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`compile_file_plan` cleanup

vector-of-bool hace 5 años
Se han modificado 2 ficheros con 70 adiciones y 13 borrados
  1. +3
  2. +67

+ 3
- 1
src/dds/build/plan/compile_file.cpp Ver fichero

@@ -21,8 +21,10 @@ compile_command_info compile_file_plan::generate_compile_command(build_env_ref e

fs::path compile_file_plan::calc_object_file_path(const build_env& env) const noexcept {
// `relpath` is just the path from the root of the source directory to the source file.
auto relpath = fs::relative(_source.path, _source.basis_path);
auto ret = env.output_root / _subdir / relpath;
// The full output directory is prefixed by `_subdir`
auto ret = env.output_root / _subdir / relpath;
ret.replace_filename(relpath.filename().string() + env.toolchain.object_suffix());
return fs::weakly_canonical(ret);

+ 67
- 12
src/dds/build/plan/compile_file.hpp Ver fichero

@@ -7,45 +7,82 @@

namespace dds {

* Exception thrown to indicate a compile failure
struct compile_failure : std::runtime_error {
using runtime_error::runtime_error;

* Because we may have many files in a library, we store base file compilation
* parameters in a single object that implements shared semantics. Copying the
* object is cheap, and updates propagate between all copies. Distinct copies
* can be made via the `clone()` method.
class shared_compile_file_rules {
/// The attributes we track
struct rules_impl {
std::vector<fs::path> inc_dirs;
std::vector<std::string> defs;
bool enable_warnings = false;

/// The actual PIMPL.
std::shared_ptr<rules_impl> _impl = std::make_shared<rules_impl>();

shared_compile_file_rules() = default;

* Create a detached copy of these rules. Updates to the copy do not affect the original.
auto clone() const noexcept {
auto cp = *this;
cp._impl = std::make_shared<rules_impl>(*_impl);
return cp;

* Access the include directories for these rules
auto& include_dirs() noexcept { return _impl->inc_dirs; }
auto& include_dirs() const noexcept { return _impl->inc_dirs; }

* Access the preprocessor definitions for these rules
auto& defs() noexcept { return _impl->defs; }
auto& defs() const noexcept { return _impl->defs; }

* A boolean to toggle compile warnings for the associated compiles
auto& enable_warnings() noexcept { return _impl->enable_warnings; }
auto& enable_warnings() const noexcept { return _impl->enable_warnings; }

* Represents the parameters to compile an individual file. This includes the
* original source file path, and the shared compile rules as defined
* by `shared_compile_file_rules`.
class compile_file_plan {
/// The shared rules
shared_compile_file_rules _rules;
source_file _source;
std::string _qualifier;
fs::path _subdir;
/// The source file object that we are compiling
source_file _source;
/// A "qualifier" to be shown in log messages (not otherwise significant)
std::string _qualifier;
/// The subdirectory in which the object file will be generated
fs::path _subdir;

* Create a new instance.
* @param rules The base compile rules
* @param sf The source file that will be compiled
* @param qual An arbitrary qualifier for the source file, shown in log output
* @param subdir The subdirectory where the object file will be generated
compile_file_plan(shared_compile_file_rules rules,
source_file sf,
std::string_view qual,
@@ -55,14 +92,32 @@ public:
, _qualifier(qual)
, _subdir(subdir) {}

* The `source_file` object for this plan.
const source_file& source() const noexcept { return _source; }
path_ref source_path() const noexcept { return _source.path; }
auto& rules() const noexcept { return _rules; }
auto& qualifier() const noexcept { return _qualifier; }

fs::path calc_object_file_path(build_env_ref env) const noexcept;
compile_command_info generate_compile_command(build_env_ref) const noexcept;
std::optional<deps_info> compile(build_env_ref) const;
* The path to the source file
path_ref source_path() const noexcept { return _source.path; }
* The shared rules for this compilation
auto& rules() const noexcept { return _rules; }
* The arbitrary qualifier for this compilation
auto& qualifier() const noexcept { return _qualifier; }

* Generate the path that will be the destination of this compile output
fs::path calc_object_file_path(build_env_ref env) const noexcept;
* Generate a concrete compile command object for this source file for the given build
* environment.
compile_command_info generate_compile_command(build_env_ref) const noexcept;

} // namespace dds
