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A value of <var>0</var> (the default) means there is no limit. However, except for <var>0</var>, the larger the limit the more bytes <code>heuristic-fence-post</code> must search and therefore the longer it takes to run. You should only need to use this command when debugging a stripped executable. </p> </dd> <dt><code>show heuristic-fence-post</code></dt> <dd><p>Display the current limit. </p></dd> </dl> <p>These commands are available <em>only</em> when <small>GDB</small> is configured for debugging programs on Alpha or <acronym>MIPS</acronym> processors. </p> <p>Several <acronym>MIPS</acronym>-specific commands are available when debugging <acronym>MIPS</acronym> programs: </p> <dl compact="compact"> <dt><code>set mips abi <var>arg</var></code></dt> <dd><a name="index-set-mips-abi"></a> <a name="index-set-ABI-for-MIPS"></a> <p>Tell <small>GDB</small> which <acronym>MIPS</acronym> ABI is used by the inferior. Possible values of <var>arg</var> are: </p> <dl compact="compact"> <dt>‘<samp>auto</samp>’</dt> <dd><p>The default ABI associated with the current binary (this is the default). </p></dd> <dt>‘<samp>o32</samp>’</dt> <dt>‘<samp>o64</samp>’</dt> <dt>‘<samp>n32</samp>’</dt> <dt>‘<samp>n64</samp>’</dt> <dt>‘<samp>eabi32</samp>’</dt> <dt>‘<samp>eabi64</samp>’</dt> </dl> </dd> <dt><code>show mips abi</code></dt> <dd><a name="index-show-mips-abi"></a> <p>Show the <acronym>MIPS</acronym> ABI used by <small>GDB</small> to debug the inferior. </p> </dd> <dt><code>set mips compression <var>arg</var></code></dt> <dd><a name="index-set-mips-compression"></a> <a name="index-code-compression_002c-MIPS"></a> <p>Tell <small>GDB</small> which <acronym>MIPS</acronym> compressed <acronym title="Instruction Set Architecture">ISA</acronym> (Instruction Set Architecture) encoding is used by the inferior. <small>GDB</small> uses this for code disassembly and other internal interpretation purposes. This setting is only referred to when no executable has been associated with the debugging session or the executable does not provide information about the encoding it uses. Otherwise this setting is automatically updated from information provided by the executable. </p> <p>Possible values of <var>arg</var> are ‘<samp>mips16</samp>’ and ‘<samp>micromips</samp>’. The default compressed <acronym title="Instruction Set Architecture">ISA</acronym> encoding is ‘<samp>mips16</samp>’, as executables containing <acronym>MIPS16</acronym> code frequently are not identified as such. </p> <p>This setting is “sticky”; that is, it retains its value across debugging sessions until reset either explicitly with this command or implicitly from an executable. </p> <p>The compiler and/or assembler typically add symbol table annotations to identify functions compiled for the <acronym>MIPS16</acronym> or <acronym>microMIPS</acronym> <acronym title="Instruction Set Architecture">ISA</acronym>s. If these function-scope annotations are present, <small>GDB</small> uses them in preference to the global compressed <acronym title="Instruction Set Architecture">ISA</acronym> encoding setting. </p> </dd> <dt><code>show mips compression</code></dt> <dd><a name="index-show-mips-compression"></a> <p>Show the <acronym>MIPS</acronym> compressed <acronym title="Instruction Set Architecture">ISA</acronym> encoding used by <small>GDB</small> to debug the inferior. </p> </dd> <dt><code>set mipsfpu</code></dt> <dt><code>show mipsfpu</code></dt> <dd><p>See <a href="MIPS-Embedded.html#MIPS-Embedded">set mipsfpu</a>. </p> </dd> <dt><code>set mips mask-address <var>arg</var></code></dt> <dd><a name="index-set-mips-mask_002daddress"></a> <a name="index-MIPS-addresses_002c-masking"></a> <p>This command determines whether the most-significant 32 bits of 64-bit <acronym>MIPS</acronym> addresses are masked off. The argument <var>arg</var> can be ‘<samp>on</samp>’, ‘<samp>off</samp>’, or ‘<samp>auto</samp>’. The latter is the default setting, which lets <small>GDB</small> determine the correct value. </p> </dd> <dt><code>show mips mask-address</code></dt> <dd><a name="index-show-mips-mask_002daddress"></a> <p>Show whether the upper 32 bits of <acronym>MIPS</acronym> addresses are masked off or not. </p> </dd> <dt><code>set remote-mips64-transfers-32bit-regs</code></dt> <dd><a name="index-set-remote_002dmips64_002dtransfers_002d32bit_002dregs"></a> <p>This command controls compatibility with 64-bit <acronym>MIPS</acronym> targets that transfer data in 32-bit quantities. If you have an old <acronym>MIPS</acronym> 64 target that transfers 32 bits for some registers, like <small>SR</small> and <small>FSR</small>, and 64 bits for other registers, set this option to ‘<samp>on</samp>’. </p> </dd> <dt><code>show remote-mips64-transfers-32bit-regs</code></dt> <dd><a name="index-show-remote_002dmips64_002dtransfers_002d32bit_002dregs"></a> <p>Show the current setting of compatibility with older <acronym>MIPS</acronym> 64 targets. </p> </dd> <dt><code>set debug mips</code></dt> <dd><a name="index-set-debug-mips"></a> <p>This command turns on and off debugging messages for the <acronym>MIPS</acronym>-specific target code in <small>GDB</small>. </p> </dd> <dt><code>show debug mips</code></dt> <dd><a name="index-show-debug-mips"></a> <p>Show the current setting of <acronym>MIPS</acronym> debugging messages. </p></dd> </dl> <hr> <div class="header"> <p> Next: <a href="HPPA.html#HPPA" accesskey="n" rel="next">HPPA</a>, Previous: <a href="Alpha.html#Alpha" accesskey="p" rel="prev">Alpha</a>, Up: <a href="Architectures.html#Architectures" accesskey="u" rel="up">Architectures</a> [<a href="index.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents" rel="contents">Contents</a>][<a href="Concept-Index.html#Concept-Index" title="Index" rel="index">Index</a>]</p> </div> </body> </html>