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- <a name="LCSSA"></a>
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- <a name="Loop_002dclosed-SSA-form"></a>
- <h3 class="section">16.4 Loop-closed SSA form</h3>
- <a name="index-LCSSA"></a>
- <a name="index-Loop_002dclosed-SSA-form"></a>
- <p>Throughout the loop optimizations on tree level, one extra condition is
- enforced on the SSA form: No SSA name is used outside of the loop in
- that it is defined. The SSA form satisfying this condition is called
- “loop-closed SSA form” – LCSSA. To enforce LCSSA, PHI nodes must be
- created at the exits of the loops for the SSA names that are used
- outside of them. Only the real operands (not virtual SSA names) are
- held in LCSSA, in order to save memory.
- </p>
- <p>There are various benefits of LCSSA:
- </p>
- <ul>
- <li> Many optimizations (value range analysis, final value
- replacement) are interested in the values that are defined in the loop
- and used outside of it, i.e., exactly those for that we create new PHI
- nodes.
- </li><li> In induction variable analysis, it is not necessary to specify the
- loop in that the analysis should be performed – the scalar evolution
- analysis always returns the results with respect to the loop in that the
- SSA name is defined.
- </li><li> It makes updating of SSA form during loop transformations simpler.
- Without LCSSA, operations like loop unrolling may force creation of PHI
- nodes arbitrarily far from the loop, while in LCSSA, the SSA form can be
- updated locally. However, since we only keep real operands in LCSSA, we
- cannot use this advantage (we could have local updating of real
- operands, but it is not much more efficient than to use generic SSA form
- updating for it as well; the amount of changes to SSA is the same).
- </li></ul>
- <p>However, it also means LCSSA must be updated. This is usually
- straightforward, unless you create a new value in loop and use it
- outside, or unless you manipulate loop exit edges (functions are
- provided to make these manipulations simple).
- <code>rewrite_into_loop_closed_ssa</code> is used to rewrite SSA form to
- LCSSA, and <code>verify_loop_closed_ssa</code> to check that the invariant of
- LCSSA is preserved.
- </p>
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