您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符
John Robinson fe22c937ed
prefer XDG paths on mac, but default to ~/Library
4 年前
.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE Bump version 4 年前
data Unused data 4 年前
docs Bump version 4 年前
res Update Catch2, and significantly compress it, 4 年前
site Make the site decent on mobile screens 4 年前
src prefer XDG paths on mac, but default to ~/Library 4 年前
tests Error handling when package cache has an invalid item 4 年前
tools Fixes for FreeBSD build 4 年前
.clang-format clang-format file 5 年前
.gitignore New-and-improved CI based around Poetry 4 年前
.pylintrc Everything passes mypy and pylint 4 年前
.style.yapf Python tests, and Python style 4 年前
LICENSE.txt License! 5 年前
Makefile Fixes for FreeBSD build 4 年前
README.md Add a simple README 5 年前
Vagrantfile Update FreeBSD build to use gcc-10 4 年前
azure-pipelines.yml Only deploy on 'master' builds 4 年前
library.jsonc A new hand-rolled argument parsing library, of course 4 年前
mypy.ini Everything passes mypy and pylint 4 年前
old-catalog.json Pull fixes for neo-url 4 年前
package.jsonc Bump version 4 年前
poetry.lock More thorough dev-docs 4 年前
pyproject.toml More thorough dev-docs 4 年前
pytest.ini Publish test results as Junit XML 4 年前


dds - A Build System and Library Manager

dds is a modern take on build system and library dependency management for C and C++ projects. It aims to be easy to use for beginners and experts alike, and maximally discoverable.

To learn more, refer to the official documentation.