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- <a name="Balign"></a>
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- <a name="g_t_002ebalign_005bwl_005d-_005babs_002dexpr_005b_002c-abs_002dexpr_005b_002c-abs_002dexpr_005d_005d_005d"></a>
- <h3 class="section">7.7 <code>.balign[wl] [<var>abs-expr</var>[, <var>abs-expr</var>[, <var>abs-expr</var>]]]</code></h3>
- <a name="index-padding-the-location-counter-given-number-of-bytes"></a>
- <a name="index-balign-directive"></a>
- <p>Pad the location counter (in the current subsection) to a particular
- storage boundary. The first expression (which must be absolute) is the
- alignment request in bytes. For example ‘<samp>.balign 8</samp>’ advances
- the location counter until it is a multiple of 8. If the location counter
- is already a multiple of 8, no change is needed. If the expression is omitted
- then a default value of 0 is used, effectively disabling alignment requirements.
- </p>
- <p>The second expression (also absolute) gives the fill value to be stored in the
- padding bytes. It (and the comma) may be omitted. If it is omitted, the
- padding bytes are normally zero. However, on most systems, if the section is
- marked as containing code and the fill value is omitted, the space is filled
- with no-op instructions.
- </p>
- <p>The third expression is also absolute, and is also optional. If it is present,
- it is the maximum number of bytes that should be skipped by this alignment
- directive. If doing the alignment would require skipping more bytes than the
- specified maximum, then the alignment is not done at all. You can omit the
- fill value (the second argument) entirely by simply using two commas after the
- required alignment; this can be useful if you want the alignment to be filled
- with no-op instructions when appropriate.
- </p>
- <a name="index-balignw-directive"></a>
- <a name="index-balignl-directive"></a>
- <p>The <code>.balignw</code> and <code>.balignl</code> directives are variants of the
- <code>.balign</code> directive. The <code>.balignw</code> directive treats the fill
- pattern as a two byte word value. The <code>.balignl</code> directives treats the
- fill pattern as a four byte longword value. For example, <code>.balignw
- 4,0x368d</code> will align to a multiple of 4. If it skips two bytes, they will be
- filled in with the value 0x368d (the exact placement of the bytes depends upon
- the endianness of the processor). If it skips 1 or 3 bytes, the fill value is
- undefined.
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