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  61. <a name="Attr-Example"></a>
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  63. <p>
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  66. <hr>
  67. <a name="Example-of-Attribute-Specifications"></a>
  68. <h4 class="subsection">17.19.4 Example of Attribute Specifications</h4>
  69. <a name="index-attribute-specifications-example"></a>
  70. <a name="index-attribute-specifications"></a>
  71. <p>The judicious use of defaulting is important in the efficient use of
  72. insn attributes. Typically, insns are divided into <em>types</em> and an
  73. attribute, customarily called <code>type</code>, is used to represent this
  74. value. This attribute is normally used only to define the default value
  75. for other attributes. An example will clarify this usage.
  76. </p>
  77. <p>Assume we have a RISC machine with a condition code and in which only
  78. full-word operations are performed in registers. Let us assume that we
  79. can divide all insns into loads, stores, (integer) arithmetic
  80. operations, floating point operations, and branches.
  81. </p>
  82. <p>Here we will concern ourselves with determining the effect of an insn on
  83. the condition code and will limit ourselves to the following possible
  84. effects: The condition code can be set unpredictably (clobbered), not
  85. be changed, be set to agree with the results of the operation, or only
  86. changed if the item previously set into the condition code has been
  87. modified.
  88. </p>
  89. <p>Here is part of a sample <samp>md</samp> file for such a machine:
  90. </p>
  91. <div class="smallexample">
  92. <pre class="smallexample">(define_attr &quot;type&quot; &quot;load,store,arith,fp,branch&quot; (const_string &quot;arith&quot;))
  93. (define_attr &quot;cc&quot; &quot;clobber,unchanged,set,change0&quot;
  94. (cond [(eq_attr &quot;type&quot; &quot;load&quot;)
  95. (const_string &quot;change0&quot;)
  96. (eq_attr &quot;type&quot; &quot;store,branch&quot;)
  97. (const_string &quot;unchanged&quot;)
  98. (eq_attr &quot;type&quot; &quot;arith&quot;)
  99. (if_then_else (match_operand:SI 0 &quot;&quot; &quot;&quot;)
  100. (const_string &quot;set&quot;)
  101. (const_string &quot;clobber&quot;))]
  102. (const_string &quot;clobber&quot;)))
  103. (define_insn &quot;&quot;
  104. [(set (match_operand:SI 0 &quot;general_operand&quot; &quot;=r,r,m&quot;)
  105. (match_operand:SI 1 &quot;general_operand&quot; &quot;r,m,r&quot;))]
  106. &quot;&quot;
  107. &quot;@
  108. move %0,%1
  109. load %0,%1
  110. store %0,%1&quot;
  111. [(set_attr &quot;type&quot; &quot;arith,load,store&quot;)])
  112. </pre></div>
  113. <p>Note that we assume in the above example that arithmetic operations
  114. performed on quantities smaller than a machine word clobber the condition
  115. code since they will set the condition code to a value corresponding to the
  116. full-word result.
  117. </p>
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