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- <a name="Option-file-format"></a>
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- <a name="Option-file-format-1"></a>
- <h3 class="section">8.1 Option file format</h3>
- <p>Option files are a simple list of records in which each field occupies
- its own line and in which the records themselves are separated by
- blank lines. Comments may appear on their own line anywhere within
- the file and are preceded by semicolons. Whitespace is allowed before
- the semicolon.
- </p>
- <p>The files can contain the following types of record:
- </p>
- <ul>
- <li> A language definition record. These records have two fields: the
- string ‘<samp>Language</samp>’ and the name of the language. Once a language
- has been declared in this way, it can be used as an option property.
- See <a href="Option-properties.html#Option-properties">Option properties</a>.
- </li><li> A target specific save record to save additional information. These
- records have two fields: the string ‘<samp>TargetSave</samp>’, and a
- declaration type to go in the <code>cl_target_option</code> structure.
- </li><li> A variable record to define a variable used to store option
- information. These records have two fields: the string
- ‘<samp>Variable</samp>’, and a declaration of the type and name of the
- variable, optionally with an initializer (but without any trailing
- ‘<samp>;</samp>’). These records may be used for variables used for many
- options where declaring the initializer in a single option definition
- record, or duplicating it in many records, would be inappropriate, or
- for variables set in option handlers rather than referenced by
- <code>Var</code> properties.
- </li><li> A variable record to define a variable used to store option
- information. These records have two fields: the string
- ‘<samp>TargetVariable</samp>’, and a declaration of the type and name of the
- variable, optionally with an initializer (but without any trailing
- ‘<samp>;</samp>’). ‘<samp>TargetVariable</samp>’ is a combination of ‘<samp>Variable</samp>’
- and ‘<samp>TargetSave</samp>’ records in that the variable is defined in the
- <code>gcc_options</code> structure, but these variables are also stored in
- the <code>cl_target_option</code> structure. The variables are saved in the
- target save code and restored in the target restore code.
- </li><li> A variable record to record any additional files that the
- <samp>options.h</samp> file should include. This is useful to provide
- enumeration or structure definitions needed for target variables.
- These records have two fields: the string ‘<samp>HeaderInclude</samp>’ and the
- name of the include file.
- </li><li> A variable record to record any additional files that the
- <samp>options.c</samp> or <samp>options-save.c</samp> file should include. This
- is useful to provide
- inline functions needed for target variables and/or <code>#ifdef</code>
- sequences to properly set up the initialization. These records have
- two fields: the string ‘<samp>SourceInclude</samp>’ and the name of the
- include file.
- </li><li> An enumeration record to define a set of strings that may be used as
- arguments to an option or options. These records have three fields:
- the string ‘<samp>Enum</samp>’, a space-separated list of properties and help
- text used to describe the set of strings in <samp>--help</samp> output.
- Properties use the same format as option properties; the following are
- valid:
- <dl compact="compact">
- <dt><code>Name(<var>name</var>)</code></dt>
- <dd><p>This property is required; <var>name</var> must be a name (suitable for use
- in C identifiers) used to identify the set of strings in <code>Enum</code>
- option properties.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt><code>Type(<var>type</var>)</code></dt>
- <dd><p>This property is required; <var>type</var> is the C type for variables set
- by options using this enumeration together with <code>Var</code>.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt><code>UnknownError(<var>message</var>)</code></dt>
- <dd><p>The message <var>message</var> will be used as an error message if the
- argument is invalid; for enumerations without <code>UnknownError</code>, a
- generic error message is used. <var>message</var> should contain a single
- ‘<samp>%qs</samp>’ format, which will be used to format the invalid argument.
- </p></dd>
- </dl>
- </li><li> An enumeration value record to define one of the strings in a set
- given in an ‘<samp>Enum</samp>’ record. These records have two fields: the
- string ‘<samp>EnumValue</samp>’ and a space-separated list of properties.
- Properties use the same format as option properties; the following are
- valid:
- <dl compact="compact">
- <dt><code>Enum(<var>name</var>)</code></dt>
- <dd><p>This property is required; <var>name</var> says which ‘<samp>Enum</samp>’ record
- this ‘<samp>EnumValue</samp>’ record corresponds to.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt><code>String(<var>string</var>)</code></dt>
- <dd><p>This property is required; <var>string</var> is the string option argument
- being described by this record.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt><code>Value(<var>value</var>)</code></dt>
- <dd><p>This property is required; it says what value (representable as
- <code>int</code>) should be used for the given string.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt><code>Canonical</code></dt>
- <dd><p>This property is optional. If present, it says the present string is
- the canonical one among all those with the given value. Other strings
- yielding that value will be mapped to this one so specs do not need to
- handle them.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt><code>DriverOnly</code></dt>
- <dd><p>This property is optional. If present, the present string will only
- be accepted by the driver. This is used for cases such as
- <samp>-march=native</samp> that are processed by the driver so that
- ‘<samp>gcc -v</samp>’ shows how the options chosen depended on the system on
- which the compiler was run.
- </p></dd>
- </dl>
- </li><li> An option definition record. These records have the following fields:
- <ol>
- <li> the name of the option, with the leading “-” removed
- </li><li> a space-separated list of option properties (see <a href="Option-properties.html#Option-properties">Option properties</a>)
- </li><li> the help text to use for <samp>--help</samp> (omitted if the second field
- contains the <code>Undocumented</code> property).
- </li></ol>
- <p>By default, all options beginning with “f”, “W” or “m” are
- implicitly assumed to take a “no-” form. This form should not be
- listed separately. If an option beginning with one of these letters
- does not have a “no-” form, you can use the <code>RejectNegative</code>
- property to reject it.
- </p>
- <p>The help text is automatically line-wrapped before being displayed.
- Normally the name of the option is printed on the left-hand side of
- the output and the help text is printed on the right. However, if the
- help text contains a tab character, the text to the left of the tab is
- used instead of the option’s name and the text to the right of the
- tab forms the help text. This allows you to elaborate on what type
- of argument the option takes.
- </p>
- </li><li> A target mask record. These records have one field of the form
- ‘<samp>Mask(<var>x</var>)</samp>’. The options-processing script will automatically
- allocate a bit in <code>target_flags</code> (see <a href="Run_002dtime-Target.html#Run_002dtime-Target">Run-time Target</a>) for
- each mask name <var>x</var> and set the macro <code>MASK_<var>x</var></code> to the
- appropriate bitmask. It will also declare a <code>TARGET_<var>x</var></code>
- macro that has the value 1 when bit <code>MASK_<var>x</var></code> is set and
- 0 otherwise.
- <p>They are primarily intended to declare target masks that are not
- associated with user options, either because these masks represent
- internal switches or because the options are not available on all
- configurations and yet the masks always need to be defined.
- </p></li></ul>
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