Wondered if this had already been done earlier.
Was not so am trying it now.
One side effect was had to change interrupt.c as there were
#defines for things like DR, GDIR which then caused compile issues with the structure. So renamed the defines.
Built about 3 programs with it so far. Which appear to still be working.
Add T4 ADC_ETC definitions for bits plus structure
Decided to go to the format that is closer to the the manual to
and use names like: chain_1_0, chain_3_2...
Add structure to make it easer to use ADC objects,
Plus updated defines to use the structure.
Left in my own define for structure location as a trigger to not define it in my own code when running older version of core...
Also added defines for XBAR, such that we can hopefully not have to use magic numbers to say, map PID1 to ADC_ETC1_...
The TX and RX values were reversed.
That is for example on Serial1 (LPUART6)
Before we had:
now we have
So for example trying to get WS2812Serial library to work was failing, to output anything.
Current naming is confusing since it differs between GTP1 and GTP2. The GTP2 version is compatible to the naming in the data sheet. So I suggest to adjust the naming for GPT1
I suggest to explicitely delcare a (say) IMXRT_TMR_CH_t struct which collects the registers for a TMR channel instead of implicitely defining this struct in the declaration of IMXRT_TMR_t.
This would allow for an easier definition of user classes modelling a TMR channel.
Not a big deal, could also do that mayself the class code but it would be more convenient if this would be done in imxrt.h