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  61. <hr>
  62. <a name="Directives-2"></a>
  63. <h4 class="subsection">9.45.9 Directives</h4>
  64. <a name="index-machine-directives_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  65. <a name="index-TIC54X-machine-directives"></a>
  66. <dl compact="compact">
  67. <dd>
  68. <a name="index-align-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  69. <a name="index-even-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  70. </dd>
  71. <dt><code>.align [<var>size</var>]</code></dt>
  72. <dt><code>.even</code></dt>
  73. <dd><p>Align the section program counter on the next boundary, based on
  74. <var>size</var>. <var>size</var> may be any power of 2. <code>.even</code> is
  75. equivalent to <code>.align</code> with a <var>size</var> of 2.
  76. </p><dl compact="compact">
  77. <dt><code>1</code></dt>
  78. <dd><p>Align SPC to word boundary
  79. </p></dd>
  80. <dt><code>2</code></dt>
  81. <dd><p>Align SPC to longword boundary (same as .even)
  82. </p></dd>
  83. <dt><code>128</code></dt>
  84. <dd><p>Align SPC to page boundary
  85. </p></dd>
  86. </dl>
  87. <a name="index-asg-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  88. </dd>
  89. <dt><code>.asg <var>string</var>, <var>name</var></code></dt>
  90. <dd><p>Assign <var>name</var> the string <var>string</var>. String replacement is
  91. performed on <var>string</var> before assignment.
  92. </p>
  93. <a name="index-eval-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  94. </dd>
  95. <dt><code>.eval <var>string</var>, <var>name</var></code></dt>
  96. <dd><p>Evaluate the contents of string <var>string</var> and assign the result as a
  97. string to the subsym <var>name</var>. String replacement is performed on
  98. <var>string</var> before assignment.
  99. </p>
  100. <a name="index-bss-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  101. </dd>
  102. <dt><code>.bss <var>symbol</var>, <var>size</var> [, [<var>blocking_flag</var>] [,<var>alignment_flag</var>]]</code></dt>
  103. <dd><p>Reserve space for <var>symbol</var> in the .bss section. <var>size</var> is in
  104. words. If present, <var>blocking_flag</var> indicates the allocated space
  105. should be aligned on a page boundary if it would otherwise cross a page
  106. boundary. If present, <var>alignment_flag</var> causes the assembler to
  107. allocate <var>size</var> on a long word boundary.
  108. </p>
  109. <a name="index-byte-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  110. <a name="index-ubyte-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  111. <a name="index-char-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  112. <a name="index-uchar-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  113. </dd>
  114. <dt><code>.byte <var>value</var> [,...,<var>value_n</var>]</code></dt>
  115. <dt><code>.ubyte <var>value</var> [,...,<var>value_n</var>]</code></dt>
  116. <dt><code>.char <var>value</var> [,...,<var>value_n</var>]</code></dt>
  117. <dt><code>.uchar <var>value</var> [,...,<var>value_n</var>]</code></dt>
  118. <dd><p>Place one or more bytes into consecutive words of the current section.
  119. The upper 8 bits of each word is zero-filled. If a label is used, it
  120. points to the word allocated for the first byte encountered.
  121. </p>
  122. <a name="index-clink-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  123. </dd>
  124. <dt><code>.clink [&quot;<var>section_name</var>&quot;]</code></dt>
  125. <dd><p>Set STYP_CLINK flag for this section, which indicates to the linker that
  126. if no symbols from this section are referenced, the section should not
  127. be included in the link. If <var>section_name</var> is omitted, the current
  128. section is used.
  129. </p>
  130. <a name="index-c_005fmode-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  131. </dd>
  132. <dt><code>.c_mode</code></dt>
  133. <dd><p>TBD.
  134. </p>
  135. <a name="index-copy-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  136. </dd>
  137. <dt><code>.copy &quot;<var>filename</var>&quot; | <var>filename</var></code></dt>
  138. <dt><code>.include &quot;<var>filename</var>&quot; | <var>filename</var></code></dt>
  139. <dd><p>Read source statements from <var>filename</var>. The normal include search
  140. path is used. Normally .copy will cause statements from the included
  141. file to be printed in the assembly listing and .include will not, but
  142. this distinction is not currently implemented.
  143. </p>
  144. <a name="index-data-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  145. </dd>
  146. <dt><code>.data</code></dt>
  147. <dd><p>Begin assembling code into the .data section.
  148. </p>
  149. <a name="index-double-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  150. <a name="index-ldouble-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  151. <a name="index-float-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  152. <a name="index-xfloat-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  153. </dd>
  154. <dt><code>.double <var>value</var> [,...,<var>value_n</var>]</code></dt>
  155. <dt><code>.ldouble <var>value</var> [,...,<var>value_n</var>]</code></dt>
  156. <dt><code>.float <var>value</var> [,...,<var>value_n</var>]</code></dt>
  157. <dt><code>.xfloat <var>value</var> [,...,<var>value_n</var>]</code></dt>
  158. <dd><p>Place an IEEE single-precision floating-point representation of one or
  159. more floating-point values into the current section. All but
  160. <code>.xfloat</code> align the result on a longword boundary. Values are
  161. stored most-significant word first.
  162. </p>
  163. <a name="index-drlist-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  164. <a name="index-drnolist-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  165. </dd>
  166. <dt><code>.drlist</code></dt>
  167. <dt><code>.drnolist</code></dt>
  168. <dd><p>Control printing of directives to the listing file. Ignored.
  169. </p>
  170. <a name="index-emsg-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  171. <a name="index-mmsg-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  172. <a name="index-wmsg-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  173. </dd>
  174. <dt><code>.emsg <var>string</var></code></dt>
  175. <dt><code>.mmsg <var>string</var></code></dt>
  176. <dt><code>.wmsg <var>string</var></code></dt>
  177. <dd><p>Emit a user-defined error, message, or warning, respectively.
  178. </p>
  179. <a name="index-far_005fmode-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  180. </dd>
  181. <dt><code>.far_mode</code></dt>
  182. <dd><p>Use extended addressing when assembling statements. This should appear
  183. only once per file, and is equivalent to the -mfar-mode option see <a href="TIC54X_002dOpts.html#TIC54X_002dOpts"><code>-mfar-mode</code></a>.
  184. </p>
  185. <a name="index-fclist-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  186. <a name="index-fcnolist-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  187. </dd>
  188. <dt><code>.fclist</code></dt>
  189. <dt><code>.fcnolist</code></dt>
  190. <dd><p>Control printing of false conditional blocks to the listing file.
  191. </p>
  192. <a name="index-field-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  193. </dd>
  194. <dt><code>.field <var>value</var> [,<var>size</var>]</code></dt>
  195. <dd><p>Initialize a bitfield of <var>size</var> bits in the current section. If
  196. <var>value</var> is relocatable, then <var>size</var> must be 16. <var>size</var>
  197. defaults to 16 bits. If <var>value</var> does not fit into <var>size</var> bits,
  198. the value will be truncated. Successive <code>.field</code> directives will
  199. pack starting at the current word, filling the most significant bits
  200. first, and aligning to the start of the next word if the field size does
  201. not fit into the space remaining in the current word. A <code>.align</code>
  202. directive with an operand of 1 will force the next <code>.field</code>
  203. directive to begin packing into a new word. If a label is used, it
  204. points to the word that contains the specified field.
  205. </p>
  206. <a name="index-global-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  207. <a name="index-def-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  208. <a name="index-ref-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  209. </dd>
  210. <dt><code>.global <var>symbol</var> [,...,<var>symbol_n</var>]</code></dt>
  211. <dt><code>.def <var>symbol</var> [,...,<var>symbol_n</var>]</code></dt>
  212. <dt><code>.ref <var>symbol</var> [,...,<var>symbol_n</var>]</code></dt>
  213. <dd><p><code>.def</code> nominally identifies a symbol defined in the current file
  214. and available to other files. <code>.ref</code> identifies a symbol used in
  215. the current file but defined elsewhere. Both map to the standard
  216. <code>.global</code> directive.
  217. </p>
  218. <a name="index-half-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  219. <a name="index-uhalf-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  220. <a name="index-short-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  221. <a name="index-ushort-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  222. <a name="index-int-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  223. <a name="index-uint-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  224. <a name="index-word-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  225. <a name="index-uword-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  226. </dd>
  227. <dt><code>.half <var>value</var> [,...,<var>value_n</var>]</code></dt>
  228. <dt><code>.uhalf <var>value</var> [,...,<var>value_n</var>]</code></dt>
  229. <dt><code>.short <var>value</var> [,...,<var>value_n</var>]</code></dt>
  230. <dt><code>.ushort <var>value</var> [,...,<var>value_n</var>]</code></dt>
  231. <dt><code>.int <var>value</var> [,...,<var>value_n</var>]</code></dt>
  232. <dt><code>.uint <var>value</var> [,...,<var>value_n</var>]</code></dt>
  233. <dt><code>.word <var>value</var> [,...,<var>value_n</var>]</code></dt>
  234. <dt><code>.uword <var>value</var> [,...,<var>value_n</var>]</code></dt>
  235. <dd><p>Place one or more values into consecutive words of the current section.
  236. If a label is used, it points to the word allocated for the first value
  237. encountered.
  238. </p>
  239. <a name="index-label-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  240. </dd>
  241. <dt><code>.label <var>symbol</var></code></dt>
  242. <dd><p>Define a special <var>symbol</var> to refer to the load time address of the
  243. current section program counter.
  244. </p>
  245. <a name="index-length-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  246. <a name="index-width-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  247. </dd>
  248. <dt><code>.length</code></dt>
  249. <dt><code>.width</code></dt>
  250. <dd><p>Set the page length and width of the output listing file. Ignored.
  251. </p>
  252. <a name="index-list-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  253. <a name="index-nolist-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  254. </dd>
  255. <dt><code>.list</code></dt>
  256. <dt><code>.nolist</code></dt>
  257. <dd><p>Control whether the source listing is printed. Ignored.
  258. </p>
  259. <a name="index-long-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  260. <a name="index-ulong-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  261. <a name="index-xlong-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  262. </dd>
  263. <dt><code>.long <var>value</var> [,...,<var>value_n</var>]</code></dt>
  264. <dt><code>.ulong <var>value</var> [,...,<var>value_n</var>]</code></dt>
  265. <dt><code>.xlong <var>value</var> [,...,<var>value_n</var>]</code></dt>
  266. <dd><p>Place one or more 32-bit values into consecutive words in the current
  267. section. The most significant word is stored first. <code>.long</code> and
  268. <code>.ulong</code> align the result on a longword boundary; <code>xlong</code> does
  269. not.
  270. </p>
  271. <a name="index-loop-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  272. <a name="index-break-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  273. <a name="index-endloop-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  274. </dd>
  275. <dt><code>.loop [<var>count</var>]</code></dt>
  276. <dt><code>.break [<var>condition</var>]</code></dt>
  277. <dt><code>.endloop</code></dt>
  278. <dd><p>Repeatedly assemble a block of code. <code>.loop</code> begins the block, and
  279. <code>.endloop</code> marks its termination. <var>count</var> defaults to 1024,
  280. and indicates the number of times the block should be repeated.
  281. <code>.break</code> terminates the loop so that assembly begins after the
  282. <code>.endloop</code> directive. The optional <var>condition</var> will cause the
  283. loop to terminate only if it evaluates to zero.
  284. </p>
  285. <a name="index-macro-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  286. <a name="index-endm-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  287. </dd>
  288. <dt><code><var>macro_name</var> .macro [<var>param1</var>][,...<var>param_n</var>]</code></dt>
  289. <dt><code>[.mexit]</code></dt>
  290. <dt><code>.endm</code></dt>
  291. <dd><p>See the section on macros for more explanation (See <a href="TIC54X_002dMacros.html#TIC54X_002dMacros">TIC54X-Macros</a>.
  292. </p>
  293. <a name="index-mlib-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  294. </dd>
  295. <dt><code>.mlib &quot;<var>filename</var>&quot; | <var>filename</var></code></dt>
  296. <dd><p>Load the macro library <var>filename</var>. <var>filename</var> must be an
  297. archived library (BFD ar-compatible) of text files, expected to contain
  298. only macro definitions. The standard include search path is used.
  299. </p>
  300. <a name="index-mlist-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  301. <a name="index-mnolist-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  302. </dd>
  303. <dt><code>.mlist</code></dt>
  304. <dt><code>.mnolist</code></dt>
  305. <dd><p>Control whether to include macro and loop block expansions in the
  306. listing output. Ignored.
  307. </p>
  308. <a name="index-mmregs-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  309. </dd>
  310. <dt><code>.mmregs</code></dt>
  311. <dd><p>Define global symbolic names for the &rsquo;c54x registers. Supposedly
  312. equivalent to executing <code>.set</code> directives for each register with
  313. its memory-mapped value, but in reality is provided only for
  314. compatibility and does nothing.
  315. </p>
  316. <a name="index-newblock-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  317. </dd>
  318. <dt><code>.newblock</code></dt>
  319. <dd><p>This directive resets any TIC54X local labels currently defined. Normal
  320. <code>as</code> local labels are unaffected.
  321. </p>
  322. <a name="index-option-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  323. </dd>
  324. <dt><code>.option <var>option_list</var></code></dt>
  325. <dd><p>Set listing options. Ignored.
  326. </p>
  327. <a name="index-sblock-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  328. </dd>
  329. <dt><code>.sblock &quot;<var>section_name</var>&quot; | <var>section_name</var> [,&quot;<var>name_n</var>&quot; | <var>name_n</var>]</code></dt>
  330. <dd><p>Designate <var>section_name</var> for blocking. Blocking guarantees that a
  331. section will start on a page boundary (128 words) if it would otherwise
  332. cross a page boundary. Only initialized sections may be designated with
  333. this directive. See also See <a href="TIC54X_002dBlock.html#TIC54X_002dBlock">TIC54X-Block</a>.
  334. </p>
  335. <a name="index-sect-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  336. </dd>
  337. <dt><code>.sect &quot;<var>section_name</var>&quot;</code></dt>
  338. <dd><p>Define a named initialized section and make it the current section.
  339. </p>
  340. <a name="index-set-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  341. <a name="index-equ-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  342. </dd>
  343. <dt><code><var>symbol</var> .set &quot;<var>value</var>&quot;</code></dt>
  344. <dt><code><var>symbol</var> .equ &quot;<var>value</var>&quot;</code></dt>
  345. <dd><p>Equate a constant <var>value</var> to a <var>symbol</var>, which is placed in the
  346. symbol table. <var>symbol</var> may not be previously defined.
  347. </p>
  348. <a name="index-space-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  349. <a name="index-bes-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  350. </dd>
  351. <dt><code>.space <var>size_in_bits</var></code></dt>
  352. <dt><code>.bes <var>size_in_bits</var></code></dt>
  353. <dd><p>Reserve the given number of bits in the current section and zero-fill
  354. them. If a label is used with <code>.space</code>, it points to the
  355. <strong>first</strong> word reserved. With <code>.bes</code>, the label points to the
  356. <strong>last</strong> word reserved.
  357. </p>
  358. <a name="index-sslist-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  359. <a name="index-ssnolist-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  360. </dd>
  361. <dt><code>.sslist</code></dt>
  362. <dt><code>.ssnolist</code></dt>
  363. <dd><p>Controls the inclusion of subsym replacement in the listing output. Ignored.
  364. </p>
  365. <a name="index-string-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  366. <a name="index-pstring-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  367. </dd>
  368. <dt><code>.string &quot;<var>string</var>&quot; [,...,&quot;<var>string_n</var>&quot;]</code></dt>
  369. <dt><code>.pstring &quot;<var>string</var>&quot; [,...,&quot;<var>string_n</var>&quot;]</code></dt>
  370. <dd><p>Place 8-bit characters from <var>string</var> into the current section.
  371. <code>.string</code> zero-fills the upper 8 bits of each word, while
  372. <code>.pstring</code> puts two characters into each word, filling the
  373. most-significant bits first. Unused space is zero-filled. If a label
  374. is used, it points to the first word initialized.
  375. </p>
  376. <a name="index-struct-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  377. <a name="index-tag-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  378. <a name="index-endstruct-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  379. </dd>
  380. <dt><code>[<var>stag</var>] .struct [<var>offset</var>]</code></dt>
  381. <dt><code>[<var>name_1</var>] element [<var>count_1</var>]</code></dt>
  382. <dt><code>[<var>name_2</var>] element [<var>count_2</var>]</code></dt>
  383. <dt><code>[<var>tname</var>] .tag <var>stagx</var> [<var>tcount</var>]</code></dt>
  384. <dt><code>...</code></dt>
  385. <dt><code>[<var>name_n</var>] element [<var>count_n</var>]</code></dt>
  386. <dt><code>[<var>ssize</var>] .endstruct</code></dt>
  387. <dt><code><var>label</var> .tag [<var>stag</var>]</code></dt>
  388. <dd><p>Assign symbolic offsets to the elements of a structure. <var>stag</var>
  389. defines a symbol to use to reference the structure. <var>offset</var>
  390. indicates a starting value to use for the first element encountered;
  391. otherwise it defaults to zero. Each element can have a named offset,
  392. <var>name</var>, which is a symbol assigned the value of the element&rsquo;s offset
  393. into the structure. If <var>stag</var> is missing, these become global
  394. symbols. <var>count</var> adjusts the offset that many times, as if
  395. <code>element</code> were an array. <code>element</code> may be one of
  396. <code>.byte</code>, <code>.word</code>, <code>.long</code>, <code>.float</code>, or any
  397. equivalent of those, and the structure offset is adjusted accordingly.
  398. <code>.field</code> and <code>.string</code> are also allowed; the size of
  399. <code>.field</code> is one bit, and <code>.string</code> is considered to be one
  400. word in size. Only element descriptors, structure/union tags,
  401. <code>.align</code> and conditional assembly directives are allowed within
  402. <code>.struct</code>/<code>.endstruct</code>. <code>.align</code> aligns member offsets
  403. to word boundaries only. <var>ssize</var>, if provided, will always be
  404. assigned the size of the structure.
  405. </p>
  406. <p>The <code>.tag</code> directive, in addition to being used to define a
  407. structure/union element within a structure, may be used to apply a
  408. structure to a symbol. Once applied to <var>label</var>, the individual
  409. structure elements may be applied to <var>label</var> to produce the desired
  410. offsets using <var>label</var> as the structure base.
  411. </p>
  412. <a name="index-tab-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  413. </dd>
  414. <dt><code>.tab</code></dt>
  415. <dd><p>Set the tab size in the output listing. Ignored.
  416. </p>
  417. <a name="index-union-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  418. <a name="index-tag-directive_002c-TIC54X-1"></a>
  419. <a name="index-endunion-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  420. </dd>
  421. <dt><code>[<var>utag</var>] .union</code></dt>
  422. <dt><code>[<var>name_1</var>] element [<var>count_1</var>]</code></dt>
  423. <dt><code>[<var>name_2</var>] element [<var>count_2</var>]</code></dt>
  424. <dt><code>[<var>tname</var>] .tag <var>utagx</var>[,<var>tcount</var>]</code></dt>
  425. <dt><code>...</code></dt>
  426. <dt><code>[<var>name_n</var>] element [<var>count_n</var>]</code></dt>
  427. <dt><code>[<var>usize</var>] .endstruct</code></dt>
  428. <dt><code><var>label</var> .tag [<var>utag</var>]</code></dt>
  429. <dd><p>Similar to <code>.struct</code>, but the offset after each element is reset to
  430. zero, and the <var>usize</var> is set to the maximum of all defined elements.
  431. Starting offset for the union is always zero.
  432. </p>
  433. <a name="index-usect-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  434. </dd>
  435. <dt><code>[<var>symbol</var>] .usect &quot;<var>section_name</var>&quot;, <var>size</var>, [,[<var>blocking_flag</var>] [,<var>alignment_flag</var>]]</code></dt>
  436. <dd><p>Reserve space for variables in a named, uninitialized section (similar to
  437. .bss). <code>.usect</code> allows definitions sections independent of .bss.
  438. <var>symbol</var> points to the first location reserved by this allocation.
  439. The symbol may be used as a variable name. <var>size</var> is the allocated
  440. size in words. <var>blocking_flag</var> indicates whether to block this
  441. section on a page boundary (128 words) (see <a href="TIC54X_002dBlock.html#TIC54X_002dBlock">TIC54X-Block</a>).
  442. <var>alignment flag</var> indicates whether the section should be
  443. longword-aligned.
  444. </p>
  445. <a name="index-var-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  446. </dd>
  447. <dt><code>.var <var>sym</var>[,..., <var>sym_n</var>]</code></dt>
  448. <dd><p>Define a subsym to be a local variable within a macro. See
  449. See <a href="TIC54X_002dMacros.html#TIC54X_002dMacros">TIC54X-Macros</a>.
  450. </p>
  451. <a name="index-version-directive_002c-TIC54X"></a>
  452. </dd>
  453. <dt><code>.version <var>version</var></code></dt>
  454. <dd><p>Set which processor to build instructions for. Though the following
  455. values are accepted, the op is ignored.
  456. </p><dl compact="compact">
  457. <dt><code>541</code></dt>
  458. <dt><code>542</code></dt>
  459. <dt><code>543</code></dt>
  460. <dt><code>545</code></dt>
  461. <dt><code>545LP</code></dt>
  462. <dt><code>546LP</code></dt>
  463. <dt><code>548</code></dt>
  464. <dt><code>549</code></dt>
  465. </dl>
  466. </dd>
  467. </dl>
  468. <hr>
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  471. Next: <a href="TIC54X_002dMacros.html#TIC54X_002dMacros" accesskey="n" rel="next">TIC54X-Macros</a>, Previous: <a href="TIC54X_002dExt.html#TIC54X_002dExt" accesskey="p" rel="prev">TIC54X-Ext</a>, Up: <a href="TIC54X_002dDependent.html#TIC54X_002dDependent" accesskey="u" rel="up">TIC54X-Dependent</a> &nbsp; [<a href="index.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents" rel="contents">Contents</a>][<a href="AS-Index.html#AS-Index" title="Index" rel="index">Index</a>]</p>
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