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Pete (El Supremo) a27b78fc24 AudioSynthWaveform updated to add tone ramping when a tone starts and ends 11 年前
DialTone_7segment Dial tone example using only analog input (no audio shield) 11 年前
DialTone_DTMF Add DTMF Dial Tone decode + transmit example 11 年前
FFT initial beta release, for realz ;-) 11 年前
Filter Add comment to filter example 11 年前
PassThrough initial beta release, for realz ;-) 11 年前
PassThroughAnalog Fix PassThroughAnalog example 11 年前
PassThroughPlusTone Add AudioSynthWaveform (any waveform), remove AudioSineWave (sine only) 11 年前
PlayFromSketch Document analogReference in PlayFromSketch example 11 年前
PlayMidiTones AudioSynthWaveform updated to add tone ramping when a tone starts and ends 11 年前
PlaySineMikroe Add objects to use with Mikroe Audio Codec PROTO (AudioContolWM8731master, AudioInputI2Sslave, AudioOutpuI2Sslave), with example 11 年前
PlayWavFromSdCard initial beta release, for realz ;-) 11 年前
SdCardTest initial beta release, for realz ;-) 11 年前
SpectrumAnalyzer initial beta release, for realz ;-) 11 年前
effect_chorus Add chorus and flange effects and an example sketch for each 11 年前
effect_flange Add chorus and flange effects and an example sketch for each 11 年前
fir_filter Add the fir_filer sketch to the examples directory 11 年前
sd_speed_test initial beta release, for realz ;-) 11 年前