Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CArduinoInStreamInput stream for Arduino Stream objects
 CArduinoOutStreamOutput stream for Arduino Print objects
 CBaseBlockDriverBase block driver
 CbiosParmBlockBIOS parameter block
 Ccache_tCache for an raw data block
 CdirectoryEntryFAT short directory entry
 Cfat32_bootBoot sector for a FAT32 volume
 Cfat32_fsinfoFSINFO sector for a FAT32 volume
 Cfat_bootBoot sector for a FAT12/FAT16 volume
 CFatCacheBlock cache
 CFatFileBasic file class
 CFatFileSystemIntegration class for the FatLib library
 CFatPos_tInternal type for file position - do not use in user apps
 CFatStreamBaseBase class for C++ style streams
 CFatVolumeAccess FAT16 and FAT32 volumes on raw file devices
 CFileArduino SD.h style File API
 Cfname_tInternal type for Short File Name - do not use in user apps
 CfstreamFile input/output stream
 CibufstreamParse a char string
 CifstreamFile input stream
 CiosError and state information for all streams
 Cios_baseBase class for all streams
 CiostreamInput/Output stream
 CistreamInput Stream
 ClongDirectoryEntryFAT long directory entry
 CmasterBootRecordMaster Boot Record
 CMinimumSerialMini serial class for the SdFat library
 CobufstreamFormat a char string
 CofstreamFile output stream
 CostreamOutput Stream
 CpartitionTableMBR partition table entry
 CPrintFileFatFile with Print
 CSd2CardRaw access to SD and SDHC card using default SPI library
 CSdBaseFileClass for backward compatibility
 CSdFatMain file system class for SdFat library
 CSdFatEXSdFat class with extended SD I/O
 CSdFatSdioSdFat class using SDIO
 CSdFatSoftSpiSdFat class using software SPI
 CSdFatSoftSpiEXSdFat class using software SPI and extended SD I/O
 CSdFileClass for backward compatibility
 CSdFileSystemVirtual base class for SdFat library
 CSdioCardRaw SDIO access to SD and SDHC flash memory cards
 CSdSpiCardRaw access to SD and SDHC flash memory cards via SPI protocol
 CSdSpiCardEXExtended SD I/O block driver
 CsetfillType for setfill manipulator
 CsetprecisionType for setprecision manipulator
 CsetwType for setw manipulator
 CStdioStreamStdioStream implements a minimal stdio stream
 CSysCallSysCall - Class to wrap system calls