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- <a name="Reading-RTL-1"></a>
- <h3 class="section">14.22 Reading RTL</h3>
- <p>To read an RTL object from a file, call <code>read_rtx</code>. It takes one
- argument, a stdio stream, and returns a single RTL object. This routine
- is defined in <samp>read-rtl.c</samp>. It is not available in the compiler
- itself, only the various programs that generate the compiler back end
- from the machine description.
- </p>
- <p>People frequently have the idea of using RTL stored as text in a file as
- an interface between a language front end and the bulk of GCC. This
- idea is not feasible.
- </p>
- <p>GCC was designed to use RTL internally only. Correct RTL for a given
- program is very dependent on the particular target machine. And the RTL
- does not contain all the information about the program.
- </p>
- <p>The proper way to interface GCC to a new language front end is with
- the “tree” data structure, described in the files <samp>tree.h</samp> and
- <samp>tree.def</samp>. The documentation for this structure (see <a href="GENERIC.html#GENERIC">GENERIC</a>)
- is incomplete.
- </p>
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