- // <experimental/internet> -*- C++ -*-
- // Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- //
- // This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library. This library is free
- // software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
- // terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
- // Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- // any later version.
- // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- // GNU General Public License for more details.
- // Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
- // permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
- // 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
- // a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
- // see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see
- // <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- /** @file experimental/internet
- * This is a TS C++ Library header.
- * @ingroup networking-ts
- */
- #pragma GCC system_header
- #if __cplusplus >= 201402L
- #include <experimental/netfwd>
- #include <experimental/io_context>
- #include <experimental/bits/net.h>
- #include <array>
- #include <forward_list>
- #include <sstream>
- #include <cstdint>
- #include <experimental/string_view>
- # include <unistd.h>
- #endif
- # include <sys/socket.h> // AF_INET, AF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM, SOCK_STREAM
- #endif
- # include <arpa/inet.h> // inet_ntop
- #endif
- # include <netinet/in.h> // IPPROTO_IP
- #endif
- # include <netinet/tcp.h> // TCP_NODELAY
- #endif
- # include <netdb.h> // getaddrinfo etc.
- #endif
- namespace std _GLIBCXX_VISIBILITY(default)
- {
- namespace experimental
- {
- namespace net
- {
- inline namespace v1
- {
- namespace ip
- {
- /** @addtogroup networking-ts
- * @{
- */
- /** Error codes for resolver errors.
- * @{
- */
- enum class resolver_errc : int {
- host_not_found = EAI_NONAME,
- host_not_found_try_again = EAI_AGAIN,
- service_not_found = EAI_SERVICE
- };
- /// Error category for resolver errors.
- inline const error_category& resolver_category() noexcept // TODO non-inline
- {
- struct __cat : error_category
- {
- const char* name() const noexcept { return "resolver"; }
- std::string message(int __e) const { return ::gai_strerror(__e); }
- virtual void __message(int) { } // TODO dual ABI XXX
- };
- static __cat __c;
- return __c;
- }
- error_code make_error_code(resolver_errc __e) noexcept
- { return error_code(static_cast<int>(__e), resolver_category()); }
- error_condition make_error_condition(resolver_errc __e) noexcept
- { return error_condition(static_cast<int>(__e), resolver_category()); }
- /// @}
- #endif
- typedef uint_least16_t port_type; ///< Type used for port numbers.
- typedef uint_least32_t scope_id_type; ///< Type used for IPv6 scope IDs.
- /// Convenience alias for constraining allocators for strings.
- template<typename _Alloc>
- using __string_with
- = enable_if_t<std::is_same<typename _Alloc::value_type, char>::value,
- std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, _Alloc>>;
- /** Tag indicating conversion between IPv4 and IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses.
- * @{
- */
- struct v4_mapped_t {};
- constexpr v4_mapped_t v4_mapped;
- // @}
- /// An IPv4 address.
- class address_v4
- {
- public:
- // types:
- typedef uint_least32_t uint_type;
- struct bytes_type : array<unsigned char, 4>
- {
- template<typename... _Tp>
- explicit constexpr
- bytes_type(_Tp... __tp)
- : array<unsigned char, 4>{{static_cast<unsigned char>(__tp)...}}
- {
- #if UCHAR_MAX > 0xFF
- for (auto __b : *this)
- if (__b > 0xFF)
- __throw_out_of_range("invalid address_v4::bytes_type value");
- #endif
- }
- };
- // constructors:
- constexpr address_v4() noexcept : _M_addr(0) { }
- constexpr address_v4(const address_v4& a) noexcept = default;
- constexpr
- address_v4(const bytes_type& __b)
- : _M_addr((__b[0] << 24) | (__b[1] << 16) | (__b[2] << 8) | __b[3])
- { }
- explicit constexpr
- address_v4(uint_type __val) : _M_addr(_S_hton_32(__val))
- {
- if (__val > 0xFFFFFFFF)
- __throw_out_of_range("invalid address_v4::uint_type value");
- #endif
- }
- // assignment:
- address_v4& operator=(const address_v4& a) noexcept = default;
- // members:
- constexpr bool is_unspecified() const noexcept { return to_uint() == 0; }
- constexpr bool
- is_loopback() const noexcept
- { return (to_uint() & 0xFF000000) == 0x7F000000; }
- constexpr bool
- is_multicast() const noexcept
- { return (to_uint() & 0xF0000000) == 0xE0000000; }
- constexpr bytes_type
- to_bytes() const noexcept
- {
- return bytes_type{
- (_M_addr >> 24) & 0xFF,
- (_M_addr >> 16) & 0xFF,
- (_M_addr >> 8) & 0xFF,
- _M_addr & 0xFF
- };
- }
- constexpr uint_type
- to_uint() const noexcept { return _S_ntoh_32(_M_addr); }
- template<typename _Allocator = allocator<char>>
- __string_with<_Allocator>
- to_string(const _Allocator& __a = _Allocator()) const
- {
- __string_with<_Allocator> __str(__a);
- __str.resize(INET6_ADDRSTRLEN);
- if (inet_ntop(AF_INET, &_M_addr, &__str.front(), __str.size()))
- __str.erase(__str.find('\0'));
- else
- __str.resize(0);
- return __str;
- }
- #endif
- // static members:
- static constexpr address_v4 any() noexcept { return address_v4{}; }
- static constexpr
- address_v4 loopback() noexcept { return address_v4{0x7F000001}; }
- static constexpr
- address_v4 broadcast() noexcept { return address_v4{0xFFFFFFFF}; }
- private:
- template<typename _InternetProtocol>
- friend class basic_endpoint;
- friend address_v4 make_address_v4(const char*, error_code&) noexcept;
- static constexpr uint16_t _S_hton_16(uint16_t __h) { return __h; }
- static constexpr uint16_t _S_ntoh_16(uint16_t __n) { return __n; }
- static constexpr uint32_t _S_hton_32(uint32_t __h) { return __h; }
- static constexpr uint32_t _S_ntoh_32(uint32_t __n) { return __n; }
- #else
- static constexpr uint16_t
- _S_hton_16(uint16_t __h) { return __builtin_bswap16(__h); }
- static constexpr uint16_t
- _S_ntoh_16(uint16_t __n) { return __builtin_bswap16(__n); }
- static constexpr uint32_t
- _S_hton_32(uint32_t __h) { return __builtin_bswap32(__h); }
- static constexpr uint32_t
- _S_ntoh_32(uint32_t __n) { return __builtin_bswap32(__n); }
- #endif
- in_addr_t _M_addr; // network byte order
- };
- /// An IPv6 address.
- class address_v6
- {
- public:
- // types:
- struct bytes_type : array<unsigned char, 16>
- {
- template<typename... _Tp> explicit constexpr bytes_type(_Tp... __t)
- : array<unsigned char, 16>{{static_cast<unsigned char>(__t)...}} { }
- };
- // constructors:
- constexpr address_v6() noexcept : _M_bytes(), _M_scope_id() { }
- constexpr address_v6(const address_v6& __a) noexcept = default;
- constexpr
- address_v6(const bytes_type& __bytes, scope_id_type __scope = 0)
- : _M_bytes(__bytes), _M_scope_id(__scope)
- { }
- // assignment:
- address_v6& operator=(const address_v6& __a) noexcept = default;
- // members:
- void scope_id(scope_id_type __id) noexcept { _M_scope_id = __id; }
- constexpr scope_id_type scope_id() const noexcept { return _M_scope_id; }
- constexpr bool
- is_unspecified() const noexcept
- {
- for (int __i = 0; __i < 16; ++__i)
- if (_M_bytes[__i] != 0x00)
- return false;
- return _M_scope_id == 0;
- }
- constexpr bool
- is_loopback() const noexcept
- {
- for (int __i = 0; __i < 15; ++__i)
- if (_M_bytes[__i] != 0x00)
- return false;
- return _M_bytes[15] == 0x01 && _M_scope_id == 0;
- }
- constexpr bool
- is_multicast() const noexcept { return _M_bytes[0] == 0xFF; }
- constexpr bool
- is_link_local() const noexcept
- { return _M_bytes[0] == 0xFE && (_M_bytes[1] & 0xC0) == 0x80; }
- constexpr bool
- is_site_local() const noexcept
- { return _M_bytes[0] == 0xFE && (_M_bytes[1] & 0xC0) == 0xC0; }
- constexpr bool
- is_v4_mapped() const noexcept
- {
- const bytes_type& __b = _M_bytes;
- return __b[0] == 0 && __b[1] == 0 && __b[ 2] == 0 && __b[ 3] == 0
- && __b[4] == 0 && __b[5] == 0 && __b[ 6] == 0 && __b[ 7] == 0
- && __b[8] == 0 && __b[9] == 0 && __b[10] == 0xFF && __b[11] == 0xFF;
- }
- constexpr bool
- is_multicast_node_local() const noexcept
- { return is_multicast() && (_M_bytes[1] & 0x0F) == 0x01; }
- constexpr bool
- is_multicast_link_local() const noexcept
- { return is_multicast() && (_M_bytes[1] & 0x0F) == 0x02; }
- constexpr bool
- is_multicast_site_local() const noexcept
- { return is_multicast() && (_M_bytes[1] & 0x0F) == 0x05; }
- constexpr bool
- is_multicast_org_local() const noexcept
- { return is_multicast() && (_M_bytes[1] & 0x0F) == 0x08; }
- constexpr bool
- is_multicast_global() const noexcept
- { return is_multicast() && (_M_bytes[1] & 0x0F) == 0x0b; }
- constexpr bytes_type to_bytes() const noexcept { return _M_bytes; }
- template<typename _Allocator = allocator<char>>
- __string_with<_Allocator>
- to_string(const _Allocator& __a = _Allocator()) const
- {
- __string_with<_Allocator> __str(__a);
- __str.resize(INET6_ADDRSTRLEN);
- if (inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &_M_bytes, &__str.front(), __str.size()))
- __str.erase(__str.find('\0'));
- else
- __str.resize(0);
- return __str;
- }
- #endif
- // static members:
- static constexpr address_v6
- any() noexcept
- {
- address_v6 __addr;
- __builtin_memcpy(&__addr._M_bytes, in6addr_any.s6_addr, 16);
- return __addr;
- }
- static constexpr address_v6
- loopback() noexcept
- {
- address_v6 __addr;
- __builtin_memcpy(&__addr._M_bytes, in6addr_loopback.s6_addr, 16);
- return __addr;
- }
- private:
- template<typename _InternetProtocol>
- friend class basic_endpoint;
- friend constexpr bool
- operator==(const address_v6&, const address_v6&) noexcept;
- friend constexpr bool
- operator< (const address_v6&, const address_v6&) noexcept;
- bytes_type _M_bytes;
- scope_id_type _M_scope_id;
- };
- /// Exception type thrown on misuse of IPv4 addresses as IPv6 or vice versa.
- class bad_address_cast : public bad_cast
- {
- public:
- bad_address_cast() { }
- const char* what() const noexcept { return "bad address cast"; }
- };
- /// An IPv4 or IPv6 address.
- class address
- {
- public:
- // constructors:
- constexpr address() noexcept : _M_v4(), _M_is_v4(true) { }
- constexpr
- address(const address& __a) noexcept : _M_uninit(), _M_is_v4(__a._M_is_v4)
- {
- if (_M_is_v4)
- ::new (std::addressof(_M_v4)) address_v4(__a.to_v4());
- else
- ::new (std::addressof(_M_v6)) address_v6(__a.to_v6());
- }
- constexpr
- address(const address_v4& __a) noexcept : _M_v4(__a), _M_is_v4(true) { }
- constexpr
- address(const address_v6& __a) noexcept : _M_v6(__a), _M_is_v4(false) { }
- // assignment:
- address&
- operator=(const address& __a) noexcept
- {
- if (__a._M_is_v4)
- *this = __a.to_v4();
- else
- *this = __a.to_v6();
- return *this;
- }
- address&
- operator=(const address_v4& __a) noexcept
- {
- ::new (std::addressof(_M_v4)) address_v4(__a);
- _M_is_v4 = true;
- return *this;
- }
- address&
- operator=(const address_v6& __a) noexcept
- {
- ::new (std::addressof(_M_v6)) address_v6(__a);
- _M_is_v4 = false;
- return *this;
- }
- // members:
- constexpr bool is_v4() const noexcept { return _M_is_v4; }
- constexpr bool is_v6() const noexcept { return !_M_is_v4; }
- constexpr address_v4
- to_v4() const
- {
- if (!is_v4())
- _GLIBCXX_THROW_OR_ABORT(bad_address_cast());
- return _M_v4;
- }
- constexpr address_v6
- to_v6() const
- {
- if (!is_v6())
- _GLIBCXX_THROW_OR_ABORT(bad_address_cast());
- return _M_v6;
- }
- constexpr bool
- is_unspecified() const noexcept
- { return _M_is_v4 ? _M_v4.is_unspecified() : _M_v6.is_unspecified(); }
- constexpr bool
- is_loopback() const noexcept
- { return _M_is_v4 ? _M_v4.is_loopback() : _M_v6.is_loopback(); }
- constexpr bool
- is_multicast() const noexcept
- { return _M_is_v4 ? _M_v4.is_multicast() : _M_v6.is_multicast(); }
- template<typename _Allocator = allocator<char>>
- __string_with<_Allocator>
- to_string(const _Allocator& __a = _Allocator()) const
- {
- if (_M_is_v4)
- return to_v4().to_string(__a);
- return to_v6().to_string(__a);
- }
- private:
- template<typename _InternetProtocol>
- friend class basic_endpoint;
- friend constexpr bool
- operator==(const address&, const address&) noexcept;
- friend constexpr bool
- operator<(const address&, const address&) noexcept;
- union {
- address_v4 _M_v4;
- address_v6 _M_v6;
- bool _M_uninit;
- };
- bool _M_is_v4;
- };
- /** ip::address_v4 comparisons
- * @{
- */
- constexpr bool
- operator==(const address_v4& __a, const address_v4& __b) noexcept
- { return __a.to_uint() == __b.to_uint(); }
- constexpr bool
- operator!=(const address_v4& __a, const address_v4& __b) noexcept
- { return !(__a == __b); }
- constexpr bool
- operator< (const address_v4& __a, const address_v4& __b) noexcept
- { return __a.to_uint() < __b.to_uint(); }
- constexpr bool
- operator> (const address_v4& __a, const address_v4& __b) noexcept
- { return __b < __a; }
- constexpr bool
- operator<=(const address_v4& __a, const address_v4& __b) noexcept
- { return !(__b < __a); }
- constexpr bool
- operator>=(const address_v4& __a, const address_v4& __b) noexcept
- { return !(__a < __b); }
- // @}
- /** ip::address_v6 comparisons
- * @{
- */
- constexpr bool
- operator==(const address_v6& __a, const address_v6& __b) noexcept
- {
- const auto& __aa = __a._M_bytes;
- const auto& __bb = __b._M_bytes;
- int __i = 0;
- for (; __i < 16 && __aa[__i] == __bb[__i]; ++__i)
- ;
- return __i == 16 ? __a.scope_id() == __b.scope_id() : false;
- }
- constexpr bool
- operator!=(const address_v6& __a, const address_v6& __b) noexcept
- { return !(__a == __b); }
- constexpr bool
- operator< (const address_v6& __a, const address_v6& __b) noexcept
- {
- const auto& __aa = __a._M_bytes;
- const auto& __bb = __b._M_bytes;
- int __i = 0;
- for (; __i < 16 && __aa[__i] == __bb[__i]; ++__i)
- ;
- return __i == 16 ? __a.scope_id() < __b.scope_id() : __aa[__i] < __bb[__i];
- }
- constexpr bool
- operator> (const address_v6& __a, const address_v6& __b) noexcept
- { return __b < __a; }
- constexpr bool
- operator<=(const address_v6& __a, const address_v6& __b) noexcept
- { return !(__b < __a); }
- constexpr bool
- operator>=(const address_v6& __a, const address_v6& __b) noexcept
- { return !(__a < __b); }
- // @}
- /** ip::address comparisons
- * @{
- */
- constexpr bool
- operator==(const address& __a, const address& __b) noexcept
- {
- if (__a.is_v4())
- return __b.is_v4() ? __a._M_v4 == __b._M_v4 : false;
- return __b.is_v4() ? false : __a._M_v6 == __b._M_v6;
- }
- constexpr bool
- operator!=(const address& __a, const address& __b) noexcept
- { return !(__a == __b); }
- constexpr bool
- operator< (const address& __a, const address& __b) noexcept
- {
- if (__a.is_v4())
- return __b.is_v4() ? __a._M_v4 < __b._M_v4 : true;
- return __b.is_v4() ? false : __a._M_v6 < __b._M_v6;
- }
- constexpr bool
- operator> (const address& __a, const address& __b) noexcept
- { return __b < __a; }
- constexpr bool
- operator<=(const address& __a, const address& __b) noexcept
- { return !(__b < __a); }
- constexpr bool
- operator>=(const address& __a, const address& __b) noexcept
- { return !(__a < __b); }
- // @}
- /** ip::address_v4 creation
- * @{
- */
- constexpr address_v4
- make_address_v4(const address_v4::bytes_type& __b)
- { return address_v4{__b}; }
- constexpr address_v4
- make_address_v4(address_v4::uint_type __val)
- { return address_v4{__val}; }
- constexpr address_v4
- make_address_v4(v4_mapped_t, const address_v6& __a)
- {
- if (!__a.is_v4_mapped())
- _GLIBCXX_THROW_OR_ABORT(bad_address_cast());
- const auto __v6b = __a.to_bytes();
- return address_v4::bytes_type(__v6b[12], __v6b[13], __v6b[14], __v6b[15]);
- }
- inline address_v4
- make_address_v4(const char* __str, error_code& __ec) noexcept
- {
- address_v4 __a;
- const int __res = ::inet_pton(AF_INET, __str, &__a._M_addr);
- if (__res == 1)
- {
- __ec.clear();
- return __a;
- }
- if (__res == 0)
- __ec = std::make_error_code(std::errc::invalid_argument);
- else
- __ec.assign(errno, generic_category());
- return {};
- }
- inline address_v4
- make_address_v4(const char* __str)
- { return make_address_v4(__str, __throw_on_error{"make_address_v4"}); }
- inline address_v4
- make_address_v4(const string& __str, error_code& __ec) noexcept
- { return make_address_v4(__str.c_str(), __ec); }
- inline address_v4
- make_address_v4(const string& __str)
- { return make_address_v4(__str.c_str()); }
- inline address_v4
- make_address_v4(string_view __str, error_code& __ec) noexcept
- {
- char __buf[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];
- auto __len = __str.copy(__buf, sizeof(__buf));
- if (__len == sizeof(__buf))
- {
- __ec = std::make_error_code(std::errc::invalid_argument);
- return {};
- }
- __ec.clear();
- __buf[__len] = '\0';
- return make_address_v4(__buf, __ec);
- }
- inline address_v4
- make_address_v4(string_view __str)
- { return make_address_v4(__str, __throw_on_error{"make_address_v4"}); }
- // @}
- /** ip::address_v6 creation
- * @{
- */
- constexpr address_v6
- make_address_v6(const address_v6::bytes_type& __b, scope_id_type __scope = 0)
- { return address_v6{__b, __scope}; }
- constexpr address_v6
- make_address_v6(v4_mapped_t, const address_v4& __a) noexcept
- {
- const address_v4::bytes_type __v4b = __a.to_bytes();
- address_v6::bytes_type __v6b(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0xFF, 0xFF,
- __v4b[0], __v4b[1], __v4b[2], __v4b[3]);
- return address_v6(__v6b);
- }
- inline address_v6
- __make_address_v6(const char* __addr, const char* __scope, error_code& __ec)
- {
- address_v6::bytes_type __b;
- int __res = ::inet_pton(AF_INET6, __addr, __b.data());
- if (__res == 1)
- {
- __ec.clear();
- if (!__scope)
- {
- return { __b };
- }
- char* __eptr;
- unsigned long __val = std::strtoul(__scope, &__eptr, 10);
- if (__eptr != __scope && !*__eptr
- && __val <= numeric_limits<scope_id_type>::max())
- {
- return { __b, static_cast<scope_id_type>(__val) };
- }
- __ec = std::make_error_code(std::errc::invalid_argument);
- }
- else if (__res == 0)
- __ec = std::make_error_code(std::errc::invalid_argument);
- else
- __ec.assign(errno, generic_category());
- return {};
- }
- inline address_v6
- make_address_v6(const char* __str, error_code& __ec) noexcept
- {
- auto __p = __builtin_strchr(__str, '%');
- if (__p == nullptr)
- return __make_address_v6(__str, nullptr, __ec);
- char __buf[64];
- char* __out = __buf;
- bool __skip_leading_zero = true;
- while (__str < __p && __out < std::end(__buf))
- {
- if (!__skip_leading_zero || *__str != '0')
- {
- if (*__str == ':' || *__str == '.')
- __skip_leading_zero = true;
- else
- __skip_leading_zero = false;
- *__out = *__str;
- }
- __str++;
- }
- if (__out == std::end(__buf))
- __ec = std::make_error_code(std::errc::invalid_argument);
- else
- {
- *__out = '\0';
- return __make_address_v6(__buf, __p + 1, __ec);
- }
- }
- inline address_v6
- make_address_v6(const char* __str)
- { return make_address_v6(__str, __throw_on_error{"make_address_v6"}); }
- inline address_v6
- make_address_v6(const string& __str, error_code& __ec) noexcept
- {
- auto __pos = __str.find('%');
- if (__pos == string::npos)
- return __make_address_v6(__str.c_str(), nullptr, __ec);
- char __buf[64];
- char* __out = __buf;
- bool __skip_leading_zero = true;
- size_t __n = 0;
- while (__n < __pos && __out < std::end(__buf))
- {
- if (!__skip_leading_zero || __str[__n] != '0')
- {
- if (__str[__n] == ':' || __str[__n] == '.')
- __skip_leading_zero = true;
- else
- __skip_leading_zero = false;
- *__out = __str[__n];
- }
- __n++;
- }
- if (__out == std::end(__buf))
- __ec = std::make_error_code(std::errc::invalid_argument);
- else
- {
- *__out = '\0';
- return __make_address_v6(__buf, __str.c_str() + __pos + 1, __ec);
- }
- }
- inline address_v6
- make_address_v6(const string& __str)
- { return make_address_v6(__str, __throw_on_error{"make_address_v6"}); }
- inline address_v6
- make_address_v6(string_view __str, error_code& __ec) noexcept
- {
- char __buf[64];
- char* __out = __buf;
- char* __scope = nullptr;
- bool __skip_leading_zero = true;
- size_t __n = 0;
- while (__n < __str.length() && __out < std::end(__buf))
- {
- if (__str[__n] == '%')
- {
- if (__scope)
- __out = std::end(__buf);
- else
- {
- *__out = '\0';
- __scope = ++__out;
- __skip_leading_zero = true;
- }
- }
- else if (!__skip_leading_zero || __str[__n] != '0')
- {
- if (__str[__n] == ':' || __str[__n] == '.')
- __skip_leading_zero = true;
- else
- __skip_leading_zero = false;
- *__out = __str[__n];
- __out++;
- }
- __n++;
- }
- if (__out == std::end(__buf))
- __ec = std::make_error_code(std::errc::invalid_argument);
- else
- {
- *__out = '\0';
- return __make_address_v6(__buf, __scope, __ec);
- }
- }
- inline address_v6
- make_address_v6(string_view __str)
- { return make_address_v6(__str, __throw_on_error{"make_address_v6"}); }
- // @}
- /** ip::address creation
- * @{
- */
- inline address
- make_address(const char* __str, error_code& __ec) noexcept
- {
- address __a;
- address_v6 __v6a = make_address_v6(__str, __ec);
- if (!__ec)
- __a = __v6a;
- else
- {
- address_v4 __v4a = make_address_v4(__str, __ec);
- if (!__ec)
- __a = __v4a;
- }
- return __a;
- }
- inline address
- make_address(const char* __str)
- { return make_address(__str, __throw_on_error{"make_address"}); }
- inline address
- make_address(const string& __str, error_code& __ec) noexcept; // TODO
- inline address
- make_address(const string& __str)
- { return make_address(__str, __throw_on_error{"make_address"}); }
- inline address
- make_address(string_view __str, error_code& __ec) noexcept
- {
- if (__str.rfind('\0') != string_view::npos)
- return make_address(__str.data(), __ec);
- return make_address(__str.to_string(), __ec); // TODO don't allocate
- }
- inline address
- make_address(string_view __str)
- { return make_address(__str, __throw_on_error{"make_address"}); }
- // @}
- /// ip::address I/O
- template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
- inline basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>&
- operator<<(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __os, const address& __a)
- { return __os << __a.to_string(); }
- /// ip::address_v4 I/O
- template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
- inline basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>&
- operator<<(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __os, const address_v4& __a)
- { return __os << __a.to_string(); }
- /// ip::address_v6 I/O
- template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
- inline basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>&
- operator<<(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __os, const address_v6& __a)
- { return __os << __a.to_string(); }
- template<typename> class basic_address_iterator; // not defined
- template<> class basic_address_iterator<address_v4>
- {
- public:
- // types:
- typedef address_v4 value_type;
- typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
- typedef const address_v4* pointer;
- typedef const address_v4& reference;
- typedef input_iterator_tag iterator_category;
- // constructors:
- basic_address_iterator(const address_v4& __a) noexcept
- : _M_address(__a) { }
- // members:
- reference operator*() const noexcept { return _M_address; }
- pointer operator->() const noexcept { return &_M_address; }
- basic_address_iterator&
- operator++() noexcept
- {
- _M_address = value_type(_M_address.to_uint() + 1);
- return *this;
- }
- basic_address_iterator operator++(int) noexcept
- {
- auto __tmp = *this;
- ++*this;
- return __tmp;
- }
- basic_address_iterator& operator--() noexcept
- {
- _M_address = value_type(_M_address.to_uint() - 1);
- return *this;
- }
- basic_address_iterator
- operator--(int) noexcept
- {
- auto __tmp = *this;
- --*this;
- return __tmp;
- }
- bool
- operator==(const basic_address_iterator& __rhs) const noexcept
- { return _M_address == __rhs._M_address; }
- bool
- operator!=(const basic_address_iterator& __rhs) const noexcept
- { return _M_address != __rhs._M_address; }
- private:
- address_v4 _M_address;
- };
- typedef basic_address_iterator<address_v4> address_v4_iterator;
- template<> class basic_address_iterator<address_v6>
- {
- public:
- // types:
- typedef address_v6 value_type;
- typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
- typedef const address_v6* pointer;
- typedef const address_v6& reference;
- typedef input_iterator_tag iterator_category;
- // constructors:
- basic_address_iterator(const address_v6& __a) noexcept
- : _M_address(__a) { }
- // members:
- reference operator*() const noexcept { return _M_address; }
- pointer operator->() const noexcept { return &_M_address; }
- basic_address_iterator&
- operator++() noexcept; // TODO
- basic_address_iterator
- operator++(int) noexcept
- {
- auto __tmp = *this;
- ++*this;
- return __tmp;
- }
- basic_address_iterator&
- operator--() noexcept; // TODO
- basic_address_iterator
- operator--(int) noexcept
- {
- auto __tmp = *this;
- --*this;
- return __tmp;
- }
- bool
- operator==(const basic_address_iterator& __rhs) const noexcept
- { return _M_address == __rhs._M_address; }
- bool
- operator!=(const basic_address_iterator& __rhs) const noexcept
- { return _M_address != __rhs._M_address; }
- private:
- address_v6 _M_address;
- };
- typedef basic_address_iterator<address_v6> address_v6_iterator;
- template<typename> class basic_address_range; // not defined
- /** An IPv6 address range.
- * @{
- */
- template<> class basic_address_range<address_v4>
- {
- public:
- // types:
- typedef basic_address_iterator<address_v4> iterator;
- // constructors:
- basic_address_range() noexcept : _M_begin({}), _M_end({}) { }
- basic_address_range(const address_v4& __first,
- const address_v4& __last) noexcept
- : _M_begin(__first), _M_end(__last) { }
- // members:
- iterator begin() const noexcept { return _M_begin; }
- iterator end() const noexcept { return _M_end; }
- _GLIBCXX_NODISCARD bool empty() const noexcept { return _M_begin == _M_end; }
- size_t
- size() const noexcept { return _M_end->to_uint() - _M_begin->to_uint(); }
- iterator
- find(const address_v4& __addr) const noexcept
- {
- if (*_M_begin <= __addr && __addr < *_M_end)
- return iterator{__addr};
- return end();
- }
- private:
- iterator _M_begin;
- iterator _M_end;
- };
- typedef basic_address_range<address_v4> address_v4_range;
- // @}
- /** An IPv6 address range.
- * @{
- */
- template<> class basic_address_range<address_v6>
- {
- public:
- // types:
- typedef basic_address_iterator<address_v6> iterator;
- // constructors:
- basic_address_range() noexcept : _M_begin({}), _M_end({}) { }
- basic_address_range(const address_v6& __first,
- const address_v6& __last) noexcept
- : _M_begin(__first), _M_end(__last) { }
- // members:
- iterator begin() const noexcept { return _M_begin; }
- iterator end() const noexcept { return _M_end; }
- _GLIBCXX_NODISCARD bool empty() const noexcept { return _M_begin == _M_end; }
- iterator
- find(const address_v6& __addr) const noexcept
- {
- if (*_M_begin <= __addr && __addr < *_M_end)
- return iterator{__addr};
- return end();
- }
- private:
- iterator _M_begin;
- iterator _M_end;
- };
- typedef basic_address_range<address_v6> address_v6_range;
- // @}
- bool
- operator==(const network_v4& __a, const network_v4& __b) noexcept;
- bool
- operator==(const network_v6& __a, const network_v6& __b) noexcept;
- /// An IPv4 network address.
- class network_v4
- {
- public:
- // constructors:
- constexpr network_v4() noexcept : _M_addr(), _M_prefix_len(0) { }
- constexpr
- network_v4(const address_v4& __addr, int __prefix_len)
- : _M_addr(__addr), _M_prefix_len(__prefix_len)
- {
- if (_M_prefix_len < 0 || _M_prefix_len > 32)
- __throw_out_of_range("network_v4: invalid prefix length");
- }
- constexpr
- network_v4(const address_v4& __addr, const address_v4& __mask)
- : _M_addr(__addr), _M_prefix_len(__builtin_popcount(__mask.to_uint()))
- {
- if (_M_prefix_len != 0)
- {
- address_v4::uint_type __mask_uint = __mask.to_uint();
- if (__builtin_ctz(__mask_uint) != (32 - _M_prefix_len))
- __throw_invalid_argument("network_v4: invalid mask");
- if ((__mask_uint & 0x80000000) == 0)
- __throw_invalid_argument("network_v4: invalid mask");
- }
- }
- // members:
- constexpr address_v4 address() const noexcept { return _M_addr; }
- constexpr int prefix_length() const noexcept { return _M_prefix_len; }
- constexpr address_v4
- netmask() const noexcept
- {
- address_v4::uint_type __val = address_v4::broadcast().to_uint();
- __val >>= (32 - _M_prefix_len);
- __val <<= (32 - _M_prefix_len);
- return address_v4{__val};
- }
- constexpr address_v4
- network() const noexcept
- { return address_v4{_M_addr.to_uint() & netmask().to_uint()}; }
- constexpr address_v4
- broadcast() const noexcept
- { return address_v4{_M_addr.to_uint() | ~netmask().to_uint()}; }
- address_v4_range
- hosts() const noexcept
- {
- if (is_host())
- return { address(), *++address_v4_iterator(address()) };
- return { network(), broadcast() };
- }
- constexpr network_v4
- canonical() const noexcept
- { return network_v4(network(), prefix_length()); }
- constexpr bool is_host() const noexcept { return _M_prefix_len == 32; }
- constexpr bool
- is_subnet_of(const network_v4& __other) const noexcept
- {
- if (__other.prefix_length() < prefix_length())
- {
- network_v4 __net(address(), __other.prefix_length());
- return __net.canonical() == __other.canonical();
- }
- return false;
- }
- template<typename _Allocator = allocator<char>>
- __string_with<_Allocator>
- to_string(const _Allocator& __a = _Allocator()) const
- {
- return address().to_string(__a) + '/'
- + std::to_string(prefix_length());
- }
- private:
- address_v4 _M_addr;
- int _M_prefix_len;
- };
- /// An IPv6 network address.
- class network_v6
- {
- public:
- // constructors:
- constexpr network_v6() noexcept : _M_addr(), _M_prefix_len(0) { }
- constexpr
- network_v6(const address_v6& __addr, int __prefix_len)
- : _M_addr(__addr), _M_prefix_len(__prefix_len)
- {
- if (_M_prefix_len < 0 || _M_prefix_len > 128)
- __throw_out_of_range("network_v6: invalid prefix length");
- }
- // members:
- constexpr address_v6 address() const noexcept { return _M_addr; }
- constexpr int prefix_length() const noexcept { return _M_prefix_len; }
- constexpr address_v6 network() const noexcept; // TODO
- address_v6_range
- hosts() const noexcept
- {
- if (is_host())
- return { address(), *++address_v6_iterator(address()) };
- return {}; // { network(), XXX broadcast() XXX }; // TODO
- }
- constexpr network_v6
- canonical() const noexcept
- { return network_v6{network(), prefix_length()}; }
- constexpr bool is_host() const noexcept { return _M_prefix_len == 128; }
- constexpr bool
- is_subnet_of(const network_v6& __other) const noexcept
- {
- if (__other.prefix_length() < prefix_length())
- {
- network_v6 __net(address(), __other.prefix_length());
- return __net.canonical() == __other.canonical();
- }
- return false;
- }
- template<typename _Allocator = allocator<char>>
- __string_with<_Allocator>
- to_string(const _Allocator& __a = _Allocator()) const
- {
- return address().to_string(__a) + '/'
- + std::to_string(prefix_length());
- }
- private:
- address_v6 _M_addr;
- int _M_prefix_len;
- };
- /** ip::network_v4 comparisons
- * @{
- */
- inline bool
- operator==(const network_v4& __a, const network_v4& __b) noexcept
- {
- return __a.address() == __b.address()
- && __a.prefix_length() == __b.prefix_length();
- }
- inline bool
- operator!=(const network_v4& __a, const network_v4& __b) noexcept
- { return !(__a == __b); }
- // @}
- /** ip::network_v6 comparisons
- * @{
- */
- inline bool
- operator==(const network_v6& __a, const network_v6& __b) noexcept
- {
- return __a.address() == __b.address()
- && __a.prefix_length() == __b.prefix_length();
- }
- inline bool
- operator!=(const network_v6& __a, const network_v6& __b) noexcept
- { return !(__a == __b); }
- // @}
- /** ip::network_v4 creation
- * @{
- */
- inline network_v4
- make_network_v4(const address_v4& __a, int __prefix_len)
- { return network_v4{__a, __prefix_len}; }
- network_v4
- make_network_v4(const address_v4& __a, const address_v4& __mask)
- { return network_v4{ __a, __mask }; }
- network_v4 make_network_v4(const char*, error_code&) noexcept; // TODO
- inline network_v4
- make_network_v4(const char* __str)
- { return make_network_v4(__str, __throw_on_error{"make_network_v4"}); }
- network_v4 make_network_v4(const string&, error_code&) noexcept; // TODO
- inline network_v4
- make_network_v4(const string& __str)
- { return make_network_v4(__str, __throw_on_error{"make_network_v4"}); }
- network_v4 make_network_v4(string_view, error_code&) noexcept; // TODO
- inline network_v4
- make_network_v4(string_view __str)
- { return make_network_v4(__str, __throw_on_error{"make_network_v4"}); }
- // @}
- /** ip::network_v6 creation
- * @{
- */
- inline network_v6
- make_network_v6(const address_v6& __a, int __prefix_len)
- { return network_v6{__a, __prefix_len}; }
- network_v6 make_network_v6(const char*, error_code&) noexcept; // TODO
- inline network_v6
- make_network_v6(const char* __str)
- { return make_network_v6(__str, __throw_on_error{"make_network_v6"}); }
- network_v6 make_network_v6(const string&, error_code&) noexcept; // TODO
- inline network_v6
- make_network_v6(const string& __str)
- { return make_network_v6(__str, __throw_on_error{"make_network_v6"}); }
- network_v6 make_network_v6(string_view, error_code&) noexcept; // TODO
- inline network_v6
- make_network_v6(string_view __str)
- { return make_network_v6(__str, __throw_on_error{"make_network_v6"}); }
- // @}
- /// ip::network_v4 I/O
- template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
- inline basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>&
- operator<<(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __os, const network_v4& __net)
- { return __os << __net.to_string(); }
- /// ip::network_v6 I/O
- template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits>
- inline basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>&
- operator<<(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __os, const network_v6& __net)
- { return __os << __net.to_string(); }
- /// An IP endpoint.
- template<typename _InternetProtocol>
- class basic_endpoint
- {
- public:
- // types:
- typedef _InternetProtocol protocol_type;
- // constructors:
- constexpr
- basic_endpoint() noexcept : _M_data()
- { _M_data._M_v4.sin_family = protocol_type::v4().family(); }
- constexpr
- basic_endpoint(const protocol_type& __proto,
- port_type __port_num) noexcept
- : _M_data()
- {
- __glibcxx_assert(__proto == protocol_type::v4()
- || __proto == protocol_type::v6());
- _M_data._M_v4.sin_family = __proto.family();
- _M_data._M_v4.sin_port = address_v4::_S_hton_16(__port_num);
- }
- constexpr
- basic_endpoint(const ip::address& __addr,
- port_type __port_num) noexcept
- : _M_data()
- {
- if (__addr.is_v4())
- {
- _M_data._M_v4.sin_family = protocol_type::v4().family();
- _M_data._M_v4.sin_port = address_v4::_S_hton_16(__port_num);
- _M_data._M_v4.sin_addr.s_addr = __addr._M_v4._M_addr;
- }
- else
- {
- _M_data._M_v6 = {};
- _M_data._M_v6.sin6_family = protocol_type::v6().family();
- _M_data._M_v6.sin6_port = address_v4::_S_hton_16(__port_num);
- __builtin_memcpy(_M_data._M_v6.sin6_addr.s6_addr,
- __addr._M_v6._M_bytes.data(), 16);
- _M_data._M_v6.sin6_scope_id = __addr._M_v6._M_scope_id;
- }
- }
- // members:
- constexpr protocol_type protocol() const noexcept
- {
- return _M_data._M_v4.sin_family == AF_INET6
- ? protocol_type::v6() : protocol_type::v4();
- }
- constexpr ip::address
- address() const noexcept
- {
- ip::address __addr;
- if (protocol().family() == AF_INET6)
- {
- __builtin_memcpy(&__addr._M_v6._M_bytes,
- _M_data._M_v6.sin6_addr.s6_addr, 16);
- __addr._M_is_v4 = false;
- }
- else
- {
- __builtin_memcpy(&__addr._M_v4._M_addr,
- &_M_data._M_v4.sin_addr.s_addr, 4);
- }
- return __addr;
- }
- void
- address(const ip::address& __addr) noexcept
- {
- if (__addr.is_v6())
- {
- _M_data._M_v6 = {};
- _M_data._M_v6.sin6_family = protocol_type::v6().family();
- __builtin_memcpy(_M_data._M_v6.sin6_addr.s6_addr,
- __addr._M_v6._M_bytes.data(), 16);
- _M_data._M_v6.sin6_scope_id = __addr._M_v6._M_scope_id;
- }
- else
- {
- _M_data._M_v4.sin_family = protocol_type::v4().family();
- _M_data._M_v4.sin_addr.s_addr = __addr._M_v4._M_addr;
- }
- }
- constexpr port_type
- port() const noexcept
- { return address_v4::_S_ntoh_16(_M_data._M_v4.sin_port); }
- void
- port(port_type __port_num) noexcept
- { _M_data._M_v4.sin_port = address_v4::_S_hton_16(__port_num); }
- void* data() noexcept { return &_M_data; }
- const void* data() const noexcept { return &_M_data; }
- constexpr size_t size() const noexcept
- {
- return protocol().family() == AF_INET6
- ? sizeof(sockaddr_in6) : sizeof(sockaddr_in);
- }
- void
- resize(size_t __s)
- {
- if ((protocol().family() == AF_INET6 && __s != sizeof(sockaddr_in6))
- || (protocol().family() == AF_INET && __s != sizeof(sockaddr_in)))
- __throw_length_error("net::ip::basic_endpoint::resize");
- }
- constexpr size_t capacity() const noexcept { return sizeof(_M_data); }
- private:
- union
- {
- sockaddr_in _M_v4;
- sockaddr_in6 _M_v6;
- } _M_data;
- };
- /** basic_endpoint comparisons
- * @{
- */
- template<typename _InternetProtocol>
- inline bool
- operator==(const basic_endpoint<_InternetProtocol>& __a,
- const basic_endpoint<_InternetProtocol>& __b)
- { return __a.address() == __b.address() && __a.port() == __b.port(); }
- template<typename _InternetProtocol>
- inline bool
- operator!=(const basic_endpoint<_InternetProtocol>& __a,
- const basic_endpoint<_InternetProtocol>& __b)
- { return !(__a == __b); }
- template<typename _InternetProtocol>
- inline bool
- operator< (const basic_endpoint<_InternetProtocol>& __a,
- const basic_endpoint<_InternetProtocol>& __b)
- {
- return __a.address() < __b.address()
- || (!(__b.address() < __a.address()) && __a.port() < __b.port());
- }
- template<typename _InternetProtocol>
- inline bool
- operator> (const basic_endpoint<_InternetProtocol>& __a,
- const basic_endpoint<_InternetProtocol>& __b)
- { return __b < __a; }
- template<typename _InternetProtocol>
- inline bool
- operator<=(const basic_endpoint<_InternetProtocol>& __a,
- const basic_endpoint<_InternetProtocol>& __b)
- { return !(__b < __a); }
- template<typename _InternetProtocol>
- inline bool
- operator>=(const basic_endpoint<_InternetProtocol>& __a,
- const basic_endpoint<_InternetProtocol>& __b)
- { return !(__a < __b); }
- // @}
- /// basic_endpoint I/O
- template<typename _CharT, typename _Traits, typename _InternetProtocol>
- inline basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>&
- operator<<(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __os,
- const basic_endpoint<_InternetProtocol>& __ep)
- {
- basic_ostringstream<_CharT, _Traits> __ss;
- if (__ep.protocol()
- == basic_endpoint<_InternetProtocol>::protocol_type::v6())
- __ss << '[' << __ep.address() << ']';
- else
- __ss << __ep.address();
- __ss << ':' << __ep.port();
- __os << __ss.str();
- return __os;
- }
- /** Type representing a single result of name/address resolution.
- * @{
- */
- template<typename _InternetProtocol>
- class basic_resolver_entry
- {
- public:
- // types:
- typedef _InternetProtocol protocol_type;
- typedef typename _InternetProtocol::endpoint endpoint_type;
- // constructors:
- basic_resolver_entry() { }
- basic_resolver_entry(const endpoint_type& __ep,
- string_view __h, string_view __s)
- : _M_ep(__ep), _M_host(__h), _M_svc(__s) { }
- // members:
- endpoint_type endpoint() const { return _M_ep; }
- operator endpoint_type() const { return _M_ep; }
- template<typename _Allocator = allocator<char>>
- __string_with<_Allocator>
- host_name(const _Allocator& __a = _Allocator()) const
- { return { _M_host, __a }; }
- template<typename _Allocator = allocator<char>>
- __string_with<_Allocator>
- service_name(const _Allocator& __a = _Allocator()) const
- { return { _M_svc, __a }; }
- private:
- basic_endpoint<_InternetProtocol> _M_ep;
- string _M_host;
- string _M_svc;
- };
- template<typename _InternetProtocol>
- inline bool
- operator==(const basic_resolver_entry<_InternetProtocol>& __a,
- const basic_resolver_entry<_InternetProtocol>& __b)
- {
- return __a.endpoint() == __b.endpoint()
- && __a.host_name() == __b.host_name()
- && __a.service_name() == __b.service_name();
- }
- template<typename _InternetProtocol>
- inline bool
- operator!=(const basic_resolver_entry<_InternetProtocol>& __a,
- const basic_resolver_entry<_InternetProtocol>& __b)
- { return !(__a == __b); }
- // @}
- /** Base class defining flags for name/address resolution.
- * @{
- */
- class resolver_base
- {
- public:
- enum flags : int
- {
- __flags_passive = AI_PASSIVE,
- __flags_canonical_name = AI_CANONNAME,
- __flags_numeric_host = AI_NUMERICHOST,
- __flags_numeric_service = AI_NUMERICSERV,
- #endif
- __flags_v4_mapped = AI_V4MAPPED,
- __flags_all_matching = AI_ALL,
- __flags_address_configured = AI_ADDRCONFIG
- };
- static constexpr flags passive = __flags_passive;
- static constexpr flags canonical_name = __flags_canonical_name;
- static constexpr flags numeric_host = __flags_numeric_host;
- static constexpr flags numeric_service = __flags_numeric_service;
- #endif
- static constexpr flags v4_mapped = __flags_v4_mapped;
- static constexpr flags all_matching = __flags_all_matching;
- static constexpr flags address_configured = __flags_address_configured;
- protected:
- resolver_base() = default;
- ~resolver_base() = default;
- };
- constexpr resolver_base::flags
- operator&(resolver_base::flags __f1, resolver_base::flags __f2)
- { return resolver_base::flags( int(__f1) & int(__f2) ); }
- constexpr resolver_base::flags
- operator|(resolver_base::flags __f1, resolver_base::flags __f2)
- { return resolver_base::flags( int(__f1) | int(__f2) ); }
- constexpr resolver_base::flags
- operator^(resolver_base::flags __f1, resolver_base::flags __f2)
- { return resolver_base::flags( int(__f1) ^ int(__f2) ); }
- constexpr resolver_base::flags
- operator~(resolver_base::flags __f)
- { return resolver_base::flags( ~int(__f) ); }
- inline resolver_base::flags&
- operator&=(resolver_base::flags& __f1, resolver_base::flags __f2)
- { return __f1 = (__f1 & __f2); }
- inline resolver_base::flags&
- operator|=(resolver_base::flags& __f1, resolver_base::flags __f2)
- { return __f1 = (__f1 | __f2); }
- inline resolver_base::flags&
- operator^=(resolver_base::flags& __f1, resolver_base::flags __f2)
- { return __f1 = (__f1 ^ __f2); }
- // TODO define resolver_base::flags static constants for C++14 mode
- // @}
- /** Container for results of name/address resolution.
- * @{
- */
- template<typename _InternetProtocol>
- class basic_resolver_results
- {
- public:
- // types:
- typedef _InternetProtocol protocol_type;
- typedef typename protocol_type::endpoint endpoint_type;
- typedef basic_resolver_entry<protocol_type> value_type;
- typedef const value_type& const_reference;
- typedef value_type& reference;
- typedef typename forward_list<value_type>::const_iterator const_iterator;
- typedef const_iterator iterator;
- typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
- typedef size_t size_type;
- // construct / copy / destroy:
- basic_resolver_results() = default;
- basic_resolver_results(const basic_resolver_results&) = default;
- basic_resolver_results(basic_resolver_results&&) noexcept = default;
- basic_resolver_results&
- operator=(const basic_resolver_results&) = default;
- basic_resolver_results&
- operator=(basic_resolver_results&&) = default;
- ~basic_resolver_results() = default;
- // size:
- size_type size() const noexcept { return _M_size; }
- size_type max_size() const noexcept { return _M_results.max_size(); }
- empty() const noexcept { return _M_results.empty(); }
- // element access:
- const_iterator begin() const { return _M_results.begin(); }
- const_iterator end() const { return _M_results.end(); }
- const_iterator cbegin() const { return _M_results.begin(); }
- const_iterator cend() const { return _M_results.end(); }
- // swap:
- void
- swap(basic_resolver_results& __that) noexcept
- { _M_results.swap(__that._M_results); }
- private:
- friend class basic_resolver<protocol_type>;
- basic_resolver_results(string_view, string_view, resolver_base::flags,
- error_code&, protocol_type* = nullptr);
- basic_resolver_results(const endpoint_type&, error_code&);
- forward_list<value_type> _M_results;
- size_t _M_size = 0;
- };
- template<typename _InternetProtocol>
- inline bool
- operator==(const basic_resolver_results<_InternetProtocol>& __a,
- const basic_resolver_results<_InternetProtocol>& __b)
- {
- return __a.size() == __b.size()
- && std::equal(__a.begin(), __a.end(), __b.begin());
- }
- template<typename _InternetProtocol>
- inline bool
- operator!=(const basic_resolver_results<_InternetProtocol>& __a,
- const basic_resolver_results<_InternetProtocol>& __b)
- { return !(__a == __b); }
- // @}
- /// Perform name/address resolution.
- template<typename _InternetProtocol>
- class basic_resolver : public resolver_base
- {
- public:
- // types:
- typedef io_context::executor_type executor_type;
- typedef _InternetProtocol protocol_type;
- typedef typename _InternetProtocol::endpoint endpoint_type;
- typedef basic_resolver_results<_InternetProtocol> results_type;
- // construct / copy / destroy:
- explicit basic_resolver(io_context& __ctx) : _M_ctx(&__ctx) { }
- basic_resolver(const basic_resolver&) = delete;
- basic_resolver(basic_resolver&& __rhs) noexcept
- : _M_ctx(__rhs._M_ctx)
- { } // TODO move state/tasks etc.
- ~basic_resolver() { cancel(); }
- basic_resolver& operator=(const basic_resolver&) = delete;
- basic_resolver& operator=(basic_resolver&& __rhs)
- {
- cancel();
- _M_ctx = __rhs._M_ctx;
- // TODO move state/tasks etc.
- return *this;
- }
- // basic_resolver operations:
- executor_type get_executor() noexcept { return _M_ctx->get_executor(); }
- void cancel() { } // TODO
- results_type
- resolve(string_view __host_name, string_view __service_name)
- {
- return resolve(__host_name, __service_name, resolver_base::flags(),
- __throw_on_error{"basic_resolver::resolve"});
- }
- results_type
- resolve(string_view __host_name, string_view __service_name,
- error_code& __ec)
- {
- return resolve(__host_name, __service_name, resolver_base::flags(),
- __ec);
- }
- results_type
- resolve(string_view __host_name, string_view __service_name, flags __f)
- {
- return resolve(__host_name, __service_name, __f,
- __throw_on_error{"basic_resolver::resolve"});
- }
- results_type
- resolve(string_view __host_name, string_view __service_name, flags __f,
- error_code& __ec)
- { return {__host_name, __service_name, __f, __ec}; }
- template<typename _CompletionToken>
- __deduced_t<_CompletionToken, void(error_code, results_type)>
- async_resolve(string_view __host_name, string_view __service_name,
- _CompletionToken&& __token)
- {
- return async_resolve(__host_name, __service_name,
- resolver_base::flags(),
- forward<_CompletionToken>(__token));
- }
- template<typename _CompletionToken>
- __deduced_t<_CompletionToken, void(error_code, results_type)>
- async_resolve(string_view __host_name, string_view __service_name,
- flags __f, _CompletionToken&& __token); // TODO
- results_type
- resolve(const protocol_type& __protocol,
- string_view __host_name, string_view __service_name)
- {
- return resolve(__protocol, __host_name, __service_name,
- resolver_base::flags(),
- __throw_on_error{"basic_resolver::resolve"});
- }
- results_type
- resolve(const protocol_type& __protocol,
- string_view __host_name, string_view __service_name,
- error_code& __ec)
- {
- return resolve(__protocol, __host_name, __service_name,
- resolver_base::flags(), __ec);
- }
- results_type
- resolve(const protocol_type& __protocol,
- string_view __host_name, string_view __service_name, flags __f)
- {
- return resolve(__protocol, __host_name, __service_name, __f,
- __throw_on_error{"basic_resolver::resolve"});
- }
- results_type
- resolve(const protocol_type& __protocol,
- string_view __host_name, string_view __service_name,
- flags __f, error_code& __ec)
- { return {__host_name, __service_name, __f, __ec, &__protocol}; }
- template<typename _CompletionToken>
- __deduced_t<_CompletionToken, void(error_code, results_type)>
- async_resolve(const protocol_type& __protocol,
- string_view __host_name, string_view __service_name,
- _CompletionToken&& __token)
- {
- return async_resolve(__protocol, __host_name, __service_name,
- resolver_base::flags(),
- forward<_CompletionToken>(__token));
- }
- template<typename _CompletionToken>
- __deduced_t<_CompletionToken, void(error_code, results_type)>
- async_resolve(const protocol_type& __protocol,
- string_view __host_name, string_view __service_name,
- flags __f, _CompletionToken&& __token); // TODO
- results_type
- resolve(const endpoint_type& __ep)
- { return resolve(__ep, __throw_on_error{"basic_resolver::resolve"}); }
- results_type
- resolve(const endpoint_type& __ep, error_code& __ec)
- { return { __ep, __ec }; }
- template<typename _CompletionToken> // TODO
- __deduced_t<_CompletionToken, void(error_code, results_type)>
- async_resolve(const endpoint_type& __ep, _CompletionToken&& __token);
- private:
- io_context* _M_ctx;
- };
- /// Private constructor to synchronously resolve host and service names.
- template<typename _InternetProtocol>
- basic_resolver_results<_InternetProtocol>::
- basic_resolver_results(string_view __host_name, string_view __service_name,
- resolver_base::flags __f, error_code& __ec,
- protocol_type* __protocol)
- {
- string __host;
- const char* __h = __host_name.data()
- ? (__host = __host_name.to_string()).c_str()
- : nullptr;
- string __svc;
- const char* __s = __service_name.data()
- ? (__svc = __service_name.to_string()).c_str()
- : nullptr;
- ::addrinfo __hints{ };
- __hints.ai_flags = static_cast<int>(__f);
- if (__protocol)
- {
- __hints.ai_family = __protocol->family();
- __hints.ai_socktype = __protocol->type();
- __hints.ai_protocol = __protocol->protocol();
- }
- else
- {
- auto __p = endpoint_type{}.protocol();
- __hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
- __hints.ai_socktype = __p.type();
- __hints.ai_protocol = __p.protocol();
- }
- struct __scoped_addrinfo
- {
- ~__scoped_addrinfo() { if (_M_p) ::freeaddrinfo(_M_p); }
- ::addrinfo* _M_p = nullptr;
- } __sai;
- if (int __err = ::getaddrinfo(__h, __s, &__hints, &__sai._M_p))
- {
- __ec.assign(__err, resolver_category());
- return;
- }
- __ec.clear();
- endpoint_type __ep;
- auto __tail = _M_results.before_begin();
- for (auto __ai = __sai._M_p; __ai != nullptr; __ai = __ai->ai_next)
- {
- if (__ai->ai_family == AF_INET || __ai->ai_family == AF_INET6)
- {
- if (__ai->ai_addrlen <= __ep.capacity())
- __builtin_memcpy(__ep.data(), __ai->ai_addr, __ai->ai_addrlen);
- __ep.resize(__ai->ai_addrlen);
- __tail = _M_results.emplace_after(__tail, __ep, __host, __svc);
- _M_size++;
- }
- }
- #else
- __ec = std::make_error_code(errc::operation_not_supported);
- #endif
- }
- /// Private constructor to synchronously resolve an endpoint.
- template<typename _InternetProtocol>
- basic_resolver_results<_InternetProtocol>::
- basic_resolver_results(const endpoint_type& __ep, error_code& __ec)
- {
- char __host_name[256];
- char __service_name[128];
- int __flags = 0;
- if (__ep.protocol().type() == SOCK_DGRAM)
- __flags |= NI_DGRAM;
- auto __sa = static_cast<const sockaddr*>(__ep.data());
- int __err = ::getnameinfo(__sa, __ep.size(),
- __host_name, sizeof(__host_name),
- __service_name, sizeof(__service_name),
- __flags);
- if (__err)
- {
- __flags |= NI_NUMERICSERV;
- __err = ::getnameinfo(__sa, __ep.size(),
- __host_name, sizeof(__host_name),
- __service_name, sizeof(__service_name),
- __flags);
- }
- if (__err)
- __ec.assign(__err, resolver_category());
- else
- {
- __ec.clear();
- _M_results.emplace_front(__ep, __host_name, __service_name);
- _M_size = 1;
- }
- #else
- __ec = std::make_error_code(errc::operation_not_supported);
- #endif
- }
- /** The name of the local host.
- * @{
- */
- template<typename _Allocator>
- __string_with<_Allocator>
- host_name(const _Allocator& __a, error_code& __ec)
- {
- #ifdef HOST_NAME_MAX
- constexpr size_t __maxlen = HOST_NAME_MAX;
- #else
- constexpr size_t __maxlen = 256;
- #endif
- char __buf[__maxlen + 1];
- if (::gethostname(__buf, __maxlen) == -1)
- __ec.assign(errno, generic_category());
- __buf[__maxlen] = '\0';
- return { __buf, __a };
- }
- template<typename _Allocator>
- inline __string_with<_Allocator>
- host_name(const _Allocator& __a)
- { return host_name(__a, __throw_on_error{"host_name"}); }
- inline string
- host_name(error_code& __ec)
- { return host_name(std::allocator<char>{}, __ec); }
- inline string
- host_name()
- { return host_name(std::allocator<char>{}, __throw_on_error{"host_name"}); }
- // @}
- /// The TCP byte-stream protocol.
- class tcp
- {
- public:
- // types:
- typedef basic_endpoint<tcp> endpoint; ///< A TCP endpoint.
- typedef basic_resolver<tcp> resolver; ///< A TCP resolver.
- typedef basic_stream_socket<tcp> socket; ///< A TCP socket.
- typedef basic_socket_acceptor<tcp> acceptor; ///< A TCP acceptor.
- typedef basic_socket_iostream<tcp> iostream; /// A TCP iostream.
- /// Disable coalescing of small segments (i.e. the Nagle algorithm).
- struct no_delay : __sockopt_crtp<no_delay, bool>
- {
- using __sockopt_crtp::__sockopt_crtp;
- static const int _S_level = IPPROTO_TCP;
- static const int _S_name = TCP_NODELAY;
- };
- #endif
- // static members:
- /// A protocol object representing IPv4 TCP.
- static constexpr tcp v4() noexcept { return tcp(AF_INET); }
- /// A protocol object representing IPv6 TCP.
- static constexpr tcp v6() noexcept { return tcp(AF_INET6); }
- tcp() = delete;
- constexpr int family() const noexcept { return _M_family; }
- constexpr int type() const noexcept { return SOCK_STREAM; }
- constexpr int protocol() const noexcept { return IPPROTO_TCP; }
- private:
- constexpr explicit tcp(int __family) : _M_family(__family) { }
- int _M_family;
- };
- /** tcp comparisons
- * @{
- */
- inline bool
- operator==(const tcp& __a, const tcp& __b)
- { return __a.family() == __b.family(); }
- inline bool
- operator!=(const tcp& __a, const tcp& __b)
- { return !(__a == __b); }
- // @}
- /// The UDP datagram protocol.
- class udp
- {
- public:
- // types:
- typedef basic_endpoint<udp> endpoint;
- typedef basic_resolver<udp> resolver;
- typedef basic_datagram_socket<udp> socket;
- // static members:
- static constexpr udp v4() noexcept { return udp(AF_INET); }
- static constexpr udp v6() noexcept { return udp(AF_INET6); }
- udp() = delete;
- constexpr int family() const noexcept { return _M_family; }
- constexpr int type() const noexcept { return SOCK_DGRAM; }
- constexpr int protocol() const noexcept { return IPPROTO_UDP; }
- private:
- constexpr explicit udp(int __family) : _M_family(__family) { }
- int _M_family;
- };
- /** udp comparisons
- * @{
- */
- bool
- operator==(const udp& __a, const udp& __b)
- { return __a.family() == __b.family(); }
- inline bool
- operator!=(const udp& __a, const udp& __b)
- { return !(__a == __b); }
- // @}
- /// Restrict a socket created for an IPv6 protocol to IPv6 only.
- struct v6_only : __sockopt_crtp<v6_only, bool>
- {
- using __sockopt_crtp::__sockopt_crtp;
- static const int _S_level = IPPROTO_IPV6;
- static const int _S_name = IPV6_V6ONLY;
- };
- namespace unicast
- {
- /// Set the default number of hops (TTL) for outbound datagrams.
- struct hops : __sockopt_crtp<hops>
- {
- using __sockopt_crtp::__sockopt_crtp;
- template<typename _Protocol>
- int
- level(const _Protocol& __p) const noexcept
- { return __p.family() == AF_INET6 ? IPPROTO_IPV6 : IPPROTO_IP; }
- template<typename _Protocol>
- int
- name(const _Protocol& __p) const noexcept
- { return __p.family() == AF_INET6 ? IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS : IP_TTL; }
- };
- } // namespace unicast
- namespace multicast
- {
- /// Request that a socket joins a multicast group.
- struct join_group
- {
- explicit
- join_group(const address&);
- explicit
- join_group(const address_v4&, const address_v4& = address_v4::any());
- explicit
- join_group(const address_v6&, unsigned int = 0);
- template<typename _Protocol>
- int
- level(const _Protocol& __p) const noexcept
- { return __p.family() == AF_INET6 ? IPPROTO_IPV6 : IPPROTO_IP; }
- template<typename _Protocol>
- int
- name(const _Protocol& __p) const noexcept
- {
- return __p.family() == AF_INET6
- }
- template<typename _Protocol>
- void*
- data(const _Protocol&) noexcept
- { return std::addressof(_M_value); }
- template<typename _Protocol>
- const void*
- data(const _Protocol&) const noexcept
- { return std::addressof(_M_value); }
- template<typename _Protocol>
- size_t
- size(const _Protocol& __p) const noexcept
- {
- return __p.family() == AF_INET6
- ? sizeof(_M_value._M_v6) : sizeof(_M_value._M_v4);
- }
- template<typename _Protocol>
- void
- resize(const _Protocol& __p, size_t __s)
- {
- if (__s != size(__p))
- __throw_length_error("invalid value for socket option resize");
- }
- protected:
- union
- {
- ipv6_mreq _M_v6;
- ip_mreq _M_v4;
- } _M_value;
- };
- /// Request that a socket leaves a multicast group.
- struct leave_group
- {
- explicit
- leave_group(const address&);
- explicit
- leave_group(const address_v4&, const address_v4& = address_v4::any());
- explicit
- leave_group(const address_v6&, unsigned int = 0);
- template<typename _Protocol>
- int
- level(const _Protocol& __p) const noexcept
- { return __p.family() == AF_INET6 ? IPPROTO_IPV6 : IPPROTO_IP; }
- template<typename _Protocol>
- int
- name(const _Protocol& __p) const noexcept
- {
- return __p.family() == AF_INET6
- }
- template<typename _Protocol>
- void*
- data(const _Protocol&) noexcept
- { return std::addressof(_M_value); }
- template<typename _Protocol>
- const void*
- data(const _Protocol&) const noexcept
- { return std::addressof(_M_value); }
- template<typename _Protocol>
- size_t
- size(const _Protocol& __p) const noexcept
- {
- return __p.family() == AF_INET6
- ? sizeof(_M_value._M_v6) : sizeof(_M_value._M_v4);
- }
- template<typename _Protocol>
- void
- resize(const _Protocol& __p, size_t __s)
- {
- if (__s != size(__p))
- __throw_length_error("invalid value for socket option resize");
- }
- protected:
- union
- {
- ipv6_mreq _M_v6;
- ip_mreq _M_v4;
- } _M_value;
- };
- /// Specify the network interface for outgoing multicast datagrams.
- class outbound_interface
- {
- explicit
- outbound_interface(const address_v4&);
- explicit
- outbound_interface(unsigned int);
- template<typename _Protocol>
- int
- level(const _Protocol& __p) const noexcept
- { return __p.family() == AF_INET6 ? IPPROTO_IPV6 : IPPROTO_IP; }
- template<typename _Protocol>
- int
- name(const _Protocol& __p) const noexcept
- {
- return __p.family() == AF_INET6
- }
- template<typename _Protocol>
- const void*
- data(const _Protocol&) const noexcept
- { return std::addressof(_M_value); }
- template<typename _Protocol>
- size_t
- size(const _Protocol& __p) const noexcept
- {
- return __p.family() == AF_INET6
- ? sizeof(_M_value._M_v6) : sizeof(_M_value._M_v4);
- }
- protected:
- union {
- unsigned _M_v6;
- in_addr _M_v4;
- } _M_value;
- };
- /// Set the default number of hops (TTL) for outbound datagrams.
- struct hops : __sockopt_crtp<hops>
- {
- using __sockopt_crtp::__sockopt_crtp;
- template<typename _Protocol>
- int
- level(const _Protocol& __p) const noexcept
- { return __p.family() == AF_INET6 ? IPPROTO_IPV6 : IPPROTO_IP; }
- template<typename _Protocol>
- int
- name(const _Protocol& __p) const noexcept
- {
- return __p.family() == AF_INET6
- }
- };
- /// Set whether datagrams are delivered back to the local application.
- struct enable_loopback : __sockopt_crtp<enable_loopback>
- {
- using __sockopt_crtp::__sockopt_crtp;
- template<typename _Protocol>
- int
- level(const _Protocol& __p) const noexcept
- { return __p.family() == AF_INET6 ? IPPROTO_IPV6 : IPPROTO_IP; }
- template<typename _Protocol>
- int
- name(const _Protocol& __p) const noexcept
- {
- return __p.family() == AF_INET6
- }
- };
- } // namespace multicast
- // @}
- } // namespace ip
- } // namespace v1
- } // namespace net
- } // namespace experimental
- template<>
- struct is_error_condition_enum<experimental::net::v1::ip::resolver_errc>
- : public true_type {};
- // hash support
- template<typename _Tp> struct hash;
- template<>
- struct hash<experimental::net::v1::ip::address>
- : __hash_base<size_t, experimental::net::v1::ip::address>
- {
- size_t
- operator()(const argument_type& __a) const
- {
- if (__a.is_v4())
- return _Hash_impl::hash(__a.to_v4());
- else
- return _Hash_impl::hash(__a.to_v6());
- }
- };
- template<>
- struct hash<experimental::net::v1::ip::address_v4>
- : __hash_base<size_t, experimental::net::v1::ip::address_v4>
- {
- size_t
- operator()(const argument_type& __a) const
- { return _Hash_impl::hash(__a.to_bytes()); }
- };
- template<> struct hash<experimental::net::v1::ip::address_v6>
- : __hash_base<size_t, experimental::net::v1::ip::address_v6>
- {
- size_t
- operator()(const argument_type& __a) const
- { return _Hash_impl::hash(__a.to_bytes()); }
- };
- } // namespace std
- #endif // C++14