="index-TARGET_005fASM_005fTTYPE"></a>Target Hook: <em>bool</em> <strong>TARGET_ASM_TTYPE</strong> <em>(rtx <var>sym</var>)</em></dt>
<dd><p>This hook is used to output a reference from a frame unwinding table to
the type_info object identified by <var>sym</var>.  It should return <code>true</code>
if the reference was output.  Returning <code>false</code> will cause the
reference to be output using the normal Dwarf2 routines.

<dt><a name="index-TARGET_005fARM_005fEABI_005fUNWINDER"></a>Target Hook: <em>bool</em> <strong>TARGET_ARM_EABI_UNWINDER</strong></dt>
<dd><p>This flag should be set to <code>true</code> on targets that use an ARM EABI
based unwinding library, and <code>false</code> on other targets.  This effects
the format of unwinding tables, and how the unwinder in entered after
running a cleanup.  The default is <code>false</code>.

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