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преди 10 години
преди 10 години
преди 10 години
преди 10 години
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преди 10 години
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преди 10 години
преди 10 години
преди 10 години
  1. /*
  2. VERSION 2 - use modified library which has been changed to handle
  3. one channel instead of two
  4. 140529
  5. Proc = 7 (7), Mem = 4 (4)
  6. 2a
  7. - default at startup is to have passthru ON and the button
  8. switches the chorus effect in.
  9. previous performance measures were PROC/MEM 9/4
  10. From:
  11. about Comb filter effects
  12. Effect Delay range (ms) Modulation
  13. Resonator 0 - 20 None
  14. Flanger 0 - 15 Sinusoidal (approx 1Hz)
  15. Chorus 25 - 50 None
  16. Echo >50 None
  17. FMI:
  18. The audio board uses the following pins.
  19. 6 - MEMCS
  20. 7 - MOSI
  21. 9 - BCLK
  22. 10 - SDCS
  23. 11 - MCLK
  24. 12 - MISO
  25. 13 - RX
  26. 14 - SCLK
  27. 15 - VOL
  28. 18 - SDA
  29. 19 - SCL
  30. 22 - TX
  31. 23 - LRCLK
  32. AudioProcessorUsage()
  33. AudioProcessorUsageMax()
  34. AudioProcessorUsageMaxReset()
  35. AudioMemoryUsage()
  36. AudioMemoryUsageMax()
  37. AudioMemoryUsageMaxReset()
  38. The CPU usage is an integer from 0 to 100, and the memory is from 0 to however
  39. many blocks you provided with AudioMemory().
  40. */
  41. #include <Audio.h>
  42. #include <Wire.h>
  43. #include <SD.h>
  44. #include <SPI.h>
  45. #include <Bounce.h>
  46. // Number of samples in each delay line
  48. // Allocate the delay lines for left and right channels
  49. short l_delayline[CHORUS_DELAY_LENGTH];
  50. short r_delayline[CHORUS_DELAY_LENGTH];
  51. // Default is to just pass the audio through. Grounding this pin
  52. // applies the chorus effect
  53. // Don't use any of the pins listed above
  54. #define PASSTHRU_PIN 1
  55. Bounce b_passthru = Bounce(PASSTHRU_PIN,15);
  56. //const int myInput = AUDIO_INPUT_MIC;
  57. const int myInput = AUDIO_INPUT_LINEIN;
  58. AudioInputI2S audioInput; // audio shield: mic or line-in
  59. AudioEffectChorus l_myEffect;
  60. AudioEffectChorus r_myEffect;
  61. AudioOutputI2S audioOutput; // audio shield: headphones & line-out
  62. // Create Audio connections between the components
  63. // Both channels of the audio input go to the chorus effect
  64. AudioConnection c1(audioInput, 0, l_myEffect, 0);
  65. AudioConnection c2(audioInput, 1, r_myEffect, 0);
  66. // both channels chorus effects go to the audio output
  67. AudioConnection c3(l_myEffect, 0, audioOutput, 0);
  68. AudioConnection c4(r_myEffect, 0, audioOutput, 1);
  69. AudioControlSGTL5000 audioShield;
  70. // number of "voices" in the chorus which INCLUDES the original voice
  71. int n_chorus = 2;
  72. // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  73. void setup() {
  74. Serial.begin(9600);
  75. while (!Serial) ;
  76. delay(3000);
  78. // Maximum memory usage was reported as 4
  79. // Proc = 9 (9), Mem = 4 (4)
  80. AudioMemory(4);
  81. audioShield.enable();
  82. audioShield.inputSelect(myInput);
  83. audioShield.volume(0.65);
  84. // Warn that the passthru pin is grounded
  85. if(!digitalRead(PASSTHRU_PIN)) {
  86. Serial.print("PASSTHRU_PIN (");
  87. Serial.print(PASSTHRU_PIN);
  88. Serial.println(") is grounded");
  89. }
  90. // Initialize the effect - left channel
  91. // address of delayline
  92. // total number of samples in the delay line
  93. // number of voices in the chorus INCLUDING the original voice
  94. if(!l_myEffect.begin(l_delayline,CHORUS_DELAY_LENGTH,n_chorus)) {
  95. Serial.println("AudioEffectChorus - left channel begin failed");
  96. while(1);
  97. }
  98. // Initialize the effect - right channel
  99. // address of delayline
  100. // total number of samples in the delay line
  101. // number of voices in the chorus INCLUDING the original voice
  102. if(!r_myEffect.begin(r_delayline,CHORUS_DELAY_LENGTH,n_chorus)) {
  103. Serial.println("AudioEffectChorus - left channel begin failed");
  104. while(1);
  105. }
  106. // Initially the effect is off. It is switched on when the
  107. // PASSTHRU button is pushed.
  108. l_myEffect.voices(0);
  109. r_myEffect.voices(0);
  110. Serial.println("setup done");
  111. AudioProcessorUsageMaxReset();
  112. AudioMemoryUsageMaxReset();
  113. }
  114. // audio volume
  115. int volume = 0;
  116. unsigned long last_time = millis();
  117. void loop()
  118. {
  119. // Volume control
  120. int n = analogRead(15);
  121. if (n != volume) {
  122. volume = n;
  123. audioShield.volume((float)n / 1023);
  124. }
  125. if(0) {
  126. if(millis() - last_time >= 5000) {
  127. Serial.print("Proc = ");
  128. Serial.print(AudioProcessorUsage());
  129. Serial.print(" (");
  130. Serial.print(AudioProcessorUsageMax());
  131. Serial.print("), Mem = ");
  132. Serial.print(AudioMemoryUsage());
  133. Serial.print(" (");
  134. Serial.print(AudioMemoryUsageMax());
  135. Serial.println(")");
  136. last_time = millis();
  137. }
  138. }
  139. // update the button
  140. b_passthru.update();
  141. // If the passthru button is pushed, switch the chorus on
  142. if(b_passthru.fallingEdge()) {
  143. l_myEffect.voices(n_chorus);
  144. r_myEffect.voices(n_chorus);
  145. }
  146. // If passthru button is released, turn on passthru
  147. if(b_passthru.risingEdge()) {
  148. l_myEffect.voices(0);
  149. r_myEffect.voices(0);
  150. }
  151. }