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- <a name="File_002dI_002fO-Overview"></a>
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- <a name="File_002dI_002fO-Overview-1"></a>
- <h4 class="subsection">E.13.1 File-I/O Overview</h4>
- <a name="index-file_002di_002fo-overview"></a>
- <p>The <em>File I/O remote protocol extension</em> (short: File-I/O) allows the
- target to use the host’s file system and console I/O to perform various
- system calls. System calls on the target system are translated into a
- remote protocol packet to the host system, which then performs the needed
- actions and returns a response packet to the target system.
- This simulates file system operations even on targets that lack file systems.
- </p>
- <p>The protocol is defined to be independent of both the host and target systems.
- It uses its own internal representation of datatypes and values. Both
- <small>GDB</small> and the target’s <small>GDB</small> stub are responsible for
- translating the system-dependent value representations into the internal
- protocol representations when data is transmitted.
- </p>
- <p>The communication is synchronous. A system call is possible only when
- <small>GDB</small> is waiting for a response from the ‘<samp>C</samp>’, ‘<samp>c</samp>’, ‘<samp>S</samp>’
- or ‘<samp>s</samp>’ packets. While <small>GDB</small> handles the request for a system call,
- the target is stopped to allow deterministic access to the target’s
- memory. Therefore File-I/O is not interruptible by target signals. On
- the other hand, it is possible to interrupt File-I/O by a user interrupt
- (‘<samp>Ctrl-C</samp>’) within <small>GDB</small>.
- </p>
- <p>The target’s request to perform a host system call does not finish
- the latest ‘<samp>C</samp>’, ‘<samp>c</samp>’, ‘<samp>S</samp>’ or ‘<samp>s</samp>’ action. That means,
- after finishing the system call, the target returns to continuing the
- previous activity (continue, step). No additional continue or step
- request from <small>GDB</small> is required.
- </p>
- <div class="smallexample">
- <pre class="smallexample">(gdb) continue
- <- target requests 'system call X'
- target is stopped, GDB executes system call
- -> GDB returns result
- ... target continues, GDB returns to wait for the target
- <- target hits breakpoint and sends a Txx packet
- </pre></div>
- <p>The protocol only supports I/O on the console and to regular files on
- the host file system. Character or block special devices, pipes,
- named pipes, sockets or any other communication method on the host
- system are not supported by this protocol.
- </p>
- <p>File I/O is not supported in non-stop mode.
- </p>
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