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  61. <hr>
  62. <a name="Options-12"></a>
  63. <h4 class="subsection">9.17.1 Options</h4>
  64. <a name="index-IA_002d64-options"></a>
  65. <a name="index-options-for-IA_002d64"></a>
  66. <dl compact="compact">
  67. <dd><a name="index-_002dmconstant_002dgp-command_002dline-option_002c-IA_002d64"></a>
  68. </dd>
  69. <dt><samp>-mconstant-gp</samp></dt>
  70. <dd><p>This option instructs the assembler to mark the resulting object file
  71. as using the &ldquo;constant GP&rdquo; model. With this model, it is assumed
  72. that the entire program uses a single global pointer (GP) value. Note
  73. that this option does not in any fashion affect the machine code
  74. emitted by the assembler. All it does is turn on the EF_IA_64_CONS_GP
  75. flag in the ELF file header.
  76. </p>
  77. </dd>
  78. <dt><samp>-mauto-pic</samp></dt>
  79. <dd><p>This option instructs the assembler to mark the resulting object file
  80. as using the &ldquo;constant GP without function descriptor&rdquo; data model.
  81. This model is like the &ldquo;constant GP&rdquo; model, except that it
  82. additionally does away with function descriptors. What this means is
  83. that the address of a function refers directly to the function&rsquo;s code
  84. entry-point. Normally, such an address would refer to a function
  85. descriptor, which contains both the code entry-point and the GP-value
  86. needed by the function. Note that this option does not in any fashion
  87. affect the machine code emitted by the assembler. All it does is
  88. turn on the EF_IA_64_NOFUNCDESC_CONS_GP flag in the ELF file header.
  89. </p>
  90. </dd>
  91. <dt><samp>-milp32</samp></dt>
  92. <dt><samp>-milp64</samp></dt>
  93. <dt><samp>-mlp64</samp></dt>
  94. <dt><samp>-mp64</samp></dt>
  95. <dd><p>These options select the data model. The assembler defaults to <code>-mlp64</code>
  96. (LP64 data model).
  97. </p>
  98. </dd>
  99. <dt><samp>-mle</samp></dt>
  100. <dt><samp>-mbe</samp></dt>
  101. <dd><p>These options select the byte order. The <code>-mle</code> option selects little-endian
  102. byte order (default) and <code>-mbe</code> selects big-endian byte order. Note that
  103. IA-64 machine code always uses little-endian byte order.
  104. </p>
  105. </dd>
  106. <dt><samp>-mtune=itanium1</samp></dt>
  107. <dt><samp>-mtune=itanium2</samp></dt>
  108. <dd><p>Tune for a particular IA-64 CPU, <var>itanium1</var> or <var>itanium2</var>. The
  109. default is <var>itanium2</var>.
  110. </p>
  111. </dd>
  112. <dt><samp>-munwind-check=warning</samp></dt>
  113. <dt><samp>-munwind-check=error</samp></dt>
  114. <dd><p>These options control what the assembler will do when performing
  115. consistency checks on unwind directives. <code>-munwind-check=warning</code>
  116. will make the assembler issue a warning when an unwind directive check
  117. fails. This is the default. <code>-munwind-check=error</code> will make the
  118. assembler issue an error when an unwind directive check fails.
  119. </p>
  120. </dd>
  121. <dt><samp>-mhint.b=ok</samp></dt>
  122. <dt><samp>-mhint.b=warning</samp></dt>
  123. <dt><samp>-mhint.b=error</samp></dt>
  124. <dd><p>These options control what the assembler will do when the &lsquo;<samp>hint.b</samp>&rsquo;
  125. instruction is used. <code>-mhint.b=ok</code> will make the assembler accept
  126. &lsquo;<samp>hint.b</samp>&rsquo;. <code>-mint.b=warning</code> will make the assembler issue a
  127. warning when &lsquo;<samp>hint.b</samp>&rsquo; is used. <code>-mhint.b=error</code> will make
  128. the assembler treat &lsquo;<samp>hint.b</samp>&rsquo; as an error, which is the default.
  129. </p>
  130. </dd>
  131. <dt><samp>-x</samp></dt>
  132. <dt><samp>-xexplicit</samp></dt>
  133. <dd><p>These options turn on dependency violation checking.
  134. </p>
  135. </dd>
  136. <dt><samp>-xauto</samp></dt>
  137. <dd><p>This option instructs the assembler to automatically insert stop bits where necessary
  138. to remove dependency violations. This is the default mode.
  139. </p>
  140. </dd>
  141. <dt><samp>-xnone</samp></dt>
  142. <dd><p>This option turns off dependency violation checking.
  143. </p>
  144. </dd>
  145. <dt><samp>-xdebug</samp></dt>
  146. <dd><p>This turns on debug output intended to help tracking down bugs in the dependency
  147. violation checker.
  148. </p>
  149. </dd>
  150. <dt><samp>-xdebugn</samp></dt>
  151. <dd><p>This is a shortcut for -xnone -xdebug.
  152. </p>
  153. </dd>
  154. <dt><samp>-xdebugx</samp></dt>
  155. <dd><p>This is a shortcut for -xexplicit -xdebug.
  156. </p>
  157. </dd>
  158. </dl>
  159. <a name="index-IA_002d64-Syntax"></a>
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