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<a name="x86-Architecture_002dspecific-Issues"></a>
<h4 class="subsection">21.4.2 x86 Architecture-specific Issues</h4>

<dl compact="compact">
<dt><code>set struct-convention <var>mode</var></code></dt>
<dd><a name="index-set-struct_002dconvention"></a>
<a name="index-struct-return-convention"></a>
<a name="index-struct_002funion-returned-in-registers"></a>
<p>Set the convention used by the inferior to return <code>struct</code>s and
<code>union</code>s from functions to <var>mode</var>.  Possible values of
<var>mode</var> are <code>&quot;pcc&quot;</code>, <code>&quot;reg&quot;</code>, and <code>&quot;default&quot;</code> (the
default).  <code>&quot;default&quot;</code> or <code>&quot;pcc&quot;</code> means that <code>struct</code>s
are returned on the stack, while <code>&quot;reg&quot;</code> means that a
<code>struct</code> or a <code>union</code> whose size is 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes will
be returned in a register.
<dt><code>show struct-convention</code></dt>
<dd><a name="index-show-struct_002dconvention"></a>
<p>Show the current setting of the convention to return <code>struct</code>s
from functions.

<a name="Intel-Memory-Protection-Extensions-_0028MPX_0029_002e"></a>
<h4 class="subsubsection"> Intel <em>Memory Protection Extensions</em> (MPX).</h4>
<a name="index-Intel-Memory-Protection-Extensions-_0028MPX_0029_002e"></a>

<p>Memory Protection Extension (MPX) adds the bound registers &lsquo;<samp>BND0</samp>&rsquo;
<a name="DOCF17" href="#FOOT17"><sup>17</sup></a> through &lsquo;<samp>BND3</samp>&rsquo;.  Bound registers store a pair of 64-bit values
which are the lower bound and upper bound.  Bounds are effective addresses or
memory locations.  The upper bounds are architecturally represented in 1&rsquo;s
complement form.  A bound having lower bound = 0, and upper bound = 0
(1&rsquo;s complement of all bits set) will allow access to the entire address space.
<p>&lsquo;<samp>BND0</samp>&rsquo; through &lsquo;<samp>BND3</samp>&rsquo; are represented in <small>GDB</small> as &lsquo;<samp>bnd0raw</samp>&rsquo;
through &lsquo;<samp>bnd3raw</samp>&rsquo;.  Pseudo registers &lsquo;<samp>bnd0</samp>&rsquo; through &lsquo;<samp>bnd3</samp>&rsquo;
display the upper bound performing the complement of one operation on the
upper bound value, i.e.&nbsp;when upper bound in &lsquo;<samp>bnd0raw</samp>&rsquo; is 0 in the
<small>GDB</small> &lsquo;<samp>bnd0</samp>&rsquo; it will be <code>0xfff&hellip;</code>.  In this sense it
can also be noted that the upper bounds are inclusive.
<p>As an example, assume that the register BND0 holds bounds for a pointer having
access allowed for the range between 0x32 and 0x71.  The values present on
bnd0raw and bnd registers are presented as follows:
<div class="smallexample">
<pre class="smallexample">	bnd0raw = {0x32, 0xffffffff8e}
	bnd0 = {lbound = 0x32, ubound = 0x71} : size 64

<p>This way the raw value can be accessed via bnd0raw&hellip;bnd3raw.  Any
change on bnd0&hellip;bnd3 or bnd0raw&hellip;bnd3raw is reflect on its
counterpart.  When the bnd0&hellip;bnd3 registers are displayed via
Python, the display includes the memory size, in bits, accessible to
the pointer.
<p>Bounds can also be stored in bounds tables, which are stored in
application memory.  These tables store bounds for pointers by specifying
the bounds pointer&rsquo;s value along with its bounds.  Evaluating and changing
bounds located in bound tables is therefore interesting while investigating
bugs on MPX context.  <small>GDB</small> provides commands for this purpose:
<dl compact="compact">
<dt><code>show mpx bound <var>pointer</var></code></dt>
<dd><a name="index-show-mpx-bound"></a>
<p>Display bounds of the given <var>pointer</var>.
<dt><code>set mpx bound <var>pointer</var>, <var>lbound</var>, <var>ubound</var></code></dt>
<dd><a name="index-set-mpx-bound"></a>
<p>Set the bounds of a pointer in the bound table.
This command takes three parameters: <var>pointer</var> is the pointers
whose bounds are to be changed, <var>lbound</var> and <var>ubound</var> are new values
for lower and upper bounds respectively.

<p>When you call an inferior function on an Intel MPX enabled program,
GDB sets the inferior&rsquo;s bound registers to the init (disabled) state
before calling the function.  As a consequence, bounds checks for the
pointer arguments passed to the function will always pass.
<p>This is necessary because when you call an inferior function, the
program is usually in the middle of the execution of other function.
Since at that point bound registers are in an arbitrary state, not
clearing them would lead to random bound violations in the called
<p>You can still examine the influence of the bound registers on the
execution of the called function by stopping the execution of the
called function at its prologue, setting bound registers, and
continuing the execution.  For example:
<div class="smallexample">
<pre class="smallexample">	$ break *upper
	Breakpoint 2 at 0x4009de: file i386-mpx-call.c, line 47.
	$ print upper (a, b, c, d, 1)
	Breakpoint 2, upper (a=0x0, b=0x6e0000005b, c=0x0, d=0x0, len=48)....
	$ print $bnd0
	{lbound = 0x0, ubound = ffffffff} : size -1

<p>At this last step the value of bnd0 can be changed for investigation of bound
violations caused along the execution of the call.  In order to know how to
set the bound registers or bound table for the call consult the ABI.
<div class="footnote">
<h4 class="footnotes-heading">Footnotes</h4>

<h3><a name="FOOT17" href="#DOCF17">(17)</a></h3>
<p>The register named with capital letters represent the architecture
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