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More errors!

vector-of-bool преди 5 години
променени са 18 файла, в които са добавени 293 реда и са изтрити 32 реда
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+ 21
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docs/err/catalog-too-new.rst Целия файл

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
Error: The package catalog database is for a later ``dds`` version

If you receive this error, it indicates that the schema version of a catalog
database is newer than the schema expected by the ``dds`` process that is
trying to actually make use of the catalog. ``dds`` catalog databases are not
forwards-compatible and cannot be downgraded.

If you generated/modified the catalog using a ``dds`` executable that is newer
than the one you attempted to open it with, it is possible that the newer
``dds`` executable performed a schema upgrade that is unsupported by the older
version of ``dds``.

If you have not specified a path to a catalog, ``dds`` will use the user-local
default catalog database. If you receive this error while using the user-local
database, the solution is to either upgrade ``dds`` to match the newer catalog
or to delete the user-local catalog database file.

.. note::
Deleting the catalog database will lose any customizations that were
contained in that catalog, and they will need to be reconstructed.

+ 7
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docs/err/compile-failure.rst Целия файл

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
Error: Compilation failed

Receiving this error indicates that the source code compiler exited with an
error. This usually indicates that there is a syntactic or semantic error in
the code that was given to the compiler. Refer to the compiler process's output
for more information.

+ 9
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docs/err/corrupted-build-db.rst Целия файл

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Error: The build database is corrupted

``dds`` stores various data about the local project's build in a database file
kept in the build output directory (default is ``_build``). The file is named
``.dds.db``, and can be safely deleted with no ill effects on the project.

This error is not caused by regular user action, and is probably a bug in
``dds``. If you see this error message frequently, please file a bug report.

+ 17
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docs/err/corrupted-catalog-db.rst Целия файл

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
Error: The catalog database appears corrupted/invalid

This issue will occur if the schema contained in the catalog database does not
match the schema that ``dds`` expects. This should never occur during normal
use of ``dds``.

.. note::
If you suspect that ``dds`` has accidentally corrupted its own catalog
database, please file a bug report.

``dds`` cannot reliably repair a corrupted database, and the only solution will
be to either manually fix it or to delete the database file and start fresh.

.. note::
Deleting the catalog database will lose any customizations that were
contained in that catalog, and they will need to be reconstructed.

+ 22
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docs/err/git-clone-failure.rst Целия файл

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
Error: A Git ``clone`` operation failed

This error indicates that ``dds`` failed to clone a Git repository.

``dds`` will invoke ``git clone`` as a subprocess to retrieve a copy of a
remote repository. There are several reasons this might fail, but it is best
to refer to the output of the ``git`` subprocess to diagnose the issue.

A non-exhaustive list of things to check:

#. Is the ``git`` executable available and on the ``PATH`` environment variable?
#. Is the URL to the repository correct?
#. Is the remote server accessible?
#. Do you have read-access to the repository in question?
#. Does the named tag/branch exist in the remote?
#. If cloning a specific Git revision, does the remote server support cloning
a repository by a specific commit? (Very often Git servers are not
configured to support this capability).

Be aware if you are using SSH-style ``git-clone`` that it will require the
correct SSH keys to be available on the system where ``dds`` is running.

+ 9
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docs/err/invalid-catalog-json.rst Целия файл

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Error: Invalid catalog JSON

This error occurs when the JSON data given to import into the package catalog
is in some way invalid. Refer to the catalog documentation for a description of
the proper JSON format.

.. seealso::

+ 22
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docs/err/invalid-version-string.rst Целия файл

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
Error: Invalid version string

``dds`` stores version numbers in a type-safe manner, and all version numbers
are requried to match `Semantic Versioning <https://semver.org>`_.

If you see this error, it means that a ``dds`` found a version number that does
not correctly conform to Semantic Versioning's requirements for version numbers
refer to the ``dds`` output for a description of *where* the bad version string
was found, and refer to the Semantic Versioning website for information about
how to properly format a version number.

.. _range:

Version Ranges

In addition to requirements on individual versions, providing a version range
requires a slightly different syntax.

.. TODO: Write docs on version range strings.

+ 10
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docs/err/no-catalog-remote-info.rst Целия файл

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Error: Package is missing remote acquisition information

When a package is being added/imported into the package catalog, ``dds``
requires some information regarding how to actually *acquire* that package
when it is requested.

If such information is not provided, ``dds`` will issue an error.

.. seealso:: :ref:`catalog.adding`.

+ 18
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docs/err/sdist-ident-mismatch.rst Целия файл

@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
Error: The generated source distribution's identity is not correct

When ``dds`` attempts to automatically generate a source distribution,
especially when generating from a remote that was acquired using a catalog
listing, ``dds`` expects the generated source distribution to have a matching
package identity to match what was intended.

This can happen if a catalog listing's package version does not match the
source of the remote acquisition method. For example, if using ``git`` to clone
a repository, the ``git-ref`` used to clone must match the package version of
the listing. If the ``git-ref`` is a branch, it is possible that additional
changes were pushed into the branch that changed the package version, thus
invalidating the package. [#f1]_

.. [#f1]
For this reason, it is **highly recommended** to use Git *tags* to
refer to remote packages *instead of branches*.

+ 1
- 1
src/dds/build/plan/archive.cpp Целия файл

@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ void create_archive_plan::archive(const build_env& env) const {

// Check, log, and throw
if (!ar_res.okay()) {
spdlog::error("Creating static library archive failed: {}", out_relpath);
spdlog::error("Creating static library archive [{}] failed for '{}'", out_relpath, _name);
spdlog::error("Subcommand FAILED: {}\n{}", quote_command(ar_cmd), ar_res.output);
errc::archive_failure>("Creating static library archive [{}] failed for '{}'",

+ 2
- 1
src/dds/build/plan/compile_exec.cpp Целия файл

@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#include "./compile_exec.hpp"

#include <dds/build/file_deps.hpp>
#include <dds/error/errors.hpp>
#include <dds/proc.hpp>
#include <dds/util/string.hpp>
#include <dds/util/time.hpp>
@@ -180,7 +181,7 @@ do_compile(const compile_file_full& cf, build_env_ref env, compile_counter& coun
if (compile_signal) {
spdlog::error("Process exited via signal {}", compile_signal);
throw compile_failure(fmt::format("Compilation failed for {}", source_path.string()));
throw_user_error<errc::compile_failure>("Compilation failed [{}]", source_path.string());

// Print any compiler output, sans whitespace

+ 4
- 3
src/dds/build/plan/full.cpp Целия файл

@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@

#include <dds/build/iter_compilations.hpp>
#include <dds/build/plan/compile_exec.hpp>
#include <dds/error/errors.hpp>

#include <range/v3/view/concat.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/filter.hpp>
@@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ bool parallel_run(Range&& rng, int n_jobs, Fn&& fn) {
void build_plan::compile_all(const build_env& env, int njobs) const {
auto okay = dds::compile_all(iter_compilations(*this), env, njobs);
if (!okay) {
throw std::runtime_error("Compilation failed.");

@@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ void build_plan::archive_all(const build_env& env, int njobs) const {
if (!okay) {
throw std::runtime_error("Error creating static library archives");

@@ -107,7 +108,7 @@ void build_plan::link_all(const build_env& env, int njobs) const {
exe.get().link(env, lib);
if (!okay) {
throw std::runtime_error("Failure to link executables");

+ 18
- 11
src/dds/catalog/catalog.cpp Целия файл

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#include "./catalog.hpp"

#include <dds/error/errors.hpp>
#include <dds/solve/solve.hpp>

#include <neo/sqlite3/exec.hpp>
@@ -75,14 +76,22 @@ void ensure_migrated(sqlite3::database& db) {

auto meta = nlohmann::json::parse(meta_json);
if (!meta.is_object()) {
throw std::runtime_error("Corrupted repository database file.");

auto version_ = meta["version"];
if (!version_.is_number_integer()) {
throw std::runtime_error("Corrupted repository database file [bad dds_meta.version]");
"The catalog database metadata is invalid [bad dds_meta.version]");

constexpr int current_database_version = 1;

int version = version_;
if (version > current_database_version) {

if (version < 1) {
@@ -101,10 +110,10 @@ catalog catalog::open(const std::string& db_path) {
} catch (const sqlite3::sqlite3_error& e) {
"Failed to load the repository databsae. It appears to be invalid/corrupted. The "
"Failed to load the repository database. It appears to be invalid/corrupted. The "
"exception message is: {}",
return catalog(std::move(db));
@@ -163,10 +172,7 @@ void catalog::store(const package_info& pkg) {
for (const auto& dep : pkg.deps) {
if (dep.versions.num_intervals() != 1) {
throw std::runtime_error(
"Package dependency may only contain a single version interval");
assert(dep.versions.num_intervals() == 1);
auto iv_1 = *dep.versions.iter_intervals().begin();
@@ -274,7 +280,7 @@ namespace {

void check_json(bool b, std::string_view what) {
if (!b) {
throw std::runtime_error("Unable to read repository JSON: " + std::string(what));
throw_user_error<errc::invalid_catalog_json>("Catalog JSON is invalid: {}", what);

@@ -337,8 +343,9 @@ void catalog::import_json_str(std::string_view content) {
info.remote = git_remote_listing{url, ref, autolib};
} else {
throw std::runtime_error(
fmt::format("No remote info for /packages/{}/{}", pkg_name, version_));
throw_user_error<errc::no_catalog_remote_info>("No remote info for /packages/{}/{}",


+ 10
- 9
src/dds/catalog/get.cpp Целия файл

@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#include "./get.hpp"

#include <dds/catalog/catalog.hpp>
#include <dds/error/errors.hpp>
#include <dds/proc.hpp>

#include <spdlog/spdlog.h>
@@ -22,11 +23,11 @@ temporary_sdist do_pull_sdist(const package_info& listing, const git_remote_list
auto git_res = run_proc(command);
if (!git_res.okay()) {
throw std::runtime_error(
fmt::format("Git clone operation failed [Git command: {}] [Exitted {}]:\n{}",
"Git clone operation failed [Git command: {}] [Exitted {}]:\n{}",
spdlog::info("Create sdist from clone ...");
if (git.auto_lib.has_value()) {
@@ -53,11 +54,11 @@ temporary_sdist do_pull_sdist(const package_info& listing, const git_remote_list
temporary_sdist dds::get_package_sdist(const package_info& pkg) {
auto tsd = std::visit([&](auto&& remote) { return do_pull_sdist(pkg, remote); }, pkg.remote);
if (!(tsd.sdist.manifest.pkg_id == pkg.ident)) {
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format(
"The package name@version in the generated sdist does not match the name listed in "
"the remote listing file (expected '{}', but got '{}')",
"The package name@version in the generated source distribution does not match the name "
"listed in the remote listing file (expected '{}', but got '{}')",
return tsd;

+ 5
- 2
src/dds/db/database.cpp Целия файл

@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
#include "./database.hpp"

#include <dds/error/errors.hpp>

#include <neo/sqlite3/exec.hpp>
#include <neo/sqlite3/iter_tuples.hpp>
#include <neo/sqlite3/single.hpp>
@@ -62,12 +64,13 @@ void ensure_migrated(sqlite3::database& db) {

auto meta = nlohmann::json::parse(meta_json);
if (!meta.is_object()) {
throw std::runtime_error("Correupted database file.");

auto version_ = meta["version"];
if (!version_.is_number_integer()) {
throw std::runtime_error("Corrupted database file [bad dds_meta.version]");
"The build database file is corrupted [bad dds_meta.version]");
int version = version_;
if (version < 1) {

+ 3
- 5
src/dds/deps.cpp Целия файл

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#include "./deps.hpp"

#include <dds/error/errors.hpp>
#include <dds/repo/repo.hpp>
#include <dds/source/dist.hpp>
#include <dds/usage_reqs.hpp>
@@ -34,11 +35,8 @@ dependency dependency::parse_depends_string(std::string_view str) {
auto rng = semver::range::parse_restricted(version_str);
return dependency{std::string(name), {rng.low(), rng.high()}};
} catch (const semver::invalid_range&) {
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format(
"Invalid version range string '{}' in dependency declaration '{}' (Should be a "
"semver range string. See https://semver.org/ for info)",
"Invalid version range string '{}' in dependency declaration '{}'", version_str, str);

+ 101
- 0
src/dds/error/errors.cpp Целия файл

@@ -19,10 +19,30 @@ std::string error_url_suffix(dds::errc ec) noexcept {
return "git-url-ref-mutual-req.html";
case errc::test_failure:
return "test-failure.html";
case errc::compile_failure:
return "compile-failure.html";
case errc::archive_failure:
return "archive-failure.html";
case errc::link_failure:
return "link-failure.html";
case errc::catalog_too_new:
return "catalog-too-new.html";
case errc::corrupted_catalog_db:
return "corrupted-catalog-db.html";
case errc::invalid_catalog_json:
return "invalid-catalog-json.html";
case errc::no_catalog_remote_info:
return "no-catalog-remote-info.html";
case errc::git_clone_failure:
return "git-clone-failure.html";
case errc::sdist_ident_mismatch:
return "sdist-ident-mismatch.html";
case errc::corrupted_build_db:
return "corrupted-build-db.html";
case errc::invalid_version_range_string:
return "invalid-version-string.html#range";
case errc::invalid_version_string:
return "invalid-version-string.html";
case errc::none:
@@ -61,6 +81,10 @@ reference (tag, branch, commit) to clone.
return R"(
One or more of the project's tests failed. The failing tests are listed above,
along with their exit code and output.
case errc::compile_failure:
return R"(
Source compilation failed. Refer to the compiler output.
case errc::archive_failure:
return R"(
@@ -75,6 +99,59 @@ fail. Refer to the output of the archiving tool.
return R"(
Linking a runtime binary file failed. There are a variety of possible causes
for this error. Refer to the documentation for more information.
case errc::catalog_too_new:
return R"(
The catalog database file contains a schema that will automatically be upgraded
by dds when it is opened/modified. It appears that the given catalog database
has had a migration beyond a version that we support. Has the catalog been
modified by a newer version of dds?
case errc::corrupted_catalog_db:
return R"(
The catalog database schema doesn't match what dds expects. This indicates that
the database file has been modified in a way that dds cannot automatically fix
and handle.
case errc::invalid_catalog_json:
return R"(
The catalog JSON that was provided does not match the format that was expected.
Check the JSON schema and try your submission again.
case errc::no_catalog_remote_info:
return R"(
The catalog entry requires information regarding the remote acquisition method.
Refer to the documentation for details.
case errc::git_clone_failure:
return R"(
dds tried to clone a repository using Git, but the clone operation failed.
There are a variety of possible causes. It is best to check the output from
Git in diagnosing this failure.
case errc::sdist_ident_mismatch:
return R"(
We tried to automatically generate a source distribution from a package, but
the name and/or version of the package that was generated does not match what
we expected of it.
case errc::corrupted_build_db:
return R"(
The local build database file is corrupted. The file is stored in the build
directory as `.dds.db', and is safe to delete to clear the bad data. This is
not a likely error, and if you receive this message frequently, please file a
bug report.
case errc::invalid_version_range_string:
return R"(
Parsing of a version range string failed. Refer to the documentation for more
case errc::invalid_version_string:
return R"(
`dds` expects all version numbers to conform to the Semantic Versioning
specification. Refer to the documentation and https://semver.org/ for more
case errc::none:
@@ -93,10 +170,34 @@ std::string_view dds::default_error_string(dds::errc ec) noexcept {
return "Git requires both a URL and a ref to clone";
case errc::test_failure:
return "One or more tests failed";
case errc::compile_failure:
return "Source compilation failed.";
case errc::archive_failure:
return "Creating a static library archive failed";
case errc::link_failure:
return "Linking a runtime binary (executable/shared library/DLL) failed";
case errc::catalog_too_new:
return "The catalog appears to be from a newer version of dds.";
case errc::corrupted_catalog_db:
return "The catalog database appears to be corrupted or invalid";
case errc::invalid_catalog_json:
return "The given catalog JSON data is not valid";
case errc::no_catalog_remote_info:
return "The catalog JSON is missing remote acquisition information for one or more\n"
case errc::git_clone_failure:
return "A git-clone operation failed.";
case errc::sdist_ident_mismatch:
return "The package version of a generated source distribution did not match the version\n"
"that was expected of it";
case errc::corrupted_build_db:
return "The build database file is corrupted";
case errc::invalid_version_range_string:
return "Attempted to parse an invalid version range string. <- (Seeing this text is a "
"`dds` bug. Please report it.)";
case errc::invalid_version_string:
return "Attempted to parse an invalid version string. <- (Seeing this text is a `dds` bug. "
"Please report it.)";
case errc::none:

+ 14
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src/dds/error/errors.hpp Целия файл

@@ -13,8 +13,22 @@ enum class errc {





std::string error_reference_of(errc) noexcept;
