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  62. <hr>
  63. <a name="Continuing-at-a-Different-Address"></a>
  64. <h3 class="section">17.2 Continuing at a Different Address</h3>
  65. <p>Ordinarily, when you continue your program, you do so at the place where
  66. it stopped, with the <code>continue</code> command. You can instead continue at
  67. an address of your own choosing, with the following commands:
  68. </p>
  69. <dl compact="compact">
  70. <dd><a name="index-jump"></a>
  71. <a name="index-j-_0028jump_0029"></a>
  72. </dd>
  73. <dt><code>jump <var>location</var></code></dt>
  74. <dt><code>j <var>location</var></code></dt>
  75. <dd><p>Resume execution at <var>location</var>. Execution stops again immediately
  76. if there is a breakpoint there. See <a href="Specify-Location.html#Specify-Location">Specify Location</a>, for a description
  77. of the different forms of <var>location</var>. It is common
  78. practice to use the <code>tbreak</code> command in conjunction with
  79. <code>jump</code>. See <a href="Set-Breaks.html#Set-Breaks">Setting Breakpoints</a>.
  80. </p>
  81. <p>The <code>jump</code> command does not change the current stack frame, or
  82. the stack pointer, or the contents of any memory location or any
  83. register other than the program counter. If <var>location</var> is in
  84. a different function from the one currently executing, the results may
  85. be bizarre if the two functions expect different patterns of arguments or
  86. of local variables. For this reason, the <code>jump</code> command requests
  87. confirmation if the specified line is not in the function currently
  88. executing. However, even bizarre results are predictable if you are
  89. well acquainted with the machine-language code of your program.
  90. </p></dd>
  91. </dl>
  92. <p>On many systems, you can get much the same effect as the <code>jump</code>
  93. command by storing a new value into the register <code>$pc</code>. The
  94. difference is that this does not start your program running; it only
  95. changes the address of where it <em>will</em> run when you continue. For
  96. example,
  97. </p>
  98. <div class="smallexample">
  99. <pre class="smallexample">set $pc = 0x485
  100. </pre></div>
  101. <p>makes the next <code>continue</code> command or stepping command execute at
  102. address <code>0x485</code>, rather than at the address where your program stopped.
  103. See <a href="Continuing-and-Stepping.html#Continuing-and-Stepping">Continuing and Stepping</a>.
  104. </p>
  105. <p>The most common occasion to use the <code>jump</code> command is to back
  106. up&mdash;perhaps with more breakpoints set&mdash;over a portion of a program
  107. that has already executed, in order to examine its execution in more
  108. detail.
  109. </p>
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