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- <a name="i386_002dJumps"></a>
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- <a name="Handling-of-Jump-Instructions"></a>
- <h4 class="subsection">9.16.8 Handling of Jump Instructions</h4>
- <a name="index-jump-optimization_002c-i386"></a>
- <a name="index-i386-jump-optimization"></a>
- <a name="index-jump-optimization_002c-x86_002d64"></a>
- <a name="index-x86_002d64-jump-optimization"></a>
- <p>Jump instructions are always optimized to use the smallest possible
- displacements. This is accomplished by using byte (8-bit) displacement
- jumps whenever the target is sufficiently close. If a byte displacement
- is insufficient a long displacement is used. We do not support
- word (16-bit) displacement jumps in 32-bit mode (i.e. prefixing the jump
- instruction with the ‘<samp>data16</samp>’ instruction prefix), since the 80386
- insists upon masking ‘<samp>%eip</samp>’ to 16 bits after the word displacement
- is added. (See also see <a href="i386_002dArch.html#i386_002dArch">i386-Arch</a>)
- </p>
- <p>Note that the ‘<samp>jcxz</samp>’, ‘<samp>jecxz</samp>’, ‘<samp>loop</samp>’, ‘<samp>loopz</samp>’,
- ‘<samp>loope</samp>’, ‘<samp>loopnz</samp>’ and ‘<samp>loopne</samp>’ instructions only come in byte
- displacements, so that if you use these instructions (<code>gcc</code> does
- not use them) you may get an error message (and incorrect code). The AT&T
- 80386 assembler tries to get around this problem by expanding ‘<samp>jcxz foo</samp>’
- to
- </p>
- <div class="smallexample">
- <pre class="smallexample"> jcxz cx_zero
- jmp cx_nonzero
- cx_zero: jmp foo
- cx_nonzero:
- </pre></div>
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