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- <a name="Progspaces-In-Guile"></a>
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- <a name="Program-Spaces-In-Guile"></a>
- <h4 class="subsubsection"> Program Spaces In Guile</h4>
- <a name="index-progspaces-in-guile"></a>
- <a name="index-_003cgdb_003aprogspace_003e"></a>
- <p>A program space, or <em>progspace</em>, represents a symbolic view
- of an address space.
- It consists of all of the objfiles of the program.
- See <a href="Objfiles-In-Guile.html#Objfiles-In-Guile">Objfiles In Guile</a>.
- See <a href="Inferiors-Connections-and-Programs.html#Inferiors-Connections-and-Programs">program spaces</a>, for more details
- about program spaces.
- </p>
- <p>Each progspace is represented by an instance of the <code><gdb:progspace></code>
- smob. See <a href="GDB-Scheme-Data-Types.html#GDB-Scheme-Data-Types">GDB Scheme Data Types</a>.
- </p>
- <p>The following progspace-related functions are available in the
- <code>(gdb)</code> module:
- </p>
- <dl>
- <dt><a name="index-progspace_003f"></a>Scheme Procedure: <strong>progspace?</strong> <em>object</em></dt>
- <dd><p>Return <code>#t</code> if <var>object</var> is a <code><gdb:progspace></code> object.
- Otherwise return <code>#f</code>.
- </p></dd></dl>
- <dl>
- <dt><a name="index-progspace_002dvalid_003f"></a>Scheme Procedure: <strong>progspace-valid?</strong> <em>progspace</em></dt>
- <dd><p>Return <code>#t</code> if <var>progspace</var> is valid, <code>#f</code> if not.
- A <code><gdb:progspace></code> object can become invalid
- if the program it refers to is not loaded in <small>GDB</small> any longer.
- </p></dd></dl>
- <dl>
- <dt><a name="index-current_002dprogspace"></a>Scheme Procedure: <strong>current-progspace</strong></dt>
- <dd><p>This function returns the program space of the currently selected inferior.
- There is always a current progspace, this never returns <code>#f</code>.
- See <a href="Inferiors-Connections-and-Programs.html#Inferiors-Connections-and-Programs">Inferiors Connections and Programs</a>.
- </p></dd></dl>
- <dl>
- <dt><a name="index-progspaces"></a>Scheme Procedure: <strong>progspaces</strong></dt>
- <dd><p>Return a list of all the progspaces currently known to <small>GDB</small>.
- </p></dd></dl>
- <dl>
- <dt><a name="index-progspace_002dfilename"></a>Scheme Procedure: <strong>progspace-filename</strong> <em>progspace</em></dt>
- <dd><p>Return the absolute file name of <var>progspace</var> as a string.
- This is the name of the file passed as the argument to the <code>file</code>
- or <code>symbol-file</code> commands.
- If the program space does not have an associated file name,
- then <code>#f</code> is returned. This occurs, for example, when <small>GDB</small>
- is started without a program to debug.
- </p>
- <p>A <code>gdb:invalid-object-error</code> exception is thrown if <var>progspace</var>
- is invalid.
- </p></dd></dl>
- <dl>
- <dt><a name="index-progspace_002dobjfiles"></a>Scheme Procedure: <strong>progspace-objfiles</strong> <em>progspace</em></dt>
- <dd><p>Return the list of objfiles of <var>progspace</var>.
- The order of objfiles in the result is arbitrary.
- Each element is an object of type <code><gdb:objfile></code>.
- See <a href="Objfiles-In-Guile.html#Objfiles-In-Guile">Objfiles In Guile</a>.
- </p>
- <p>A <code>gdb:invalid-object-error</code> exception is thrown if <var>progspace</var>
- is invalid.
- </p></dd></dl>
- <dl>
- <dt><a name="index-progspace_002dpretty_002dprinters"></a>Scheme Procedure: <strong>progspace-pretty-printers</strong> <em>progspace</em></dt>
- <dd><p>Return the list of pretty-printers of <var>progspace</var>.
- Each element is an object of type <code><gdb:pretty-printer></code>.
- See <a href="Guile-Pretty-Printing-API.html#Guile-Pretty-Printing-API">Guile Pretty Printing API</a>, for more information.
- </p></dd></dl>
- <dl>
- <dt><a name="index-set_002dprogspace_002dpretty_002dprinters_0021"></a>Scheme Procedure: <strong>set-progspace-pretty-printers!</strong> <em>progspace printer-list</em></dt>
- <dd><p>Set the list of registered <code><gdb:pretty-printer></code> objects for
- <var>progspace</var> to <var>printer-list</var>.
- See <a href="Guile-Pretty-Printing-API.html#Guile-Pretty-Printing-API">Guile Pretty Printing API</a>, for more information.
- </p></dd></dl>
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