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- <a name="Literal-Directive"></a>
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- <p>
- Next: <a href="Literal-Position-Directive.html#Literal-Position-Directive" accesskey="n" rel="next">Literal Position Directive</a>, Previous: <a href="Transform-Directive.html#Transform-Directive" accesskey="p" rel="prev">Transform Directive</a>, Up: <a href="Xtensa-Directives.html#Xtensa-Directives" accesskey="u" rel="up">Xtensa Directives</a> [<a href="index.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents" rel="contents">Contents</a>][<a href="AS-Index.html#AS-Index" title="Index" rel="index">Index</a>]</p>
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- <hr>
- <a name="literal"></a>
- <h4 class="subsubsection"> literal</h4>
- <a name="index-literal-directive"></a>
- <p>The <code>.literal</code> directive is used to define literal pool data, i.e.,
- read-only 32-bit data accessed via <code>L32R</code> instructions.
- </p>
- <div class="smallexample">
- <pre class="smallexample"> .literal <var>label</var>, <var>value</var>[, <var>value</var>…]
- </pre></div>
- <p>This directive is similar to the standard <code>.word</code> directive, except
- that the actual location of the literal data is determined by the
- assembler and linker, not by the position of the <code>.literal</code>
- directive. Using this directive gives the assembler freedom to locate
- the literal data in the most appropriate place and possibly to combine
- identical literals. For example, the code:
- </p>
- <div class="smallexample">
- <pre class="smallexample"> entry sp, 40
- .literal .L1, sym
- l32r a4, .L1
- </pre></div>
- <p>can be used to load a pointer to the symbol <code>sym</code> into register
- <code>a4</code>. The value of <code>sym</code> will not be placed between the
- <code>ENTRY</code> and <code>L32R</code> instructions; instead, the assembler puts
- the data in a literal pool.
- </p>
- <p>Literal pools are placed by default in separate literal sections;
- however, when using the ‘<samp>--text-section-literals</samp>’
- option (see <a href="Xtensa-Options.html#Xtensa-Options">Command-line Options</a>), the literal
- pools for PC-relative mode <code>L32R</code> instructions
- are placed in the current section.<a name="DOCF3" href="#FOOT3"><sup>3</sup></a>
- These text section literal
- pools are created automatically before <code>ENTRY</code> instructions and
- manually after ‘<samp>.literal_position</samp>’ directives (see <a href="Literal-Position-Directive.html#Literal-Position-Directive">literal_position</a>). If there are no preceding
- <code>ENTRY</code> instructions, explicit <code>.literal_position</code> directives
- must be used to place the text section literal pools; otherwise,
- <code>as</code> will report an error.
- </p>
- <p>When literals are placed in separate sections, the literal section names
- are derived from the names of the sections where the literals are
- defined. The base literal section names are <code>.literal</code> for
- PC-relative mode <code>L32R</code> instructions and <code>.lit4</code> for absolute
- mode <code>L32R</code> instructions (see <a href="Absolute-Literals-Directive.html#Absolute-Literals-Directive">absolute-literals</a>). These base names are used for literals defined in
- the default <code>.text</code> section. For literals defined in other
- sections or within the scope of a <code>literal_prefix</code> directive
- (see <a href="Literal-Prefix-Directive.html#Literal-Prefix-Directive">literal_prefix</a>), the following rules
- determine the literal section name:
- </p>
- <ol>
- <li> If the current section is a member of a section group, the literal
- section name includes the group name as a suffix to the base
- <code>.literal</code> or <code>.lit4</code> name, with a period to separate the base
- name and group name. The literal section is also made a member of the
- group.
- </li><li> If the current section name (or <code>literal_prefix</code> value) begins with
- “<code>.gnu.linkonce.<var>kind</var>.</code>”, the literal section name is formed
- by replacing “<code>.<var>kind</var></code>” with the base <code>.literal</code> or
- <code>.lit4</code> name. For example, for literals defined in a section named
- <code>.gnu.linkonce.t.func</code>, the literal section will be
- <code>.gnu.linkonce.literal.func</code> or <code>.gnu.linkonce.lit4.func</code>.
- </li><li> If the current section name (or <code>literal_prefix</code> value) ends with
- <code>.text</code>, the literal section name is formed by replacing that
- suffix with the base <code>.literal</code> or <code>.lit4</code> name. For example,
- for literals defined in a section named <code>.iram0.text</code>, the literal
- section will be <code>.iram0.literal</code> or <code>.iram0.lit4</code>.
- </li><li> If none of the preceding conditions apply, the literal section name is
- formed by adding the base <code>.literal</code> or <code>.lit4</code> name as a
- suffix to the current section name (or <code>literal_prefix</code> value).
- </li></ol>
- <div class="footnote">
- <hr>
- <h4 class="footnotes-heading">Footnotes</h4>
- <h3><a name="FOOT3" href="#DOCF3">(3)</a></h3>
- <p>Literals for the
- <code>.init</code> and <code>.fini</code> sections are always placed in separate
- sections, even when ‘<samp>--text-section-literals</samp>’ is enabled.</p>
- </div>
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- <p>
- Next: <a href="Literal-Position-Directive.html#Literal-Position-Directive" accesskey="n" rel="next">Literal Position Directive</a>, Previous: <a href="Transform-Directive.html#Transform-Directive" accesskey="p" rel="prev">Transform Directive</a>, Up: <a href="Xtensa-Directives.html#Xtensa-Directives" accesskey="u" rel="up">Xtensa Directives</a> [<a href="index.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents" rel="contents">Contents</a>][<a href="AS-Index.html#AS-Index" title="Index" rel="index">Index</a>]</p>
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