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- <a name="Controlling-ar-on-the-Command-Line"></a>
- <h3 class="section">1.1 Controlling <code>ar</code> on the Command Line</h3>
- <div class="smallexample">
- <pre class="smallexample">ar [<samp>-X32_64</samp>] [<samp>-</samp>]<var>p</var>[<var>mod</var>] [<samp>--plugin</samp> <var>name</var>] [<samp>--target</samp> <var>bfdname</var>] [<samp>--output</samp> <var>dirname</var>] [<var>relpos</var>] [<var>count</var>] <var>archive</var> [<var>member</var>…]
- </pre></div>
- <a name="index-Unix-compatibility_002c-ar"></a>
- <p>When you use <code>ar</code> in the Unix style, <code>ar</code> insists on at least two
- arguments to execute: one keyletter specifying the <em>operation</em>
- (optionally accompanied by other keyletters specifying
- <em>modifiers</em>), and the archive name to act on.
- </p>
- <p>Most operations can also accept further <var>member</var> arguments,
- specifying particular files to operate on.
- </p>
- <p><small>GNU</small> <code>ar</code> allows you to mix the operation code <var>p</var> and modifier
- flags <var>mod</var> in any order, within the first command-line argument.
- </p>
- <p>If you wish, you may begin the first command-line argument with a
- dash.
- </p>
- <a name="index-operations-on-archive"></a>
- <p>The <var>p</var> keyletter specifies what operation to execute; it may be
- any of the following, but you must specify only one of them:
- </p>
- <dl compact="compact">
- <dt>‘<samp>d</samp>’</dt>
- <dd><a name="index-deleting-from-archive"></a>
- <p><em>Delete</em> modules from the archive. Specify the names of modules to
- be deleted as <var>member</var>…; the archive is untouched if you
- specify no files to delete.
- </p>
- <p>If you specify the ‘<samp>v</samp>’ modifier, <code>ar</code> lists each module
- as it is deleted.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt>‘<samp>m</samp>’</dt>
- <dd><a name="index-moving-in-archive"></a>
- <p>Use this operation to <em>move</em> members in an archive.
- </p>
- <p>The ordering of members in an archive can make a difference in how
- programs are linked using the library, if a symbol is defined in more
- than one member.
- </p>
- <p>If no modifiers are used with <code>m</code>, any members you name in the
- <var>member</var> arguments are moved to the <em>end</em> of the archive;
- you can use the ‘<samp>a</samp>’, ‘<samp>b</samp>’, or ‘<samp>i</samp>’ modifiers to move them to a
- specified place instead.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt>‘<samp>p</samp>’</dt>
- <dd><a name="index-printing-from-archive"></a>
- <p><em>Print</em> the specified members of the archive, to the standard
- output file. If the ‘<samp>v</samp>’ modifier is specified, show the member
- name before copying its contents to standard output.
- </p>
- <p>If you specify no <var>member</var> arguments, all the files in the archive are
- printed.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt>‘<samp>q</samp>’</dt>
- <dd><a name="index-quick-append-to-archive"></a>
- <p><em>Quick append</em>; Historically, add the files <var>member</var>… to the end of
- <var>archive</var>, without checking for replacement.
- </p>
- <p>The modifiers ‘<samp>a</samp>’, ‘<samp>b</samp>’, and ‘<samp>i</samp>’ do <em>not</em> affect this
- operation; new members are always placed at the end of the archive.
- </p>
- <p>The modifier ‘<samp>v</samp>’ makes <code>ar</code> list each file as it is appended.
- </p>
- <p>Since the point of this operation is speed, implementations of
- <code>ar</code> have the option of not updating the archive’s symbol
- table if one exists. Too many different systems however assume that
- symbol tables are always up-to-date, so <small>GNU</small> <code>ar</code> will
- rebuild the table even with a quick append.
- </p>
- <p>Note - <small>GNU</small> <code>ar</code> treats the command ‘<samp>qs</samp>’ as a
- synonym for ‘<samp>r</samp>’ - replacing already existing files in the
- archive and appending new ones at the end.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt>‘<samp>r</samp>’</dt>
- <dd><a name="index-replacement-in-archive"></a>
- <p>Insert the files <var>member</var>… into <var>archive</var> (with
- <em>replacement</em>). This operation differs from ‘<samp>q</samp>’ in that any
- previously existing members are deleted if their names match those being
- added.
- </p>
- <p>If one of the files named in <var>member</var>… does not exist, <code>ar</code>
- displays an error message, and leaves undisturbed any existing members
- of the archive matching that name.
- </p>
- <p>By default, new members are added at the end of the file; but you may
- use one of the modifiers ‘<samp>a</samp>’, ‘<samp>b</samp>’, or ‘<samp>i</samp>’ to request
- placement relative to some existing member.
- </p>
- <p>The modifier ‘<samp>v</samp>’ used with this operation elicits a line of
- output for each file inserted, along with one of the letters ‘<samp>a</samp>’ or
- ‘<samp>r</samp>’ to indicate whether the file was appended (no old member
- deleted) or replaced.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt>‘<samp>s</samp>’</dt>
- <dd><a name="index-ranlib"></a>
- <p>Add an index to the archive, or update it if it already exists. Note
- this command is an exception to the rule that there can only be one
- command letter, as it is possible to use it as either a command or a
- modifier. In either case it does the same thing.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt>‘<samp>t</samp>’</dt>
- <dd><a name="index-contents-of-archive"></a>
- <p>Display a <em>table</em> listing the contents of <var>archive</var>, or those
- of the files listed in <var>member</var>… that are present in the
- archive. Normally only the member name is shown, but if the modifier
- ‘<samp>O</samp>’ is specified, then the corresponding offset of the member is also
- displayed. Finally, in order to see the modes (permissions), timestamp,
- owner, group, and size the ‘<samp>v</samp>’ modifier should be included.
- </p>
- <p>If you do not specify a <var>member</var>, all files in the archive
- are listed.
- </p>
- <a name="index-repeated-names-in-archive"></a>
- <a name="index-name-duplication-in-archive"></a>
- <p>If there is more than one file with the same name (say, ‘<samp>fie</samp>’) in
- an archive (say ‘<samp>b.a</samp>’), ‘<samp>ar t b.a fie</samp>’ lists only the
- first instance; to see them all, you must ask for a complete
- listing—in our example, ‘<samp>ar t b.a</samp>’.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt>‘<samp>x</samp>’</dt>
- <dd><a name="index-extract-from-archive"></a>
- <p><em>Extract</em> members (named <var>member</var>) from the archive. You can
- use the ‘<samp>v</samp>’ modifier with this operation, to request that
- <code>ar</code> list each name as it extracts it.
- </p>
- <p>If you do not specify a <var>member</var>, all files in the archive
- are extracted.
- </p>
- <p>Files cannot be extracted from a thin archive, and there are
- restrictions on extracting from archives created with <samp>P</samp>: The
- paths must not be absolute, may not contain <code>..</code>, and any
- subdirectories in the paths must exist. If it is desired to avoid
- these restrictions then used the <samp>--output</samp> option to specify
- an output directory.
- </p></dd>
- </dl>
- <p>A number of modifiers (<var>mod</var>) may immediately follow the <var>p</var>
- keyletter, to specify variations on an operation’s behavior:
- </p>
- <dl compact="compact">
- <dt>‘<samp>a</samp>’</dt>
- <dd><a name="index-relative-placement-in-archive"></a>
- <p>Add new files <em>after</em> an existing member of the
- archive. If you use the modifier ‘<samp>a</samp>’, the name of an existing archive
- member must be present as the <var>relpos</var> argument, before the
- <var>archive</var> specification.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt>‘<samp>b</samp>’</dt>
- <dd><p>Add new files <em>before</em> an existing member of the
- archive. If you use the modifier ‘<samp>b</samp>’, the name of an existing archive
- member must be present as the <var>relpos</var> argument, before the
- <var>archive</var> specification. (same as ‘<samp>i</samp>’).
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt>‘<samp>c</samp>’</dt>
- <dd><a name="index-creating-archives"></a>
- <p><em>Create</em> the archive. The specified <var>archive</var> is always
- created if it did not exist, when you request an update. But a warning is
- issued unless you specify in advance that you expect to create it, by
- using this modifier.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt>‘<samp>D</samp>’</dt>
- <dd><a name="index-deterministic-archives"></a>
- <a name="index-_002d_002denable_002ddeterministic_002darchives"></a>
- <p>Operate in <em>deterministic</em> mode. When adding files and the archive
- index use zero for UIDs, GIDs, timestamps, and use consistent file modes
- for all files. When this option is used, if <code>ar</code> is used with
- identical options and identical input files, multiple runs will create
- identical output files regardless of the input files’ owners, groups,
- file modes, or modification times.
- </p>
- <p>If <samp>binutils</samp> was configured with
- <samp>--enable-deterministic-archives</samp>, then this mode is on by default.
- It can be disabled with the ‘<samp>U</samp>’ modifier, below.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt>‘<samp>f</samp>’</dt>
- <dd><p>Truncate names in the archive. <small>GNU</small> <code>ar</code> will normally permit file
- names of any length. This will cause it to create archives which are
- not compatible with the native <code>ar</code> program on some systems. If
- this is a concern, the ‘<samp>f</samp>’ modifier may be used to truncate file
- names when putting them in the archive.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt>‘<samp>i</samp>’</dt>
- <dd><p>Insert new files <em>before</em> an existing member of the
- archive. If you use the modifier ‘<samp>i</samp>’, the name of an existing archive
- member must be present as the <var>relpos</var> argument, before the
- <var>archive</var> specification. (same as ‘<samp>b</samp>’).
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt>‘<samp>l</samp>’</dt>
- <dd><p>This modifier is accepted but not used.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt>‘<samp>N</samp>’</dt>
- <dd><p>Uses the <var>count</var> parameter. This is used if there are multiple
- entries in the archive with the same name. Extract or delete instance
- <var>count</var> of the given name from the archive.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt>‘<samp>o</samp>’</dt>
- <dd><a name="index-dates-in-archive"></a>
- <p>Preserve the <em>original</em> dates of members when extracting them. If
- you do not specify this modifier, files extracted from the archive
- are stamped with the time of extraction.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt>‘<samp>O</samp>’</dt>
- <dd><a name="index-offsets-of-files"></a>
- <p>Display member offsets inside the archive. Use together with the ‘<samp>t</samp>’
- option.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt>‘<samp>P</samp>’</dt>
- <dd><p>Use the full path name when matching or storing names in the archive.
- Archives created with full path names are not POSIX compliant, and
- thus may not work with tools other than up to date <small>GNU</small> tools.
- Modifying such archives with <small>GNU</small> <code>ar</code> without using
- <samp>P</samp> will remove the full path names unless the archive is a
- thin archive. Note that <samp>P</samp> may be useful when adding files to
- a thin archive since <samp>r</samp> without <samp>P</samp> ignores the path
- when choosing which element to replace. Thus
- </p><div class="smallexample">
- <pre class="smallexample">ar rcST archive.a subdir/file1 subdir/file2 file1
- </pre></div>
- <p>will result in the first <code>subdir/file1</code> being replaced with
- <code>file1</code> from the current directory. Adding <samp>P</samp> will
- prevent this replacement.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt>‘<samp>s</samp>’</dt>
- <dd><a name="index-writing-archive-index"></a>
- <p>Write an object-file index into the archive, or update an existing one,
- even if no other change is made to the archive. You may use this modifier
- flag either with any operation, or alone. Running ‘<samp>ar s</samp>’ on an
- archive is equivalent to running ‘<samp>ranlib</samp>’ on it.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt>‘<samp>S</samp>’</dt>
- <dd><a name="index-not-writing-archive-index"></a>
- <p>Do not generate an archive symbol table. This can speed up building a
- large library in several steps. The resulting archive can not be used
- with the linker. In order to build a symbol table, you must omit the
- ‘<samp>S</samp>’ modifier on the last execution of ‘<samp>ar</samp>’, or you must run
- ‘<samp>ranlib</samp>’ on the archive.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt>‘<samp>T</samp>’</dt>
- <dd><a name="index-creating-thin-archive"></a>
- <p>Make the specified <var>archive</var> a <em>thin</em> archive. If it already
- exists and is a regular archive, the existing members must be present
- in the same directory as <var>archive</var>.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt>‘<samp>u</samp>’</dt>
- <dd><a name="index-updating-an-archive"></a>
- <p>Normally, ‘<samp>ar r</samp>’… inserts all files
- listed into the archive. If you would like to insert <em>only</em> those
- of the files you list that are newer than existing members of the same
- names, use this modifier. The ‘<samp>u</samp>’ modifier is allowed only for the
- operation ‘<samp>r</samp>’ (replace). In particular, the combination ‘<samp>qu</samp>’ is
- not allowed, since checking the timestamps would lose any speed
- advantage from the operation ‘<samp>q</samp>’.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt>‘<samp>U</samp>’</dt>
- <dd><a name="index-deterministic-archives-1"></a>
- <a name="index-_002d_002denable_002ddeterministic_002darchives-1"></a>
- <p>Do <em>not</em> operate in <em>deterministic</em> mode. This is the inverse
- of the ‘<samp>D</samp>’ modifier, above: added files and the archive index will
- get their actual UID, GID, timestamp, and file mode values.
- </p>
- <p>This is the default unless <samp>binutils</samp> was configured with
- <samp>--enable-deterministic-archives</samp>.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt>‘<samp>v</samp>’</dt>
- <dd><p>This modifier requests the <em>verbose</em> version of an operation. Many
- operations display additional information, such as filenames processed,
- when the modifier ‘<samp>v</samp>’ is appended.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt>‘<samp>V</samp>’</dt>
- <dd><p>This modifier shows the version number of <code>ar</code>.
- </p></dd>
- </dl>
- <p>The <code>ar</code> program also supports some command-line options which
- are neither modifiers nor actions, but which do change its behaviour
- in specific ways:
- </p>
- <dl compact="compact">
- <dt>‘<samp>--help</samp>’</dt>
- <dd><p>Displays the list of command-line options supported by <code>ar</code>
- and then exits.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt>‘<samp>--version</samp>’</dt>
- <dd><p>Displays the version information of <code>ar</code> and then exits.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt>‘<samp>-X32_64</samp>’</dt>
- <dd><p><code>ar</code> ignores an initial option spelled ‘<samp>-X32_64</samp>’, for
- compatibility with AIX. The behaviour produced by this option is the
- default for <small>GNU</small> <code>ar</code>. <code>ar</code> does not support any
- of the other ‘<samp>-X</samp>’ options; in particular, it does not support
- <samp>-X32</samp> which is the default for AIX <code>ar</code>.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt>‘<samp>--plugin <var>name</var></samp>’</dt>
- <dd><a name="index-plugins"></a>
- <p>The optional command-line switch <samp>--plugin <var>name</var></samp> causes
- <code>ar</code> to load the plugin called <var>name</var> which adds support
- for more file formats, including object files with link-time
- optimization information.
- </p>
- <p>This option is only available if the toolchain has been built with
- plugin support enabled.
- </p>
- <p>If <samp>--plugin</samp> is not provided, but plugin support has been
- enabled then <code>ar</code> iterates over the files in
- <samp>${libdir}/bfd-plugins</samp> in alphabetic order and the first
- plugin that claims the object in question is used.
- </p>
- <p>Please note that this plugin search directory is <em>not</em> the one
- used by <code>ld</code>’s <samp>-plugin</samp> option. In order to make
- <code>ar</code> use the linker plugin it must be copied into the
- <samp>${libdir}/bfd-plugins</samp> directory. For GCC based compilations
- the linker plugin is called <samp>liblto_plugin.so.0.0.0</samp>. For Clang
- based compilations it is called <samp>LLVMgold.so</samp>. The GCC plugin
- is always backwards compatible with earlier versions, so it is
- sufficient to just copy the newest one.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt>‘<samp>--target <var>target</var></samp>’</dt>
- <dd><p>The optional command-line switch <samp>--target <var>bfdname</var></samp>
- specifies that the archive members are in an object code format
- different from your system’s default format. See
- See <a href="Target-Selection.html#Target-Selection">Target Selection</a>, for more information.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt>‘<samp>--output <var>dirname</var></samp>’</dt>
- <dd><p>The <samp>--output</samp> option can be used to specify a path to a
- directory into which archive members should be extracted. If this
- option is not specified then the current directory will be used.
- </p>
- <p>Note - although the presence of this option does imply a <samp>x</samp>
- extraction operation that option must still be included on the command
- line.
- </p>
- </dd>
- </dl>
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