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  63. <a name="MicroBlaze-1"></a>
  64. <h4 class="subsection">21.3.5 MicroBlaze</h4>
  65. <a name="index-Xilinx-MicroBlaze"></a>
  66. <a name="index-XMD_002c-Xilinx-Microprocessor-Debugger"></a>
  67. <p>The MicroBlaze is a soft-core processor supported on various Xilinx
  68. FPGAs, such as Spartan or Virtex series. Boards with these processors
  69. usually have JTAG ports which connect to a host system running the Xilinx
  70. Embedded Development Kit (EDK) or Software Development Kit (SDK).
  71. This host system is used to download the configuration bitstream to
  72. the target FPGA. The Xilinx Microprocessor Debugger (XMD) program
  73. communicates with the target board using the JTAG interface and
  74. presents a <code>gdbserver</code> interface to the board. By default
  75. <code>xmd</code> uses port <code>1234</code>. (While it is possible to change
  76. this default port, it requires the use of undocumented <code>xmd</code>
  77. commands. Contact Xilinx support if you need to do this.)
  78. </p>
  79. <p>Use these GDB commands to connect to the MicroBlaze target processor.
  80. </p>
  81. <dl compact="compact">
  82. <dt><code>target remote :1234</code></dt>
  83. <dd><p>Use this command to connect to the target if you are running <small>GDB</small>
  84. on the same system as <code>xmd</code>.
  85. </p>
  86. </dd>
  87. <dt><code>target remote <var>xmd-host</var>:1234</code></dt>
  88. <dd><p>Use this command to connect to the target if it is connected to <code>xmd</code>
  89. running on a different system named <var>xmd-host</var>.
  90. </p>
  91. </dd>
  92. <dt><code>load</code></dt>
  93. <dd><p>Use this command to download a program to the MicroBlaze target.
  94. </p>
  95. </dd>
  96. <dt><code>set debug microblaze <var>n</var></code></dt>
  97. <dd><p>Enable MicroBlaze-specific debugging messages if non-zero.
  98. </p>
  99. </dd>
  100. <dt><code>show debug microblaze <var>n</var></code></dt>
  101. <dd><p>Show MicroBlaze-specific debugging level.
  102. </p></dd>
  103. </dl>
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