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- <a name="Patterns"></a>
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- <a name="Everything-about-Instruction-Patterns"></a>
- <h3 class="section">17.2 Everything about Instruction Patterns</h3>
- <a name="index-patterns"></a>
- <a name="index-instruction-patterns"></a>
- <a name="index-define_005finsn"></a>
- <p>A <code>define_insn</code> expression is used to define instruction patterns
- to which insns may be matched. A <code>define_insn</code> expression contains
- an incomplete RTL expression, with pieces to be filled in later, operand
- constraints that restrict how the pieces can be filled in, and an output
- template or C code to generate the assembler output.
- </p>
- <p>A <code>define_insn</code> is an RTL expression containing four or five operands:
- </p>
- <ol>
- <li> An optional name <var>n</var>. When a name is present, the compiler
- automically generates a C++ function ‘<samp>gen_<var>n</var></samp>’ that takes
- the operands of the instruction as arguments and returns the instruction’s
- rtx pattern. The compiler also assigns the instruction a unique code
- ‘<samp>CODE_FOR_<var>n</var></samp>’, with all such codes belonging to an enum
- called <code>insn_code</code>.
- <p>These names serve one of two purposes. The first is to indicate that the
- instruction performs a certain standard job for the RTL-generation
- pass of the compiler, such as a move, an addition, or a conditional
- jump. The second is to help the target generate certain target-specific
- operations, such as when implementing target-specific intrinsic functions.
- </p>
- <p>It is better to prefix target-specific names with the name of the
- target, to avoid any clash with current or future standard names.
- </p>
- <p>The absence of a name is indicated by writing an empty string
- where the name should go. Nameless instruction patterns are never
- used for generating RTL code, but they may permit several simpler insns
- to be combined later on.
- </p>
- <p>For the purpose of debugging the compiler, you may also specify a
- name beginning with the ‘<samp>*</samp>’ character. Such a name is used only
- for identifying the instruction in RTL dumps; it is equivalent to having
- a nameless pattern for all other purposes. Names beginning with the
- ‘<samp>*</samp>’ character are not required to be unique.
- </p>
- <p>The name may also have the form ‘<samp>@<var>n</var></samp>’. This has the same
- effect as a name ‘<samp><var>n</var></samp>’, but in addition tells the compiler to
- generate further helper functions; see <a href="Parameterized-Names.html#Parameterized-Names">Parameterized Names</a> for details.
- </p>
- </li><li> The <em>RTL template</em>: This is a vector of incomplete RTL expressions
- which describe the semantics of the instruction (see <a href="RTL-Template.html#RTL-Template">RTL Template</a>).
- It is incomplete because it may contain <code>match_operand</code>,
- <code>match_operator</code>, and <code>match_dup</code> expressions that stand for
- operands of the instruction.
- <p>If the vector has multiple elements, the RTL template is treated as a
- <code>parallel</code> expression.
- </p>
- </li><li> <a name="index-pattern-conditions"></a>
- <a name="index-conditions_002c-in-patterns"></a>
- The condition: This is a string which contains a C expression. When the
- compiler attempts to match RTL against a pattern, the condition is
- evaluated. If the condition evaluates to <code>true</code>, the match is
- permitted. The condition may be an empty string, which is treated
- as always <code>true</code>.
- <a name="index-named-patterns-and-conditions"></a>
- <p>For a named pattern, the condition may not depend on the data in the
- insn being matched, but only the target-machine-type flags. The compiler
- needs to test these conditions during initialization in order to learn
- exactly which named instructions are available in a particular run.
- </p>
- <a name="index-operands-1"></a>
- <p>For nameless patterns, the condition is applied only when matching an
- individual insn, and only after the insn has matched the pattern’s
- recognition template. The insn’s operands may be found in the vector
- <code>operands</code>.
- </p>
- <p>An instruction condition cannot become more restrictive as compilation
- progresses. If the condition accepts a particular RTL instruction at
- one stage of compilation, it must continue to accept that instruction
- until the final pass. For example, ‘<samp>!reload_completed</samp>’ and
- ‘<samp>can_create_pseudo_p ()</samp>’ are both invalid instruction conditions,
- because they are true during the earlier RTL passes and false during
- the later ones. For the same reason, if a condition accepts an
- instruction before register allocation, it cannot later try to control
- register allocation by excluding certain register or value combinations.
- </p>
- <p>Although a condition cannot become more restrictive as compilation
- progresses, the condition for a nameless pattern <em>can</em> become
- more permissive. For example, a nameless instruction can require
- ‘<samp>reload_completed</samp>’ to be true, in which case it only matches
- after register allocation.
- </p>
- </li><li> The <em>output template</em> or <em>output statement</em>: This is either
- a string, or a fragment of C code which returns a string.
- <p>When simple substitution isn’t general enough, you can specify a piece
- of C code to compute the output. See <a href="Output-Statement.html#Output-Statement">Output Statement</a>.
- </p>
- </li><li> The <em>insn attributes</em>: This is an optional vector containing the values of
- attributes for insns matching this pattern (see <a href="Insn-Attributes.html#Insn-Attributes">Insn Attributes</a>).
- </li></ol>
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