- // Filesystem directory utilities -*- C++ -*-
- // Copyright (C) 2014-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- //
- // This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library. This library is free
- // software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
- // terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
- // Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- // any later version.
- // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- // GNU General Public License for more details.
- // Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
- // permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
- // 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
- // a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
- // see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see
- // <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- /** @file include/bits/fs_dir.h
- * This is an internal header file, included by other library headers.
- * Do not attempt to use it directly. @headername{filesystem}
- */
- #ifndef _GLIBCXX_FS_DIR_H
- #define _GLIBCXX_FS_DIR_H 1
- #if __cplusplus >= 201703L
- # include <typeinfo>
- # include <ext/concurrence.h>
- # include <bits/unique_ptr.h>
- # include <bits/shared_ptr.h>
- #if __cplusplus > 201703L
- # include <compare> // std::strong_ordering
- #endif
- namespace std _GLIBCXX_VISIBILITY(default)
- {
- namespace filesystem
- {
- /** @addtogroup filesystem
- * @{
- */
- /// Information about a file's type and permissions.
- class file_status
- {
- public:
- // constructors and destructor
- file_status() noexcept : file_status(file_type::none) {}
- explicit
- file_status(file_type __ft, perms __prms = perms::unknown) noexcept
- : _M_type(__ft), _M_perms(__prms) { }
- file_status(const file_status&) noexcept = default;
- file_status(file_status&&) noexcept = default;
- ~file_status() = default;
- file_status& operator=(const file_status&) noexcept = default;
- file_status& operator=(file_status&&) noexcept = default;
- // observers
- file_type type() const noexcept { return _M_type; }
- perms permissions() const noexcept { return _M_perms; }
- // modifiers
- void type(file_type __ft) noexcept { _M_type = __ft; }
- void permissions(perms __prms) noexcept { _M_perms = __prms; }
- #if __cpp_lib_three_way_comparison
- friend bool
- operator==(const file_status&, const file_status&) noexcept = default;
- #endif
- private:
- file_type _M_type;
- perms _M_perms;
- };
- struct _Dir;
- class directory_iterator;
- class recursive_directory_iterator;
- /// The value type used by directory iterators
- class directory_entry
- {
- public:
- // constructors and destructor
- directory_entry() noexcept = default;
- directory_entry(const directory_entry&) = default;
- directory_entry(directory_entry&&) noexcept = default;
- explicit
- directory_entry(const filesystem::path& __p)
- : _M_path(__p)
- { refresh(); }
- directory_entry(const filesystem::path& __p, error_code& __ec)
- : _M_path(__p)
- {
- refresh(__ec);
- if (__ec)
- _M_path.clear();
- }
- ~directory_entry() = default;
- // modifiers
- directory_entry& operator=(const directory_entry&) = default;
- directory_entry& operator=(directory_entry&&) noexcept = default;
- void
- assign(const filesystem::path& __p)
- {
- _M_path = __p;
- refresh();
- }
- void
- assign(const filesystem::path& __p, error_code& __ec)
- {
- _M_path = __p;
- refresh(__ec);
- }
- void
- replace_filename(const filesystem::path& __p)
- {
- _M_path.replace_filename(__p);
- refresh();
- }
- void
- replace_filename(const filesystem::path& __p, error_code& __ec)
- {
- _M_path.replace_filename(__p);
- refresh(__ec);
- }
- void
- refresh()
- { _M_type = symlink_status().type(); }
- void
- refresh(error_code& __ec) noexcept
- { _M_type = symlink_status(__ec).type(); }
- // observers
- const filesystem::path& path() const noexcept { return _M_path; }
- operator const filesystem::path& () const noexcept { return _M_path; }
- bool
- exists() const
- { return filesystem::exists(file_status{_M_file_type()}); }
- bool
- exists(error_code& __ec) const noexcept
- { return filesystem::exists(file_status{_M_file_type(__ec)}); }
- bool
- is_block_file() const
- { return _M_file_type() == file_type::block; }
- bool
- is_block_file(error_code& __ec) const noexcept
- { return _M_file_type(__ec) == file_type::block; }
- bool
- is_character_file() const
- { return _M_file_type() == file_type::character; }
- bool
- is_character_file(error_code& __ec) const noexcept
- { return _M_file_type(__ec) == file_type::character; }
- bool
- is_directory() const
- { return _M_file_type() == file_type::directory; }
- bool
- is_directory(error_code& __ec) const noexcept
- { return _M_file_type(__ec) == file_type::directory; }
- bool
- is_fifo() const
- { return _M_file_type() == file_type::fifo; }
- bool
- is_fifo(error_code& __ec) const noexcept
- { return _M_file_type(__ec) == file_type::fifo; }
- bool
- is_other() const
- { return filesystem::is_other(file_status{_M_file_type()}); }
- bool
- is_other(error_code& __ec) const noexcept
- { return filesystem::is_other(file_status{_M_file_type(__ec)}); }
- bool
- is_regular_file() const
- { return _M_file_type() == file_type::regular; }
- bool
- is_regular_file(error_code& __ec) const noexcept
- { return _M_file_type(__ec) == file_type::regular; }
- bool
- is_socket() const
- { return _M_file_type() == file_type::socket; }
- bool
- is_socket(error_code& __ec) const noexcept
- { return _M_file_type(__ec) == file_type::socket; }
- bool
- is_symlink() const
- {
- if (_M_type != file_type::none)
- return _M_type == file_type::symlink;
- return symlink_status().type() == file_type::symlink;
- }
- bool
- is_symlink(error_code& __ec) const noexcept
- {
- if (_M_type != file_type::none)
- return _M_type == file_type::symlink;
- return symlink_status(__ec).type() == file_type::symlink;
- }
- uintmax_t
- file_size() const
- { return filesystem::file_size(_M_path); }
- uintmax_t
- file_size(error_code& __ec) const noexcept
- { return filesystem::file_size(_M_path, __ec); }
- uintmax_t
- hard_link_count() const
- { return filesystem::hard_link_count(_M_path); }
- uintmax_t
- hard_link_count(error_code& __ec) const noexcept
- { return filesystem::hard_link_count(_M_path, __ec); }
- file_time_type
- last_write_time() const
- { return filesystem::last_write_time(_M_path); }
- file_time_type
- last_write_time(error_code& __ec) const noexcept
- { return filesystem::last_write_time(_M_path, __ec); }
- file_status
- status() const
- { return filesystem::status(_M_path); }
- file_status
- status(error_code& __ec) const noexcept
- { return filesystem::status(_M_path, __ec); }
- file_status
- symlink_status() const
- { return filesystem::symlink_status(_M_path); }
- file_status
- symlink_status(error_code& __ec) const noexcept
- { return filesystem::symlink_status(_M_path, __ec); }
- bool
- operator==(const directory_entry& __rhs) const noexcept
- { return _M_path == __rhs._M_path; }
- #if __cpp_lib_three_way_comparison
- strong_ordering
- operator<=>(const directory_entry& __rhs) const noexcept
- { return _M_path <=> __rhs._M_path; }
- #else
- bool
- operator!=(const directory_entry& __rhs) const noexcept
- { return _M_path != __rhs._M_path; }
- bool
- operator< (const directory_entry& __rhs) const noexcept
- { return _M_path < __rhs._M_path; }
- bool
- operator<=(const directory_entry& __rhs) const noexcept
- { return _M_path <= __rhs._M_path; }
- bool
- operator> (const directory_entry& __rhs) const noexcept
- { return _M_path > __rhs._M_path; }
- bool
- operator>=(const directory_entry& __rhs) const noexcept
- { return _M_path >= __rhs._M_path; }
- #endif
- private:
- friend class _Dir;
- friend class directory_iterator;
- friend class recursive_directory_iterator;
- // 3171. LWG 2989 breaks directory_entry stream insertion
- template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
- friend basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>&
- operator<<(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __os,
- const directory_entry& __d)
- { return __os << __d.path(); }
- directory_entry(const filesystem::path& __p, file_type __t)
- : _M_path(__p), _M_type(__t)
- { }
- // Equivalent to status().type() but uses cached value, if any.
- file_type
- _M_file_type() const
- {
- if (_M_type != file_type::none && _M_type != file_type::symlink)
- return _M_type;
- return status().type();
- }
- // Equivalent to status(__ec).type() but uses cached value, if any.
- file_type
- _M_file_type(error_code& __ec) const noexcept
- {
- if (_M_type != file_type::none && _M_type != file_type::symlink)
- {
- __ec.clear();
- return _M_type;
- }
- return status(__ec).type();
- }
- filesystem::path _M_path;
- file_type _M_type = file_type::none;
- };
- /// Proxy returned by post-increment on directory iterators.
- struct __directory_iterator_proxy
- {
- const directory_entry& operator*() const& noexcept { return _M_entry; }
- directory_entry operator*() && noexcept { return std::move(_M_entry); }
- private:
- friend class directory_iterator;
- friend class recursive_directory_iterator;
- explicit
- __directory_iterator_proxy(const directory_entry& __e) : _M_entry(__e) { }
- directory_entry _M_entry;
- };
- /// Iterator type for traversing the entries in a single directory.
- class directory_iterator
- {
- public:
- typedef directory_entry value_type;
- typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
- typedef const directory_entry* pointer;
- typedef const directory_entry& reference;
- typedef input_iterator_tag iterator_category;
- directory_iterator() = default;
- explicit
- directory_iterator(const path& __p)
- : directory_iterator(__p, directory_options::none, nullptr) { }
- directory_iterator(const path& __p, directory_options __options)
- : directory_iterator(__p, __options, nullptr) { }
- directory_iterator(const path& __p, error_code& __ec)
- : directory_iterator(__p, directory_options::none, __ec) { }
- directory_iterator(const path& __p, directory_options __options,
- error_code& __ec)
- : directory_iterator(__p, __options, &__ec) { }
- directory_iterator(const directory_iterator& __rhs) = default;
- directory_iterator(directory_iterator&& __rhs) noexcept = default;
- ~directory_iterator() = default;
- directory_iterator&
- operator=(const directory_iterator& __rhs) = default;
- directory_iterator&
- operator=(directory_iterator&& __rhs) noexcept = default;
- const directory_entry& operator*() const noexcept;
- const directory_entry* operator->() const noexcept { return &**this; }
- directory_iterator& operator++();
- directory_iterator& increment(error_code& __ec);
- __directory_iterator_proxy operator++(int)
- {
- __directory_iterator_proxy __pr{**this};
- ++*this;
- return __pr;
- }
- private:
- directory_iterator(const path&, directory_options, error_code*);
- friend bool
- operator==(const directory_iterator& __lhs,
- const directory_iterator& __rhs) noexcept
- {
- return !__rhs._M_dir.owner_before(__lhs._M_dir)
- && !__lhs._M_dir.owner_before(__rhs._M_dir);
- }
- friend bool
- operator!=(const directory_iterator& __lhs,
- const directory_iterator& __rhs) noexcept
- { return !(__lhs == __rhs); }
- friend class recursive_directory_iterator;
- std::__shared_ptr<_Dir> _M_dir;
- };
- /// @relates std::filesystem::directory_iterator @{
- /** @brief Enable range-based `for` using directory_iterator.
- *
- * e.g. `for (auto& entry : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(".")) ...`
- */
- inline directory_iterator
- begin(directory_iterator __iter) noexcept
- { return __iter; }
- /// Return a past-the-end directory_iterator
- inline directory_iterator
- end(directory_iterator) noexcept
- { return directory_iterator(); }
- // @}
- /// Iterator type for recursively traversing a directory hierarchy.
- class recursive_directory_iterator
- {
- public:
- typedef directory_entry value_type;
- typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
- typedef const directory_entry* pointer;
- typedef const directory_entry& reference;
- typedef input_iterator_tag iterator_category;
- recursive_directory_iterator() = default;
- explicit
- recursive_directory_iterator(const path& __p)
- : recursive_directory_iterator(__p, directory_options::none, nullptr) { }
- recursive_directory_iterator(const path& __p, directory_options __options)
- : recursive_directory_iterator(__p, __options, nullptr) { }
- recursive_directory_iterator(const path& __p, directory_options __options,
- error_code& __ec)
- : recursive_directory_iterator(__p, __options, &__ec) { }
- recursive_directory_iterator(const path& __p, error_code& __ec)
- : recursive_directory_iterator(__p, directory_options::none, &__ec) { }
- recursive_directory_iterator(
- const recursive_directory_iterator&) = default;
- recursive_directory_iterator(recursive_directory_iterator&&) = default;
- ~recursive_directory_iterator();
- // observers
- directory_options options() const noexcept;
- int depth() const noexcept;
- bool recursion_pending() const noexcept;
- const directory_entry& operator*() const noexcept;
- const directory_entry* operator->() const noexcept { return &**this; }
- // modifiers
- recursive_directory_iterator&
- operator=(const recursive_directory_iterator& __rhs) noexcept;
- recursive_directory_iterator&
- operator=(recursive_directory_iterator&& __rhs) noexcept;
- recursive_directory_iterator& operator++();
- recursive_directory_iterator& increment(error_code& __ec);
- __directory_iterator_proxy operator++(int)
- {
- __directory_iterator_proxy __pr{**this};
- ++*this;
- return __pr;
- }
- void pop();
- void pop(error_code&);
- void disable_recursion_pending() noexcept;
- private:
- recursive_directory_iterator(const path&, directory_options, error_code*);
- friend bool
- operator==(const recursive_directory_iterator& __lhs,
- const recursive_directory_iterator& __rhs) noexcept
- {
- return !__rhs._M_dirs.owner_before(__lhs._M_dirs)
- && !__lhs._M_dirs.owner_before(__rhs._M_dirs);
- }
- friend bool
- operator!=(const recursive_directory_iterator& __lhs,
- const recursive_directory_iterator& __rhs) noexcept
- { return !(__lhs == __rhs); }
- struct _Dir_stack;
- std::__shared_ptr<_Dir_stack> _M_dirs;
- };
- /// @relates std::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator @{
- /** @brief Enable range-based `for` using recursive_directory_iterator.
- *
- * e.g. `for (auto& entry : recursive_directory_iterator(".")) ...`
- */
- inline recursive_directory_iterator
- begin(recursive_directory_iterator __iter) noexcept
- { return __iter; }
- /// Return a past-the-end recursive_directory_iterator
- inline recursive_directory_iterator
- end(recursive_directory_iterator) noexcept
- { return recursive_directory_iterator(); }
- // @}
- // @} group filesystem
- } // namespace filesystem
- // Use explicit instantiations of these types. Any inconsistency in the
- // value of __default_lock_policy between code including this header and
- // the library will cause a linker error.
- extern template class
- __shared_ptr<filesystem::_Dir>;
- extern template class
- __shared_ptr<filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator::_Dir_stack>;
- } // namespace std
- #endif // C++17
- #endif // _GLIBCXX_FS_DIR_H