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9 anni fa
9 anni fa
9 anni fa
9 anni fa
9 anni fa
9 anni fa
  1. #Guitar and Bass Tuner for Teensy 3.1 v2.0
  2. Software algorithm ([YIN]) for guitar and bass tuning using a Teensy Audio Library. This audio object's algorithm is somewhat memory and processor hungry but will allow you to detect lower frequencies than the Audio library's Goertzel algorithm will.
  3. [YIN]:
  4. <!-- language: lang-none -->
  5. _______________ _________
  6. |GND | | Vin| | |
  7. |0 --- AGND| | |
  8. |1 3.3V| | |
  9. |2 23| | |
  10. |3 22| | |
  11. |4 21| |_______|
  12. |5 20| |':`|
  13. |6 19| |':`|
  14. |7 18| |':`|
  15. |8 17| |':`|
  16. |9 A2/16| |':`|
  17. |10 15| |':`|
  18. |11 14| |':`|
  19. |12 13| |===|
  20. --------------- |___|
  21. \ /
  22. / \
  23. -----
  24. \ /
  25. \_/