- // <functional> -*- C++ -*-
- // Copyright (C) 2001-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- //
- // This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library. This library is free
- // software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
- // terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
- // Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- // any later version.
- // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- // GNU General Public License for more details.
- // Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
- // permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
- // 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
- // a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
- // see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see
- // <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- /*
- * Copyright (c) 1997
- * Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Silicon Graphics makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
- /** @file include/functional
- * This is a Standard C++ Library header.
- */
- #pragma GCC system_header
- #include <bits/c++config.h>
- #include <bits/stl_function.h>
- #if __cplusplus >= 201103L
- #include <new>
- #include <tuple>
- #include <type_traits>
- #include <bits/functional_hash.h>
- #include <bits/invoke.h>
- #include <bits/refwrap.h> // std::reference_wrapper and _Mem_fn_traits
- #include <bits/std_function.h> // std::function
- #if __cplusplus > 201402L
- # include <unordered_map>
- # include <vector>
- # include <array>
- # include <utility>
- # include <bits/stl_algo.h>
- #endif
- #if __cplusplus > 201703L
- # include <bits/range_cmp.h>
- # include <compare>
- #endif
- namespace std _GLIBCXX_VISIBILITY(default)
- {
- #if __cplusplus >= 201703L
- # define __cpp_lib_invoke 201411L
- # if __cplusplus > 201703L
- # define __cpp_lib_constexpr_functional 201907L
- # endif
- /// Invoke a callable object.
- template<typename _Callable, typename... _Args>
- inline _GLIBCXX20_CONSTEXPR invoke_result_t<_Callable, _Args...>
- invoke(_Callable&& __fn, _Args&&... __args)
- noexcept(is_nothrow_invocable_v<_Callable, _Args...>)
- {
- return std::__invoke(std::forward<_Callable>(__fn),
- std::forward<_Args>(__args)...);
- }
- #endif // C++17
- template<typename _MemFunPtr,
- bool __is_mem_fn = is_member_function_pointer<_MemFunPtr>::value>
- class _Mem_fn_base
- : public _Mem_fn_traits<_MemFunPtr>::__maybe_type
- {
- using _Traits = _Mem_fn_traits<_MemFunPtr>;
- using _Arity = typename _Traits::__arity;
- using _Varargs = typename _Traits::__vararg;
- template<typename _Func, typename... _BoundArgs>
- friend struct _Bind_check_arity;
- _MemFunPtr _M_pmf;
- public:
- using result_type = typename _Traits::__result_type;
- explicit constexpr
- _Mem_fn_base(_MemFunPtr __pmf) noexcept : _M_pmf(__pmf) { }
- template<typename... _Args>
- auto
- operator()(_Args&&... __args) const
- noexcept(noexcept(
- std::__invoke(_M_pmf, std::forward<_Args>(__args)...)))
- -> decltype(std::__invoke(_M_pmf, std::forward<_Args>(__args)...))
- { return std::__invoke(_M_pmf, std::forward<_Args>(__args)...); }
- };
- // Partial specialization for member object pointers.
- template<typename _MemObjPtr>
- class _Mem_fn_base<_MemObjPtr, false>
- {
- using _Arity = integral_constant<size_t, 0>;
- using _Varargs = false_type;
- template<typename _Func, typename... _BoundArgs>
- friend struct _Bind_check_arity;
- _MemObjPtr _M_pm;
- public:
- explicit constexpr
- _Mem_fn_base(_MemObjPtr __pm) noexcept : _M_pm(__pm) { }
- template<typename _Tp>
- auto
- operator()(_Tp&& __obj) const
- noexcept(noexcept(std::__invoke(_M_pm, std::forward<_Tp>(__obj))))
- -> decltype(std::__invoke(_M_pm, std::forward<_Tp>(__obj)))
- { return std::__invoke(_M_pm, std::forward<_Tp>(__obj)); }
- };
- template<typename _MemberPointer>
- struct _Mem_fn; // undefined
- template<typename _Res, typename _Class>
- struct _Mem_fn<_Res _Class::*>
- : _Mem_fn_base<_Res _Class::*>
- {
- using _Mem_fn_base<_Res _Class::*>::_Mem_fn_base;
- };
- // 2048. Unnecessary mem_fn overloads
- /**
- * @brief Returns a function object that forwards to the member
- * pointer @a pm.
- * @ingroup functors
- */
- template<typename _Tp, typename _Class>
- inline _Mem_fn<_Tp _Class::*>
- mem_fn(_Tp _Class::* __pm) noexcept
- {
- return _Mem_fn<_Tp _Class::*>(__pm);
- }
- /**
- * @brief Determines if the given type _Tp is a function object that
- * should be treated as a subexpression when evaluating calls to
- * function objects returned by bind().
- *
- * C++11 [func.bind.isbind].
- * @ingroup binders
- */
- template<typename _Tp>
- struct is_bind_expression
- : public false_type { };
- /**
- * @brief Determines if the given type _Tp is a placeholder in a
- * bind() expression and, if so, which placeholder it is.
- *
- * C++11 [func.bind.isplace].
- * @ingroup binders
- */
- template<typename _Tp>
- struct is_placeholder
- : public integral_constant<int, 0>
- { };
- #if __cplusplus > 201402L
- template <typename _Tp> inline constexpr bool is_bind_expression_v
- = is_bind_expression<_Tp>::value;
- template <typename _Tp> inline constexpr int is_placeholder_v
- = is_placeholder<_Tp>::value;
- #endif // C++17
- /** @brief The type of placeholder objects defined by libstdc++.
- * @ingroup binders
- */
- template<int _Num> struct _Placeholder { };
- /** @namespace std::placeholders
- * @brief ISO C++ 2011 namespace for std::bind placeholders.
- * @ingroup binders
- */
- namespace placeholders
- {
- /* Define a large number of placeholders. There is no way to
- * simplify this with variadic templates, because we're introducing
- * unique names for each.
- */
- extern const _Placeholder<1> _1;
- extern const _Placeholder<2> _2;
- extern const _Placeholder<3> _3;
- extern const _Placeholder<4> _4;
- extern const _Placeholder<5> _5;
- extern const _Placeholder<6> _6;
- extern const _Placeholder<7> _7;
- extern const _Placeholder<8> _8;
- extern const _Placeholder<9> _9;
- extern const _Placeholder<10> _10;
- extern const _Placeholder<11> _11;
- extern const _Placeholder<12> _12;
- extern const _Placeholder<13> _13;
- extern const _Placeholder<14> _14;
- extern const _Placeholder<15> _15;
- extern const _Placeholder<16> _16;
- extern const _Placeholder<17> _17;
- extern const _Placeholder<18> _18;
- extern const _Placeholder<19> _19;
- extern const _Placeholder<20> _20;
- extern const _Placeholder<21> _21;
- extern const _Placeholder<22> _22;
- extern const _Placeholder<23> _23;
- extern const _Placeholder<24> _24;
- extern const _Placeholder<25> _25;
- extern const _Placeholder<26> _26;
- extern const _Placeholder<27> _27;
- extern const _Placeholder<28> _28;
- extern const _Placeholder<29> _29;
- }
- /**
- * Partial specialization of is_placeholder that provides the placeholder
- * number for the placeholder objects defined by libstdc++.
- * @ingroup binders
- */
- template<int _Num>
- struct is_placeholder<_Placeholder<_Num> >
- : public integral_constant<int, _Num>
- { };
- template<int _Num>
- struct is_placeholder<const _Placeholder<_Num> >
- : public integral_constant<int, _Num>
- { };
- // Like tuple_element_t but SFINAE-friendly.
- template<std::size_t __i, typename _Tuple>
- using _Safe_tuple_element_t
- = typename enable_if<(__i < tuple_size<_Tuple>::value),
- tuple_element<__i, _Tuple>>::type::type;
- /**
- * Maps an argument to bind() into an actual argument to the bound
- * function object [func.bind.bind]/10. Only the first parameter should
- * be specified: the rest are used to determine among the various
- * implementations. Note that, although this class is a function
- * object, it isn't entirely normal because it takes only two
- * parameters regardless of the number of parameters passed to the
- * bind expression. The first parameter is the bound argument and
- * the second parameter is a tuple containing references to the
- * rest of the arguments.
- */
- template<typename _Arg,
- bool _IsBindExp = is_bind_expression<_Arg>::value,
- bool _IsPlaceholder = (is_placeholder<_Arg>::value > 0)>
- class _Mu;
- /**
- * If the argument is reference_wrapper<_Tp>, returns the
- * underlying reference.
- * C++11 [func.bind.bind] p10 bullet 1.
- */
- template<typename _Tp>
- class _Mu<reference_wrapper<_Tp>, false, false>
- {
- public:
- /* Note: This won't actually work for const volatile
- * reference_wrappers, because reference_wrapper::get() is const
- * but not volatile-qualified. This might be a defect in the TR.
- */
- template<typename _CVRef, typename _Tuple>
- _Tp&
- operator()(_CVRef& __arg, _Tuple&) const volatile
- { return __arg.get(); }
- };
- /**
- * If the argument is a bind expression, we invoke the underlying
- * function object with the same cv-qualifiers as we are given and
- * pass along all of our arguments (unwrapped).
- * C++11 [func.bind.bind] p10 bullet 2.
- */
- template<typename _Arg>
- class _Mu<_Arg, true, false>
- {
- public:
- template<typename _CVArg, typename... _Args>
- auto
- operator()(_CVArg& __arg,
- tuple<_Args...>& __tuple) const volatile
- -> decltype(__arg(declval<_Args>()...))
- {
- // Construct an index tuple and forward to __call
- typedef typename _Build_index_tuple<sizeof...(_Args)>::__type
- _Indexes;
- return this->__call(__arg, __tuple, _Indexes());
- }
- private:
- // Invokes the underlying function object __arg by unpacking all
- // of the arguments in the tuple.
- template<typename _CVArg, typename... _Args, std::size_t... _Indexes>
- auto
- __call(_CVArg& __arg, tuple<_Args...>& __tuple,
- const _Index_tuple<_Indexes...>&) const volatile
- -> decltype(__arg(declval<_Args>()...))
- {
- return __arg(std::get<_Indexes>(std::move(__tuple))...);
- }
- };
- /**
- * If the argument is a placeholder for the Nth argument, returns
- * a reference to the Nth argument to the bind function object.
- * C++11 [func.bind.bind] p10 bullet 3.
- */
- template<typename _Arg>
- class _Mu<_Arg, false, true>
- {
- public:
- template<typename _Tuple>
- _Safe_tuple_element_t<(is_placeholder<_Arg>::value - 1), _Tuple>&&
- operator()(const volatile _Arg&, _Tuple& __tuple) const volatile
- {
- return
- ::std::get<(is_placeholder<_Arg>::value - 1)>(std::move(__tuple));
- }
- };
- /**
- * If the argument is just a value, returns a reference to that
- * value. The cv-qualifiers on the reference are determined by the caller.
- * C++11 [func.bind.bind] p10 bullet 4.
- */
- template<typename _Arg>
- class _Mu<_Arg, false, false>
- {
- public:
- template<typename _CVArg, typename _Tuple>
- _CVArg&&
- operator()(_CVArg&& __arg, _Tuple&) const volatile
- { return std::forward<_CVArg>(__arg); }
- };
- // std::get<I> for volatile-qualified tuples
- template<std::size_t _Ind, typename... _Tp>
- inline auto
- __volget(volatile tuple<_Tp...>& __tuple)
- -> __tuple_element_t<_Ind, tuple<_Tp...>> volatile&
- { return std::get<_Ind>(const_cast<tuple<_Tp...>&>(__tuple)); }
- // std::get<I> for const-volatile-qualified tuples
- template<std::size_t _Ind, typename... _Tp>
- inline auto
- __volget(const volatile tuple<_Tp...>& __tuple)
- -> __tuple_element_t<_Ind, tuple<_Tp...>> const volatile&
- { return std::get<_Ind>(const_cast<const tuple<_Tp...>&>(__tuple)); }
- /// Type of the function object returned from bind().
- template<typename _Signature>
- struct _Bind;
- template<typename _Functor, typename... _Bound_args>
- class _Bind<_Functor(_Bound_args...)>
- : public _Weak_result_type<_Functor>
- {
- typedef typename _Build_index_tuple<sizeof...(_Bound_args)>::__type
- _Bound_indexes;
- _Functor _M_f;
- tuple<_Bound_args...> _M_bound_args;
- // Call unqualified
- template<typename _Result, typename... _Args, std::size_t... _Indexes>
- _Result
- __call(tuple<_Args...>&& __args, _Index_tuple<_Indexes...>)
- {
- return std::__invoke(_M_f,
- _Mu<_Bound_args>()(std::get<_Indexes>(_M_bound_args), __args)...
- );
- }
- // Call as const
- template<typename _Result, typename... _Args, std::size_t... _Indexes>
- _Result
- __call_c(tuple<_Args...>&& __args, _Index_tuple<_Indexes...>) const
- {
- return std::__invoke(_M_f,
- _Mu<_Bound_args>()(std::get<_Indexes>(_M_bound_args), __args)...
- );
- }
- // Call as volatile
- template<typename _Result, typename... _Args, std::size_t... _Indexes>
- _Result
- __call_v(tuple<_Args...>&& __args,
- _Index_tuple<_Indexes...>) volatile
- {
- return std::__invoke(_M_f,
- _Mu<_Bound_args>()(__volget<_Indexes>(_M_bound_args), __args)...
- );
- }
- // Call as const volatile
- template<typename _Result, typename... _Args, std::size_t... _Indexes>
- _Result
- __call_c_v(tuple<_Args...>&& __args,
- _Index_tuple<_Indexes...>) const volatile
- {
- return std::__invoke(_M_f,
- _Mu<_Bound_args>()(__volget<_Indexes>(_M_bound_args), __args)...
- );
- }
- template<typename _BoundArg, typename _CallArgs>
- using _Mu_type = decltype(
- _Mu<typename remove_cv<_BoundArg>::type>()(
- std::declval<_BoundArg&>(), std::declval<_CallArgs&>()) );
- template<typename _Fn, typename _CallArgs, typename... _BArgs>
- using _Res_type_impl
- = typename result_of< _Fn&(_Mu_type<_BArgs, _CallArgs>&&...) >::type;
- template<typename _CallArgs>
- using _Res_type = _Res_type_impl<_Functor, _CallArgs, _Bound_args...>;
- template<typename _CallArgs>
- using __dependent = typename
- enable_if<bool(tuple_size<_CallArgs>::value+1), _Functor>::type;
- template<typename _CallArgs, template<class> class __cv_quals>
- using _Res_type_cv = _Res_type_impl<
- typename __cv_quals<__dependent<_CallArgs>>::type,
- _CallArgs,
- typename __cv_quals<_Bound_args>::type...>;
- public:
- template<typename... _Args>
- _Bind(const _Functor& __f, _Args&&... __args)
- : _M_f(__f), _M_bound_args(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...)
- { }
- template<typename... _Args>
- _Bind(_Functor&& __f, _Args&&... __args)
- : _M_f(std::move(__f)), _M_bound_args(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...)
- { }
- _Bind(const _Bind&) = default;
- _Bind(_Bind&&) = default;
- // Call unqualified
- template<typename... _Args,
- typename _Result = _Res_type<tuple<_Args...>>>
- _Result
- operator()(_Args&&... __args)
- {
- return this->__call<_Result>(
- std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...),
- _Bound_indexes());
- }
- // Call as const
- template<typename... _Args,
- typename _Result = _Res_type_cv<tuple<_Args...>, add_const>>
- _Result
- operator()(_Args&&... __args) const
- {
- return this->__call_c<_Result>(
- std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...),
- _Bound_indexes());
- }
- #if __cplusplus > 201402L
- # define _GLIBCXX_DEPR_BIND \
- [[deprecated("std::bind does not support volatile in C++17")]]
- #else
- #endif
- // Call as volatile
- template<typename... _Args,
- typename _Result = _Res_type_cv<tuple<_Args...>, add_volatile>>
- _Result
- operator()(_Args&&... __args) volatile
- {
- return this->__call_v<_Result>(
- std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...),
- _Bound_indexes());
- }
- // Call as const volatile
- template<typename... _Args,
- typename _Result = _Res_type_cv<tuple<_Args...>, add_cv>>
- _Result
- operator()(_Args&&... __args) const volatile
- {
- return this->__call_c_v<_Result>(
- std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...),
- _Bound_indexes());
- }
- };
- /// Type of the function object returned from bind<R>().
- template<typename _Result, typename _Signature>
- struct _Bind_result;
- template<typename _Result, typename _Functor, typename... _Bound_args>
- class _Bind_result<_Result, _Functor(_Bound_args...)>
- {
- typedef typename _Build_index_tuple<sizeof...(_Bound_args)>::__type
- _Bound_indexes;
- _Functor _M_f;
- tuple<_Bound_args...> _M_bound_args;
- // Call unqualified
- template<typename _Res, typename... _Args, std::size_t... _Indexes>
- _Res
- __call(tuple<_Args...>&& __args, _Index_tuple<_Indexes...>)
- {
- return std::__invoke_r<_Res>(_M_f, _Mu<_Bound_args>()
- (std::get<_Indexes>(_M_bound_args), __args)...);
- }
- // Call as const
- template<typename _Res, typename... _Args, std::size_t... _Indexes>
- _Res
- __call(tuple<_Args...>&& __args, _Index_tuple<_Indexes...>) const
- {
- return std::__invoke_r<_Res>(_M_f, _Mu<_Bound_args>()
- (std::get<_Indexes>(_M_bound_args), __args)...);
- }
- // Call as volatile
- template<typename _Res, typename... _Args, std::size_t... _Indexes>
- _Res
- __call(tuple<_Args...>&& __args, _Index_tuple<_Indexes...>) volatile
- {
- return std::__invoke_r<_Res>(_M_f, _Mu<_Bound_args>()
- (__volget<_Indexes>(_M_bound_args), __args)...);
- }
- // Call as const volatile
- template<typename _Res, typename... _Args, std::size_t... _Indexes>
- _Res
- __call(tuple<_Args...>&& __args,
- _Index_tuple<_Indexes...>) const volatile
- {
- return std::__invoke_r<_Res>(_M_f, _Mu<_Bound_args>()
- (__volget<_Indexes>(_M_bound_args), __args)...);
- }
- public:
- typedef _Result result_type;
- template<typename... _Args>
- _Bind_result(const _Functor& __f, _Args&&... __args)
- : _M_f(__f), _M_bound_args(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...)
- { }
- template<typename... _Args>
- _Bind_result(_Functor&& __f, _Args&&... __args)
- : _M_f(std::move(__f)), _M_bound_args(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...)
- { }
- _Bind_result(const _Bind_result&) = default;
- _Bind_result(_Bind_result&&) = default;
- // Call unqualified
- template<typename... _Args>
- result_type
- operator()(_Args&&... __args)
- {
- return this->__call<_Result>(
- std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...),
- _Bound_indexes());
- }
- // Call as const
- template<typename... _Args>
- result_type
- operator()(_Args&&... __args) const
- {
- return this->__call<_Result>(
- std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...),
- _Bound_indexes());
- }
- // Call as volatile
- template<typename... _Args>
- result_type
- operator()(_Args&&... __args) volatile
- {
- return this->__call<_Result>(
- std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...),
- _Bound_indexes());
- }
- // Call as const volatile
- template<typename... _Args>
- result_type
- operator()(_Args&&... __args) const volatile
- {
- return this->__call<_Result>(
- std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...),
- _Bound_indexes());
- }
- };
- /**
- * @brief Class template _Bind is always a bind expression.
- * @ingroup binders
- */
- template<typename _Signature>
- struct is_bind_expression<_Bind<_Signature> >
- : public true_type { };
- /**
- * @brief Class template _Bind is always a bind expression.
- * @ingroup binders
- */
- template<typename _Signature>
- struct is_bind_expression<const _Bind<_Signature> >
- : public true_type { };
- /**
- * @brief Class template _Bind is always a bind expression.
- * @ingroup binders
- */
- template<typename _Signature>
- struct is_bind_expression<volatile _Bind<_Signature> >
- : public true_type { };
- /**
- * @brief Class template _Bind is always a bind expression.
- * @ingroup binders
- */
- template<typename _Signature>
- struct is_bind_expression<const volatile _Bind<_Signature>>
- : public true_type { };
- /**
- * @brief Class template _Bind_result is always a bind expression.
- * @ingroup binders
- */
- template<typename _Result, typename _Signature>
- struct is_bind_expression<_Bind_result<_Result, _Signature>>
- : public true_type { };
- /**
- * @brief Class template _Bind_result is always a bind expression.
- * @ingroup binders
- */
- template<typename _Result, typename _Signature>
- struct is_bind_expression<const _Bind_result<_Result, _Signature>>
- : public true_type { };
- /**
- * @brief Class template _Bind_result is always a bind expression.
- * @ingroup binders
- */
- template<typename _Result, typename _Signature>
- struct is_bind_expression<volatile _Bind_result<_Result, _Signature>>
- : public true_type { };
- /**
- * @brief Class template _Bind_result is always a bind expression.
- * @ingroup binders
- */
- template<typename _Result, typename _Signature>
- struct is_bind_expression<const volatile _Bind_result<_Result, _Signature>>
- : public true_type { };
- template<typename _Func, typename... _BoundArgs>
- struct _Bind_check_arity { };
- template<typename _Ret, typename... _Args, typename... _BoundArgs>
- struct _Bind_check_arity<_Ret (*)(_Args...), _BoundArgs...>
- {
- static_assert(sizeof...(_BoundArgs) == sizeof...(_Args),
- "Wrong number of arguments for function");
- };
- template<typename _Ret, typename... _Args, typename... _BoundArgs>
- struct _Bind_check_arity<_Ret (*)(_Args......), _BoundArgs...>
- {
- static_assert(sizeof...(_BoundArgs) >= sizeof...(_Args),
- "Wrong number of arguments for function");
- };
- template<typename _Tp, typename _Class, typename... _BoundArgs>
- struct _Bind_check_arity<_Tp _Class::*, _BoundArgs...>
- {
- using _Arity = typename _Mem_fn<_Tp _Class::*>::_Arity;
- using _Varargs = typename _Mem_fn<_Tp _Class::*>::_Varargs;
- static_assert(_Varargs::value
- ? sizeof...(_BoundArgs) >= _Arity::value + 1
- : sizeof...(_BoundArgs) == _Arity::value + 1,
- "Wrong number of arguments for pointer-to-member");
- };
- // Trait type used to remove std::bind() from overload set via SFINAE
- // when first argument has integer type, so that std::bind() will
- // not be a better match than ::bind() from the BSD Sockets API.
- template<typename _Tp, typename _Tp2 = typename decay<_Tp>::type>
- using __is_socketlike = __or_<is_integral<_Tp2>, is_enum<_Tp2>>;
- template<bool _SocketLike, typename _Func, typename... _BoundArgs>
- struct _Bind_helper
- : _Bind_check_arity<typename decay<_Func>::type, _BoundArgs...>
- {
- typedef typename decay<_Func>::type __func_type;
- typedef _Bind<__func_type(typename decay<_BoundArgs>::type...)> type;
- };
- // Partial specialization for is_socketlike == true, does not define
- // nested type so std::bind() will not participate in overload resolution
- // when the first argument might be a socket file descriptor.
- template<typename _Func, typename... _BoundArgs>
- struct _Bind_helper<true, _Func, _BoundArgs...>
- { };
- /**
- * @brief Function template for std::bind.
- * @ingroup binders
- */
- template<typename _Func, typename... _BoundArgs>
- inline _GLIBCXX20_CONSTEXPR typename
- _Bind_helper<__is_socketlike<_Func>::value, _Func, _BoundArgs...>::type
- bind(_Func&& __f, _BoundArgs&&... __args)
- {
- typedef _Bind_helper<false, _Func, _BoundArgs...> __helper_type;
- return typename __helper_type::type(std::forward<_Func>(__f),
- std::forward<_BoundArgs>(__args)...);
- }
- template<typename _Result, typename _Func, typename... _BoundArgs>
- struct _Bindres_helper
- : _Bind_check_arity<typename decay<_Func>::type, _BoundArgs...>
- {
- typedef typename decay<_Func>::type __functor_type;
- typedef _Bind_result<_Result,
- __functor_type(typename decay<_BoundArgs>::type...)>
- type;
- };
- /**
- * @brief Function template for std::bind<R>.
- * @ingroup binders
- */
- template<typename _Result, typename _Func, typename... _BoundArgs>
- typename _Bindres_helper<_Result, _Func, _BoundArgs...>::type
- bind(_Func&& __f, _BoundArgs&&... __args)
- {
- typedef _Bindres_helper<_Result, _Func, _BoundArgs...> __helper_type;
- return typename __helper_type::type(std::forward<_Func>(__f),
- std::forward<_BoundArgs>(__args)...);
- }
- #if __cplusplus > 201703L
- #define __cpp_lib_bind_front 201907L
- template<typename _Fd, typename... _BoundArgs>
- struct _Bind_front
- {
- static_assert(is_move_constructible_v<_Fd>);
- static_assert((is_move_constructible_v<_BoundArgs> && ...));
- // First parameter is to ensure this constructor is never used
- // instead of the copy/move constructor.
- template<typename _Fn, typename... _Args>
- explicit constexpr
- _Bind_front(int, _Fn&& __fn, _Args&&... __args)
- noexcept(__and_<is_nothrow_constructible<_Fd, _Fn>,
- is_nothrow_constructible<_BoundArgs, _Args>...>::value)
- : _M_fd(std::forward<_Fn>(__fn)),
- _M_bound_args(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...)
- { static_assert(sizeof...(_Args) == sizeof...(_BoundArgs)); }
- _Bind_front(const _Bind_front&) = default;
- _Bind_front(_Bind_front&&) = default;
- _Bind_front& operator=(const _Bind_front&) = default;
- _Bind_front& operator=(_Bind_front&&) = default;
- ~_Bind_front() = default;
- template<typename... _CallArgs>
- constexpr
- invoke_result_t<_Fd&, _BoundArgs&..., _CallArgs...>
- operator()(_CallArgs&&... __call_args) &
- noexcept(is_nothrow_invocable_v<_Fd&, _BoundArgs&..., _CallArgs...>)
- {
- return _S_call(*this, _BoundIndices(),
- std::forward<_CallArgs>(__call_args)...);
- }
- template<typename... _CallArgs>
- constexpr
- invoke_result_t<const _Fd&, const _BoundArgs&..., _CallArgs...>
- operator()(_CallArgs&&... __call_args) const &
- noexcept(is_nothrow_invocable_v<const _Fd&, const _BoundArgs&...,
- _CallArgs...>)
- {
- return _S_call(*this, _BoundIndices(),
- std::forward<_CallArgs>(__call_args)...);
- }
- template<typename... _CallArgs>
- constexpr
- invoke_result_t<_Fd, _BoundArgs..., _CallArgs...>
- operator()(_CallArgs&&... __call_args) &&
- noexcept(is_nothrow_invocable_v<_Fd, _BoundArgs..., _CallArgs...>)
- {
- return _S_call(std::move(*this), _BoundIndices(),
- std::forward<_CallArgs>(__call_args)...);
- }
- template<typename... _CallArgs>
- constexpr
- invoke_result_t<const _Fd, const _BoundArgs..., _CallArgs...>
- operator()(_CallArgs&&... __call_args) const &&
- noexcept(is_nothrow_invocable_v<const _Fd, const _BoundArgs...,
- _CallArgs...>)
- {
- return _S_call(std::move(*this), _BoundIndices(),
- std::forward<_CallArgs>(__call_args)...);
- }
- private:
- using _BoundIndices = index_sequence_for<_BoundArgs...>;
- template<typename _Tp, size_t... _Ind, typename... _CallArgs>
- static constexpr
- decltype(auto)
- _S_call(_Tp&& __g, index_sequence<_Ind...>, _CallArgs&&... __call_args)
- {
- return std::invoke(std::forward<_Tp>(__g)._M_fd,
- std::get<_Ind>(std::forward<_Tp>(__g)._M_bound_args)...,
- std::forward<_CallArgs>(__call_args)...);
- }
- _Fd _M_fd;
- std::tuple<_BoundArgs...> _M_bound_args;
- };
- template<typename _Fn, typename... _Args>
- using _Bind_front_t
- = _Bind_front<decay_t<_Fn>, decay_t<_Args>...>;
- template<typename _Fn, typename... _Args>
- constexpr _Bind_front_t<_Fn, _Args...>
- bind_front(_Fn&& __fn, _Args&&... __args)
- noexcept(is_nothrow_constructible_v<_Bind_front_t<_Fn, _Args...>,
- int, _Fn, _Args...>)
- {
- return _Bind_front_t<_Fn, _Args...>(0, std::forward<_Fn>(__fn),
- std::forward<_Args>(__args)...);
- }
- #endif
- #if __cplusplus >= 201402L
- /// Generalized negator.
- template<typename _Fn>
- class _Not_fn
- {
- template<typename _Fn2, typename... _Args>
- using __inv_res_t = typename __invoke_result<_Fn2, _Args...>::type;
- template<typename _Tp>
- static decltype(!std::declval<_Tp>())
- _S_not() noexcept(noexcept(!std::declval<_Tp>()));
- public:
- template<typename _Fn2>
- constexpr
- _Not_fn(_Fn2&& __fn, int)
- : _M_fn(std::forward<_Fn2>(__fn)) { }
- _Not_fn(const _Not_fn& __fn) = default;
- _Not_fn(_Not_fn&& __fn) = default;
- ~_Not_fn() = default;
- // Macro to define operator() with given cv-qualifiers ref-qualifiers,
- // forwarding _M_fn and the function arguments with the same qualifiers,
- // and deducing the return type and exception-specification.
- template<typename... _Args> \
- decltype(_S_not<__inv_res_t<_Fn _QUALS, _Args...>>()) \
- operator()(_Args&&... __args) _QUALS \
- noexcept(__is_nothrow_invocable<_Fn _QUALS, _Args...>::value \
- && noexcept(_S_not<__inv_res_t<_Fn _QUALS, _Args...>>())) \
- { \
- return !std::__invoke(std::forward< _Fn _QUALS >(_M_fn), \
- std::forward<_Args>(__args)...); \
- }
- _GLIBCXX_NOT_FN_CALL_OP( const & )
- _GLIBCXX_NOT_FN_CALL_OP( const && )
- private:
- _Fn _M_fn;
- };
- template<typename _Tp, typename _Pred>
- struct __is_byte_like : false_type { };
- template<typename _Tp>
- struct __is_byte_like<_Tp, equal_to<_Tp>>
- : __bool_constant<sizeof(_Tp) == 1 && is_integral<_Tp>::value> { };
- template<typename _Tp>
- struct __is_byte_like<_Tp, equal_to<void>>
- : __bool_constant<sizeof(_Tp) == 1 && is_integral<_Tp>::value> { };
- #if __cplusplus >= 201703L
- // Declare std::byte (full definition is in <cstddef>).
- enum class byte : unsigned char;
- template<>
- struct __is_byte_like<byte, equal_to<byte>>
- : true_type { };
- template<>
- struct __is_byte_like<byte, equal_to<void>>
- : true_type { };
- #define __cpp_lib_not_fn 201603
- /// [func.not_fn] Function template not_fn
- template<typename _Fn>
- inline auto
- not_fn(_Fn&& __fn)
- noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible<std::decay_t<_Fn>, _Fn&&>::value)
- {
- return _Not_fn<std::decay_t<_Fn>>{std::forward<_Fn>(__fn), 0};
- }
- // Searchers
- #define __cpp_lib_boyer_moore_searcher 201603
- template<typename _ForwardIterator1, typename _BinaryPredicate = equal_to<>>
- class default_searcher
- {
- public:
- default_searcher(_ForwardIterator1 __pat_first,
- _ForwardIterator1 __pat_last,
- _BinaryPredicate __pred = _BinaryPredicate())
- : _M_m(__pat_first, __pat_last, std::move(__pred))
- { }
- template<typename _ForwardIterator2>
- pair<_ForwardIterator2, _ForwardIterator2>
- operator()(_ForwardIterator2 __first, _ForwardIterator2 __last) const
- {
- _ForwardIterator2 __first_ret =
- std::search(__first, __last, std::get<0>(_M_m), std::get<1>(_M_m),
- std::get<2>(_M_m));
- auto __ret = std::make_pair(__first_ret, __first_ret);
- if (__ret.first != __last)
- std::advance(__ret.second, std::distance(std::get<0>(_M_m),
- std::get<1>(_M_m)));
- return __ret;
- }
- private:
- tuple<_ForwardIterator1, _ForwardIterator1, _BinaryPredicate> _M_m;
- };
- template<typename _Key, typename _Tp, typename _Hash, typename _Pred>
- struct __boyer_moore_map_base
- {
- template<typename _RAIter>
- __boyer_moore_map_base(_RAIter __pat, size_t __patlen,
- _Hash&& __hf, _Pred&& __pred)
- : _M_bad_char{ __patlen, std::move(__hf), std::move(__pred) }
- {
- if (__patlen > 0)
- for (__diff_type __i = 0; __i < __patlen - 1; ++__i)
- _M_bad_char[__pat[__i]] = __patlen - 1 - __i;
- }
- using __diff_type = _Tp;
- __diff_type
- _M_lookup(_Key __key, __diff_type __not_found) const
- {
- auto __iter = _M_bad_char.find(__key);
- if (__iter == _M_bad_char.end())
- return __not_found;
- return __iter->second;
- }
- _Pred
- _M_pred() const { return _M_bad_char.key_eq(); }
- _GLIBCXX_STD_C::unordered_map<_Key, _Tp, _Hash, _Pred> _M_bad_char;
- };
- template<typename _Tp, size_t _Len, typename _Pred>
- struct __boyer_moore_array_base
- {
- template<typename _RAIter, typename _Unused>
- __boyer_moore_array_base(_RAIter __pat, size_t __patlen,
- _Unused&&, _Pred&& __pred)
- : _M_bad_char{ _GLIBCXX_STD_C::array<_Tp, _Len>{}, std::move(__pred) }
- {
- std::get<0>(_M_bad_char).fill(__patlen);
- if (__patlen > 0)
- for (__diff_type __i = 0; __i < __patlen - 1; ++__i)
- {
- auto __ch = __pat[__i];
- using _UCh = make_unsigned_t<decltype(__ch)>;
- auto __uch = static_cast<_UCh>(__ch);
- std::get<0>(_M_bad_char)[__uch] = __patlen - 1 - __i;
- }
- }
- using __diff_type = _Tp;
- template<typename _Key>
- __diff_type
- _M_lookup(_Key __key, __diff_type __not_found) const
- {
- auto __ukey = static_cast<make_unsigned_t<_Key>>(__key);
- if (__ukey >= _Len)
- return __not_found;
- return std::get<0>(_M_bad_char)[__ukey];
- }
- const _Pred&
- _M_pred() const { return std::get<1>(_M_bad_char); }
- tuple<_GLIBCXX_STD_C::array<_Tp, _Len>, _Pred> _M_bad_char;
- };
- // Use __boyer_moore_array_base when pattern consists of narrow characters
- // (or std::byte) and uses std::equal_to as the predicate.
- template<typename _RAIter, typename _Hash, typename _Pred,
- typename _Val = typename iterator_traits<_RAIter>::value_type,
- typename _Diff = typename iterator_traits<_RAIter>::difference_type>
- using __boyer_moore_base_t
- = conditional_t<__is_byte_like<_Val, _Pred>::value,
- __boyer_moore_array_base<_Diff, 256, _Pred>,
- __boyer_moore_map_base<_Val, _Diff, _Hash, _Pred>>;
- template<typename _RAIter, typename _Hash
- = hash<typename iterator_traits<_RAIter>::value_type>,
- typename _BinaryPredicate = equal_to<>>
- class boyer_moore_searcher
- : __boyer_moore_base_t<_RAIter, _Hash, _BinaryPredicate>
- {
- using _Base = __boyer_moore_base_t<_RAIter, _Hash, _BinaryPredicate>;
- using typename _Base::__diff_type;
- public:
- boyer_moore_searcher(_RAIter __pat_first, _RAIter __pat_last,
- _Hash __hf = _Hash(),
- _BinaryPredicate __pred = _BinaryPredicate());
- template<typename _RandomAccessIterator2>
- pair<_RandomAccessIterator2, _RandomAccessIterator2>
- operator()(_RandomAccessIterator2 __first,
- _RandomAccessIterator2 __last) const;
- private:
- bool
- _M_is_prefix(_RAIter __word, __diff_type __len,
- __diff_type __pos)
- {
- const auto& __pred = this->_M_pred();
- __diff_type __suffixlen = __len - __pos;
- for (__diff_type __i = 0; __i < __suffixlen; ++__i)
- if (!__pred(__word[__i], __word[__pos + __i]))
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- __diff_type
- _M_suffix_length(_RAIter __word, __diff_type __len,
- __diff_type __pos)
- {
- const auto& __pred = this->_M_pred();
- __diff_type __i = 0;
- while (__pred(__word[__pos - __i], __word[__len - 1 - __i])
- && __i < __pos)
- {
- ++__i;
- }
- return __i;
- }
- template<typename _Tp>
- __diff_type
- _M_bad_char_shift(_Tp __c) const
- { return this->_M_lookup(__c, _M_pat_end - _M_pat); }
- _RAIter _M_pat;
- _RAIter _M_pat_end;
- _GLIBCXX_STD_C::vector<__diff_type> _M_good_suffix;
- };
- template<typename _RAIter, typename _Hash
- = hash<typename iterator_traits<_RAIter>::value_type>,
- typename _BinaryPredicate = equal_to<>>
- class boyer_moore_horspool_searcher
- : __boyer_moore_base_t<_RAIter, _Hash, _BinaryPredicate>
- {
- using _Base = __boyer_moore_base_t<_RAIter, _Hash, _BinaryPredicate>;
- using typename _Base::__diff_type;
- public:
- boyer_moore_horspool_searcher(_RAIter __pat,
- _RAIter __pat_end,
- _Hash __hf = _Hash(),
- _BinaryPredicate __pred
- = _BinaryPredicate())
- : _Base(__pat, __pat_end - __pat, std::move(__hf), std::move(__pred)),
- _M_pat(__pat), _M_pat_end(__pat_end)
- { }
- template<typename _RandomAccessIterator2>
- pair<_RandomAccessIterator2, _RandomAccessIterator2>
- operator()(_RandomAccessIterator2 __first,
- _RandomAccessIterator2 __last) const
- {
- const auto& __pred = this->_M_pred();
- auto __patlen = _M_pat_end - _M_pat;
- if (__patlen == 0)
- return std::make_pair(__first, __first);
- auto __len = __last - __first;
- while (__len >= __patlen)
- {
- for (auto __scan = __patlen - 1;
- __pred(__first[__scan], _M_pat[__scan]); --__scan)
- if (__scan == 0)
- return std::make_pair(__first, __first + __patlen);
- auto __shift = _M_bad_char_shift(__first[__patlen - 1]);
- __len -= __shift;
- __first += __shift;
- }
- return std::make_pair(__last, __last);
- }
- private:
- template<typename _Tp>
- __diff_type
- _M_bad_char_shift(_Tp __c) const
- { return this->_M_lookup(__c, _M_pat_end - _M_pat); }
- _RAIter _M_pat;
- _RAIter _M_pat_end;
- };
- template<typename _RAIter, typename _Hash, typename _BinaryPredicate>
- boyer_moore_searcher<_RAIter, _Hash, _BinaryPredicate>::
- boyer_moore_searcher(_RAIter __pat, _RAIter __pat_end,
- _Hash __hf, _BinaryPredicate __pred)
- : _Base(__pat, __pat_end - __pat, std::move(__hf), std::move(__pred)),
- _M_pat(__pat), _M_pat_end(__pat_end), _M_good_suffix(__pat_end - __pat)
- {
- auto __patlen = __pat_end - __pat;
- if (__patlen == 0)
- return;
- __diff_type __last_prefix = __patlen - 1;
- for (__diff_type __p = __patlen - 1; __p >= 0; --__p)
- {
- if (_M_is_prefix(__pat, __patlen, __p + 1))
- __last_prefix = __p + 1;
- _M_good_suffix[__p] = __last_prefix + (__patlen - 1 - __p);
- }
- for (__diff_type __p = 0; __p < __patlen - 1; ++__p)
- {
- auto __slen = _M_suffix_length(__pat, __patlen, __p);
- auto __pos = __patlen - 1 - __slen;
- if (!__pred(__pat[__p - __slen], __pat[__pos]))
- _M_good_suffix[__pos] = __patlen - 1 - __p + __slen;
- }
- }
- template<typename _RAIter, typename _Hash, typename _BinaryPredicate>
- template<typename _RandomAccessIterator2>
- pair<_RandomAccessIterator2, _RandomAccessIterator2>
- boyer_moore_searcher<_RAIter, _Hash, _BinaryPredicate>::
- operator()(_RandomAccessIterator2 __first,
- _RandomAccessIterator2 __last) const
- {
- auto __patlen = _M_pat_end - _M_pat;
- if (__patlen == 0)
- return std::make_pair(__first, __first);
- const auto& __pred = this->_M_pred();
- __diff_type __i = __patlen - 1;
- auto __stringlen = __last - __first;
- while (__i < __stringlen)
- {
- __diff_type __j = __patlen - 1;
- while (__j >= 0 && __pred(__first[__i], _M_pat[__j]))
- {
- --__i;
- --__j;
- }
- if (__j < 0)
- {
- const auto __match = __first + __i + 1;
- return std::make_pair(__match, __match + __patlen);
- }
- __i += std::max(_M_bad_char_shift(__first[__i]),
- _M_good_suffix[__j]);
- }
- return std::make_pair(__last, __last);
- }
- #endif // C++17
- #endif // C++14
- } // namespace std
- #endif // C++11