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- <a name="Nested-Symbols"></a>
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- <a name="Defining-a-Symbol-Within-Another-Type"></a>
- <h3 class="section">8.2 Defining a Symbol Within Another Type</h3>
- <p>In C<tt>++</tt>, a symbol (such as a type name) can be defined within another type.
- </p>
- <p>In stabs, this is sometimes represented by making the name of a symbol
- which contains ‘<samp>::</samp>’. Such a pair of colons does not end the name
- of the symbol, the way a single colon would (see <a href="String-Field.html#String-Field">String Field</a>). I’m
- not sure how consistently used or well thought out this mechanism is.
- So that a pair of colons in this position always has this meaning,
- ‘<samp>:</samp>’ cannot be used as a symbol descriptor.
- </p>
- <p>For example, if the string for a stab is ‘<samp>foo::bar::baz:t5=*6</samp>’,
- then <code>foo::bar::baz</code> is the name of the symbol, ‘<samp>t</samp>’ is the
- symbol descriptor, and ‘<samp>5=*6</samp>’ is the type information.
- </p>
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