
Initial docs

vector-of-bool 5 年前
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Makefile 查看文件

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.PHONY: docs docs-server docs-watch docs-sync-server

echo "Specify a target name to execute"

sphinx-build -b html \
docs \
_build/docs \
echo "Docs generated to _build/docs"

docs-server: docs
echo "Docs are visible on http://localhost:9794/"
cd _build/docs && \
python -m http.server 9794

docs-watch: docs
+sh tools/docs-watch.sh

docs-sync-server: docs
cd _build/docs && \
browser-sync start --server \
--reload-delay 300 \
--watch **/*.html

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docs/conf.py 查看文件

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Refer: http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/config

# -- Project information -----------------------------------------------------
project = 'dds'
copyright = '2019, vector-of-bool'
author = 'vector-of-bool'

# The short X.Y version
version = ''
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags
release = '0.1.0'

# -- General configuration ---------------------------------------------------
extensions = []
templates_path = ['_templates']
source_suffix = '.rst'
master_doc = 'index'
language = None
exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'Thumbs.db', '.DS_Store']
pygments_style = None

# -- Options for HTML output -------------------------------------------------
html_theme = 'pyramid'
html_theme_options = {}
html_static_path = []
html_sidebars = {}

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docs/guide/design.rst 查看文件

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``dds`` Design and Rationale

``dds`` has been designed from the very beginning as an extremely opinionated
hybrid *build system* and *package manager*. Unlike most build systems however,
``dds`` has a hyper-specific focus on a particular aspect of software
development: C++ libraries.

This may sound pointless, right? Libraries are useless unless we can use them
to build applications!

Indeed, applications *are* essential, but that is "not our job."

Another design decision is that ``dds`` is built to be driven by automated
tools as well as humans. ``dds`` will not build your AAA console game, nor will
it compile an OS kernel. Instead, the build system of your AAA console game or
OS kernel can *use* ``dds``.


I'm going to say something somewhat controversial: C++ doesn't need "package
management." At least, not *generalize* "package management." C++ needs
*library* "package management."

The C and C++ compilation model is inherently *more complex* than almost any
other language in use today. This isn't to say "bad," but rather than it is
built to meet extremely high and strange demands. It also comes with a large
burden of *legacy*. Meeting both of these requirements simultaneously presents
incredible implementation challenges.

Despite the vast amount of work put into build systems and tooling, virtually
all developers are using them *incorrectly* and/or *dangerously* without
realizing it. Despite this work, we seem to be a great distance from a unified
library package distribution and consumption mechanism.

Tabula Rasa

``dds`` attempts to break from the pattern of legacy demands and strange usage
demands in a few ways. The major differences between ``dds`` and other build
systems like CMake, Meson, build2, SCons, MSBuild, etc. is that of *tradeoffs*.
If you opt-in to have your library built by ``dds``, you forgoe
*customizability* in favor of *simplicity* and *ease*.

``dds`` takes a look at what is needed to build and develop *libraries* and
hyper-optimizes for that use case. It is also built with a very strong, very
opinionated idea of *how* libraries should be constructed and used. These
prescriptions are not at all arbitrary, though. They are built upon the
observations of the strengths and weaknesses of build systems in use throughout
industry and community.

There is some ambiguity on the term "build system." It can mean one of two

1. A *proper noun* "Build System," such as CMake, Meson, Autotools, or even
Gulp, WebPack, and Mix. These are specific tools that have been developed
for the implementation of the second definition:
2. A general noun "build system" refers to the particular start-to-finish
process through which a specific piece of software is mapped from its raw
*inputs* (source code, resource libraries, toolchains) to the outputs
(applications, appliances, libraries, or web sites).

For example, LLVM and Blender both use the CMake "Build System," but their
"build system" is not the same. The "build system" for each is wildly
different, despite both using the same underlying "Build System."

``dds`` takes a massive divergence at this point. One project using ``dds`` as
their build system has an identical build process to every other project using
``dds``. Simply running :code:`dds -F` is enough to build *any* ``dds``

In order to reach this uniformity and simplicity, ``dds`` drops almost all
aspects of project-by-project customizability. Instead, ``dds`` affords the
developer a contract:

If you play by my rules, you get to play in my space.

.. _design.rules:

The Rules

We've talked an awful lot about the "rules" and "restrictions" that ``dds``
imposes, but what are they?

.. _design.rules.not-apps:

``dds`` Is not Made for Complex Applications

Alright, this one isn't a "rule" as much as a recommendation: If you are
building an application that *needs* some build process functionality that
``dds`` does not provide, ``dds`` is only open to changes that do not
violate any of the other existing rules.

.. note::
**However:** If you are a *library* author and you find that ``dds``
cannot correctly build your library without violating other rules, we may
have to take a look. This is certainly not to say it will allow arbitrary
customization features to permit the rules to be bent arbitrarily: Read

``dds`` contains a minimal amount of functionality for building simple
applications, but it is certainly not its primary purpose (See the ``--apps``

.. _design.rules.change:

*Your* Code Should Be Changed Before ``dds`` Should Be Changed

The wording of this rule means that the onus is on the library developer to
meet the expectations that ``dds`` prescribes in order to make the build

If your library meets all the requirements outlined in this document but you
still find trouble in making your build work, this is grounds for change in
``dds``, either in clarifying the rules or tweaking ``dds`` functionality.

.. _design.rules.layout:

Library Projects Must Meet the Layout Requirements

This is a very concrete requirement. ``dds`` prescribes a particular project
structure layout with minimal differing options. ``dds`` prescribes the
`Pitchfork`_ layout requirements.

.. note::
These prescriptions are not as draconian as they may sound upon first
reading. Refer to the :doc:`layout` page for more information.

.. _Pitchfork: https://api.csswg.org/bikeshed/?force=1&url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vector-of-bool/pitchfork/develop/data/spec.bs

.. _design.rules.no-cond-compile:

A Library Build Must Successfully Compile All Source Files

Almost all Build Systems have a concept of *conditionally* adding a source file
to a build. ``dds`` elides this feature in place of relying on in-source
conditional compilation.

.. _design.rules.no-lazy-code-gen:

All Code Must Be in Place Before Building

``dds`` does not provide code-generation functionality. Instead, any
generated code should be generated and committed to the repository to be only
ever modified through such generation scripts.

.. _design.rules.one-binary-per-src:

All Compilable Files in a ``src/`` Directory Must Link Together

As part of the prescribed project layout, the ``src/`` project directory
contains source files. ``dds`` requires that *all* source files in a given
``src/`` directory should link together cleanly. Practically, this means that
every ``src/`` directory must correspond to *exactly* one library.

.. _design.rules.include:

No Arbitrary ``#include`` Directories

Only ``src/`` and ``include/`` will ever be used as the basis for header
resolution while building a library, so all ``#include`` directives should be
relative to those directories. Refer to :ref:`guide.layout.include`.

.. _design.rules.uniform-compile:

All Files Compile with the Same Options

When DDS compiles a library, every source file will be compiled with an
identical set of options. Additionally, when DDS compiles a dependency tree,
every library in that dependency tree will be compiled with an identical set of
options. Refer to the :doc:`toolchains` page for more information.

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docs/guide/index.rst 查看文件

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.. _guide:

User Guide

.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2


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docs/guide/layout.rst 查看文件

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Project Layout

The layout expected by ``dds`` is based on the `Pitchfork layout`_ (PFL).
``dds`` does not make use of every provision of the layout document, but the
features it does have are based on PFL.

.. _Pitchfork layout: https://api.csswg.org/bikeshed/?force=1&url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vector-of-bool/pitchfork/develop/data/spec.bs

In particular, the following directories are used:

- ``src/``
- ``include/``
- ``libs/``
- ``_build/`` (the default build output directory used by ``dds``).

Note that the ``libs/*/`` directories can contain their own ``src/`` and
``include/`` directories, the purposes and behaviors of which match those of
their top-level counterparts.

.. _guide.layout.include:

Include Directories and Header Resolution

A compiler's "include path" is the list of directories in which it will attempt
to resolve ``#include`` directives.

The layout prescriptions permit either ``src/``, ``include/``, or both. In the
presence of both, the ``include/`` directory is used as the *public* include
directory, and ``src/`` is used as the *private* include directory. When only
one of either is present, that directory will be treated as the *public*
include directory (and there will be no *private* include directory).

.. _guide.layout.sources:

Source Files

``dds`` distinguishes between *headers* and *compilable* sources. The heuristic
used is based on common file extensions:

The following are considered to be *header* source files:

- ``.h``
- ``.hpp``
- ``.hxx``
- ``.inl``
- ``.h++``

While the following are considered to be *compilable* source files:

- ``.c``
- ``.cpp``
- ``.cc``
- ``.cxx``
- ``.c++``

``dds`` will compile every compilable source file that appears in the ``src/``
directory. ``dds`` will not compile compilable source files that appear in the
``include/`` directory and will issue a warning on each file found.

.. _guide.layout.apps-tests:

Applications and Tests

``dds`` will recognize certain compilable source files as belonging to
applications and tests. If a compilable source file stem ends with ``.main`` or
``.test``, that source file is assumed to correspond to an executable to
generate. The filename stem before the ``.main`` or ``.test`` will be used as
the name of the generated executable. For example:

- ``foo.main.cpp`` will generate an executable named ``foo``.
- ``bar.test.cpp`` will generate an executable named ``bar``.
- ``cat-meow.main.cpp`` will generate an executable named ``cat-meow``.
- ``cats.musical.test.cpp`` will generate an executable named ``cats.musical``.

.. note::
``dds`` will automatically append the appropriate filename extension to the
generated executables based on the host and toolchain.

If the inner extension is ``.main``, then ``dds`` will assume the corresponding
executable to be an *application*. If the inner extension is ``.test``, ``dds``
will assume the executable to be a test.

The building of tests and applications can be controlled when running
``dds build``. If tests are built, ``dds`` will automatically execute those
tests in parallel once the executables have been generated.

In any case, the executables are associated with a *library*, and, when those
executables are linked, the associated library (and its dependencies) will be
linked into the final executable. There is no need to manually specify this
linking behavior.

.. _guide.layout.libraries:


The *library* is a fundamental unit of consumable code, and ``dds`` is
specifically built to work with them. When you are in ``dds``, the library is
the center of everything.

A *source root* is a directory that contains the ``src/`` and/or ``include/``
directories. The ``src/`` and ``include/`` directories are themselves
*source directories*. A single *source root* will always correspond to exactly
one library. If the library has any compilable sources then ``dds`` will use
those sources to generate a static library file that is linked into runtime
binaries. If a library contains only headers then ``dds`` will not generate an
archive to be included in downstream binaries, but it will still generate link
rules for the dependencies of a header-only library.

In the previous section, :ref:`guide.layout.apps-tests`, it was noted that
applications and tests are associated with a library. This association is
purely based on being collocated within the same source root.

When an executable is built within the context of a library, that library (and
all of its dependencies) will be linked into that executable.

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docs/guide/toolchains.rst 查看文件

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One of the core components of ``dds`` is that of the *toolchain*. A toolchain
encompasses the environment used to build and link source code, including, but
not limited to:

#. The executable binaries that constitute the language implementation:
Compilers, linkers, and archive managers.
#. The configuration of those tools, including most options given to those
tools when they are invoked.
#. The set of preprocessor macros and language features that are active during

When a build is run, every file in the entire tree (including dependencies)
will be compiled, archived, and linked using the same toolchain.

This page provides an introduction on how one can make use of toolchains most
effectively in your project.

Passing a Toolchain

In ``dds``, the default format of a toolchain is that of a single file that
describes the entire toolchain, and uses the extension ``.tc.dds`` by
convention. When running a build for a project, the ``dds`` executable will
look for a file named ``toolchain.tc.dds`` by default, and will error out if
this file does not exist. A different toolchain can be provided by passing the
toolchain file for the ``--toolchain`` (or ``-T``) option on the command line::

$ dds build -T my-toolchain.tc.dds

Alternatively, you can pass the name of a built-in toolchain. See below.

Built-in Toolchains

For convenience, ``dds`` includes several built-in toolchains that can be
accessed in the ``--toolchain`` command-line option using a colon ``:``

$ dds build -T :gcc

``dds`` will treat the leading colon (``:``) as a name for a built-in
toolchain (this means that a toolchain's filepath may not begin with a colon).

There are several built-in toolchains that may be specified:

Uses the default ``gcc`` and ``g++`` executables, linkers, and options

``:gcc-N`` (for some integer ``N``)
Equivalent to ``:gcc``, but uses the ``gcc-N`` and ``g++-N`` executables.

Equivalent to ``:gcc``, but uses the ``clang`` and ``clang++`` executables.

``:clang-N`` (for some integer ``N``)
Equivalent to ``:clang``, but uses the ``clang-N`` and ``clang++-N``

Compiles and links using the Visual C++ toolchain.

The following pseudo-toolchains are also available:

Uses built-in toolchain ``:XYZ``, but prefixes all compile commands with

.. note::
**IMPORTANT**: ``dds`` will *not* automatically load the Visual C++
environment. To use Visual C++, ``dds`` must be executed from the
appropriate environment in order for the Visual C++ toolchain executables
and files to be available.

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docs/index.rst 查看文件

@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@

**dds** is the Drop-Dead-Simple Build and Library Management Tool.

dds is a hybrid build system and package manager with a unique twist.
There's a lot to learn, but I'm glad you're here! I hope you find ``dds``
useful to you and your projects.

If you're completely new and have no idea what the project is about, check out
the :doc:`guide/design` page to get started.

.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2


Indices and tables

* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search`

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tools/docs-watch.sh 查看文件

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set -eu

THIS_SCRIPT=$(readlink -m $0)
HERE=$(dirname ${THIS_SCRIPT})
ROOT=$(dirname ${HERE})

while true; do
echo "Watching for changes..."
inotifywait -r ${ROOT}/docs/ -q \
-e modify \
-e close_write \
-e move \
-e delete \
-e create
make docs || :
